
本文为美国堪萨斯大学(作者:KRISHNA TEJA KARIDI)的硕士论文,共108页。

本文介绍了一种用于冰雪探测的机载高频雷达系统的实现,并对用于季节性积雪精细分辨率测量的超高频雷达系统进行了一系列改进。高频探测雷达设计在14.1兆赫和31.5兆赫的两个离散频段工作,峰值功率为1千瓦,与早期雷达相比实现了数量级上的增加。一个定制的发送/接收模块与一组集总元件阻抗匹配网络同时进行开发,适用于集成在Twin Otter飞机上。该系统于2016年集成并部署到格陵兰岛,显示了对雅各布沙文冰川某些区域冰/底界面的探测能力得到了改善,并有可能在未来通过面杂波抑制形成航迹上的横向孔径。另一方面,超高频雷达(又称CReSIS累积雷达)的性能也得到了显著改善,从5 - 10瓦峰值发射功率的单通道实现升级到1.6千瓦的多通道系统。这是通过开发定制的发送/接收模块来实现的,该模块能够快速切换并处理400-W峰值的通道,其中包括一个高速波形发生器和数据采集系统,以及升级的天线巴伦馈线。同样,在格陵兰岛的NASA P-3上,对于两个不同野外季节的观测能力都得到了显著提高。

This thesis documents the implementation of an airborne HF radar system for ice sounding; and a series of improvements made to a UHF radar system for fine-resolution measurements of seasonal snow accumulation. The HF sounder radar was designed to operate at two discrete frequency bands centered at 14.1 MHz and 31.5 MHz with a peak power level of 1 kW, which represents an order-of-magnitude increase with respect to earlier implementations. A custom transmit/receive module was developed along with a set of lumpedelement impedance matching networks suitable for integration on a Twin Otter Aircraft. The system was integrated and deployed to Greenland in 2016, showing improved detection capabilities of the ice/bottom interface in some areas of Jakobshavn Glacier and potential for future cross-track aperture formation for surface clutter mitigation. On the other hand, the performance of the UHF radar (also known as the CReSIS Accumulation radar) was significantly improved by transitioning from a single channel realization with 5-10 Watts peak transmit power into a multi-channel system with 1.6 kW. This was accomplished through the development of custom transmit/receive modules capable of fast switching and handling 400-W peak per channel , the incorporation of a high-speed waveform generator and data acquisition system, and the upgrade of the baluns feeding the antenna elements. Again, dramatically improved observation capabilities were demonstrated over the course of two different field seasons in Greenland onboard the NASA P-3.

1 引言

2 高频探测仪系统

3 累积雷达系统

4 600 – 900MHz的T/R开关与最终系统集成

5 结论与未来研究工作展望



