

This year is flying by… Drew would put it down to a sign of my advancing years, I prefer to think its a sign of being way too busy.

今年过去了…… Drew会把它归结为我前进的征兆,我更愿意认为这标志着我太忙了。

I am eagerly awaiting the delivery of my new computer, or rather the components that will be my new computer. The Small Person is also eagerly awaiting her new computer which will be my current doze box with a new case and some of the extra junk taken out.

我热切地等待着我的新计算机,或者即将成为我的新计算机的组件的交付。 小人物还热切地等待着她的新电脑,这将是我当前的打ze睡箱,里面装有一个新箱子,其中一些多余的垃圾被取出。

翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2001/07/01/july/

