






#define PASSWORD_SIZE 100
#define PASSWORD      "myGOODpassword/n"
// The CR above is needed
// so as not to cut off
// the user-entered CR.
#pragma data_seg (".kpnc")
// Note that the period before the name
// isn't mandatory, just customary.
char passwd[ ]=PASSWORD;
#pragma data_seg ()

int main ()
// The counter for authentication failures
int count=0;
// The buffer for the user-entered password
char buff [PASSWORD_SIZE];

// The main authentication loop
for (;;)
// Prompting the user for a password
// and reading it
printf ("Enter password:");
fgets (&buff [0], PASSWORD_SIZE,stdin);

// Matching the entered password against the reference value
if (strcmp (&buff [0], passwd))
// "Scolding" if the passwords don't match;
printf ("Wrong password/n");
// otherwise (if the passwords are identical),
// getting out of the authentication loop
else break;

// Incrementing the counter of authentication failures
// and terminating the program if 3 attempts have been used
if (++count>3) return -1;

// Once we're here, the user has entered the right password.
printf ("Password OK/n");



                                                                                                     iCur+=(strlen(str+iCur)+1); // 计算偏移时不要忘了计算‘/0’字符所占的1个字节!
                                                                                                      free(str); // 释放字符串表空间
#pragma pack(push)
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct{
 unsigned short usMagic;
 unsigned short usNumSec;
 unsigned long ulTime;
 unsigned long ulSymolOffset;
 unsigned long ulNumSymbol;
 unsigned short usOptHdrSZ;
 unsigned short usFlags;

typedef struct {
    unsigned short usMagic;
 unsigned short usVersion;
 unsigned long ulTextSize;
 unsigned long ulInitDataSZ;
 unsigned long ulUnintiDataSZ;
 unsigned long uEntry;
 unsigned long ulTextBase;
 unsigned long ulDataBase;

typedef struct {
 char cName[8];
 unsigned long ulVSize;
 unsigned long ulVAddr;
 unsigned long ulSize;
 unsigned long ulSecOffset;
 unsigned long ulRelOffset;
 unsigned long ulLNOffset;
 unsigned short ulNumRel;
 unsigned short ulNumLN;
 unsigned long ulFlags;

typedef struct {
 unsigned long ulAddr;/* virtual address of reference */
 unsigned long uSymbol;
 unsigned short usType;

typedef struct {
 unsigned long ulAddrORSymbol;
 unsigned short usLineNq;


typedef struct {
 union {
  char cName[8];
  struct {
   unsigned long ulZero;
   unsigned long ulOffset;
 unsigned long ulValue;
 short iSection;
 unsigned short usType;
 unsigned char usClass;
 unsigned char usNumAux;
#pragma pack(pop)

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "coffHeader.h"
#include "stdlib.h"

using namespace std;
#define MaxMemoryBlock 200
void* pMemBlock[MaxMemoryBlock];

void ClearMallocBlock()
 int iFreeCnt = 0;
 while(iFreeCnt++ {

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
 int nMemCount = 0;
 FILE *pCoffFile = fopen("F://0501//Debug//erw.obj","rb+");

 int nSectionTotal0ffset = 0;
 char rt[500];
 int ct = 0;
 while(ct++ < 500)
   int er = 0;
 vector vSecHdr;
 vector   vSecData;
 vector  vReloc;
 vector vLineNo;

 unsigned long ulCheckNum = 0;
  return -1;
    nSectionTotal0ffset += sizeof(COFF_FILE_HEADER);

    printf("the magic number is %d/n",pCoffHeader->usMagic);
 printf("the usNumSec is %d/n",pCoffHeader->usNumSec);
 if(pCoffHeader->usOptHdrSZ != 0)
  printf("There is a Opt Header!/n");
  OPTHDR *pOptHdr = (OPTHDR*)malloc(sizeof(OPTHDR));
   return -1;
 int nSectionNum = pCoffHeader->usNumSec;
 int nTempSectionNum = nSectionNum;

  SECHDR *pSectionHeader = (SECHDR*)malloc(sizeof(SECHDR)); 
   return -1;
  printf("Section Name is %s/n",pSectionHeader->cName);
  unsigned long lSectionDataSize = pSectionHeader->ulSize; 


  void* pSectionData = (void*)malloc(lSectionDataSize);
   return -1;

  // RELOC Content
  if(pSectionHeader->ulSecOffset > 0)
   int nRelocStruct = pSectionHeader->ulNumRel;
    RELOC* pReloc = (RELOC*)malloc(sizeof(RELOC));
     return -1;
                ulCheckNum = pReloc->uSymbol;

  // LINENUM Content
  if(pSectionHeader->ulLNOffset > 0)

   int nLineNumStruct = pSectionHeader->ulNumLN;
    LINENO* pLineNum = (LINENO*)malloc(sizeof(LINENO));
     return -1;

 //Symbol table
 FILE *pSymbolFind = pCoffFile;
 unsigned long nSymbolNum = pCoffHeader->ulNumSymbol;
    vector vSymentTotal;
  SYMENT *pSyment = (SYMENT*)malloc(sizeof(SYMENT));



 int iStrlen,iCur=4; // iStrLen是字符串表的长度,iCur是当前字符串偏移
 char *str; // 字符串表
 fread(&iStrlen,1, 4,pSymbolFind); // 得到字符串表长度
  str = (char *)malloc(iStrlen); // 为字符串表分配空间
     // 读字符串表,直到全部读入内存

 iCur=4; // 把当前字符串偏移指到每一个字符串
 while (iCur  printf("String offset 0x%04X : %s/n", iCur, str + iCur);
  iCur+=(strlen(str+iCur)+1); // 计算偏移时不要忘了计算‘/0’字符所占的1个字节!
 free(str); // 释放字符串表空间

 return 0;






1.File Header

  Optional Header

  Section Header 1


  Section Header n

  Section Data 1

  Relocation Directives 1

  Line Numbers 1


    Section Data 2

  Relocation Directives 2

      Line Numbers 2


  Symbol Table

  String Table


每一部分的section data后面是接reloc Directive 和line number的信息的例如

例如:.text 的

ulSize = 162

ulSecOffset = 1328

ulRelOffset = 1490

ulLNOffset = 1600

ulNumRel  = 11

ulNumLN = 11

下一段 dataoffset为 1666


1328 + 162 = 1490

1490 + 11 *10 = 1600

1600 + 11*6 = 1666


2.reloc 表的 ulSymbol 这个所谓符号表索引为就是只第一个,比如coff头说有48个符号,那么ulSymbol


在我这里lineNum的ulAddrorsymbol的对应项是address ,至于这个需要对照IDA的结果看了,所以vc编译器的断点可以放在大括号上吧。


3.IDA把.debug$S .debug$T这个没有地址分配的section没有列出来,不过我看了一下,基本都是说明文件路径,lib名等一些辅助信息的,并没有什么实际意义



