



新版的OpenCVOpenCV 2.0及以后版本)提供了第三方的VideoInput库,该库实现了基于DirectShow的视频捕获,使用方便、功能强大,速度也很快。另外还有一个意外发现——腾讯QQ的视频捕获貌似用的也是这个库哦~~











int width=320;

int height=240;

IplImage *pRgb=cvCreateImage(cvSize(width,height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);

videoInput video;//创建视频捕获对象

video.setupDevice(0, width, height);//配置设备






        video.getPixels(0, (unsigned char *)pRgb->imageData, false, true);//获取一帧


        char c=cvWaitKey(1);

        if(c==27) break;//ESC退出

        cvShowImage(Video, pRgb);





"fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'atlthunk.lib'"


#pragma comment(linker, "/NODEFAULTLIB:atlthunk.lib")



//turns off console messages - default is to print messages

static void setVerbose(bool _verbose);


//Functions in rough order they should be used.

static int listDevices(bool silent = false);


//needs to be called after listDevices - otherwise returns NULL

static char * getDeviceName(int deviceID);


//choose to use callback based capture - or single threaded

void setUseCallback(bool useCallback);


//call before setupDevice

//directshow will try and get the closest possible framerate to what is requested

void setIdealFramerate(int deviceID, int idealFramerate);


//some devices will stop delivering frames after a while - this method gives you the option to try and reconnect

//to a device if videoInput detects that a device has stopped delivering frames.

//you MUST CALL isFrameNew every app loop for this to have any effect

void setAutoReconnectOnFreeze(int deviceNumber, bool doReconnect, int numMissedFramesBeforeReconnect);


//Choose one of these four to setup your device

bool setupDevice(int deviceID);

bool setupDevice(int deviceID, int w, int h);


//These two are only for capture cards

//USB and Firewire cameras souldn't specify connection

bool setupDevice(int deviceID, int connection);

bool setupDevice(int deviceID, int w, int h, int connection);


//If you need to you can set your NTSC/PAL/SECAM

//preference here. if it is available it will be used.

//see #defines above for available formats - eg VI_NTSC_M or VI_PAL_B

//should be called after setupDevice

//can be called multiple times

bool setFormat(int deviceNumber, int format);


//Tells you when a new frame has arrived - you should call this if you have specified setAutoReconnectOnFreeze to true

bool isFrameNew(int deviceID);


bool isDeviceSetup(int deviceID);


//Returns the pixels - flipRedAndBlue toggles RGB/BGR flipping - and you can flip the image too

unsigned char * getPixels(int deviceID, bool flipRedAndBlue = true, bool flipImage = false);


//Or pass in a buffer for getPixels to fill returns true if successful.

bool getPixels(int id, unsigned char * pixels, bool flipRedAndBlue = true, bool flipImage = false);


//Launches a pop up settings window

//For some reason in GLUT you have to call it twice each time.

void showSettingsWindow(int deviceID);


//Manual control over settings thanks.....

//These are experimental for now.

bool setVideoSettingFilter(int deviceID, long Property, long lValue, long Flags = NULL, bool useDefaultValue = false);

bool setVideoSettingFilterPct(int deviceID, long Property, float pctValue, long Flags = NULL);

bool getVideoSettingFilter(int deviceID, long Property, long &min, long &max, long &SteppingDelta, long ¤tValue, long &flags, long &defaultValue);


bool setVideoSettingCamera(int deviceID, long Property, long lValue, long Flags = NULL, bool useDefaultValue = false);

bool setVideoSettingCameraPct(int deviceID, long Property, float pctValue, long Flags = NULL);

bool getVideoSettingCamera(int deviceID, long Property, long &min, long &max, long &SteppingDelta, long ¤tValue, long &flags, long &defaultValue);


//bool setVideoSettingCam(int deviceID, long Property, long lValue, long Flags = NULL, bool useDefaultValue = false);


//get width, height and number of pixels

int  getWidth(int deviceID);

int  getHeight(int deviceID);

int  getSize(int deviceID);


//completely stops and frees a device

void stopDevice(int deviceID);


//as above but then sets it up with same settings

bool restartDevice(int deviceID);


//number of devices available

int  devicesFound;
