
02.Real time obstacle detection on non flat road geometry through v-disparity representation
03.In-vehicle obstacles detection and characterization by stereovision
03.A single framework for vehicle roll, pitch, yaw estimation and obstacles detection by stereovision
13.Complex ground plane detection based on V-disparity map in off-road environment
首先,本部分ppt是由我的师妹王童鞋制作,此处应有掌声~ 菜鸟看论文——U-V-Disparity - IMAX - IMAX 的博客
二、 地面估计
02.Real time obstacle detection on non flat road geometry through v-disparity representation


15.Ground Segmentation and Occupancy Grid Generation Using Probability Fields
05.U-V-Disparity: An efficient algorithm for Stereovision Based Scene Analysis
An assumption in our proposed system is that  the stereo rig can only rotate in the pitch and yaw angle, q;f, and as such no angular rotation occurs in the roll direction
Expanding (1) the image coordinates of a point P are:
The epipolar constraint reduces the search for corresponding  pixels in the two images to a 1-D search problem along the  epipolar line. The disparity d of the matched feature is thus  calculated as:
Following the method presented in [4] Xp, Yp, Zp can be  derived from ul , v and d as follows to get:
03.A single framework for vehicle roll, pitch, yaw estimation and obstacles detection by



三、 相机姿态与几何
07.Global Correlation Based Ground Plane Estimation Using V-Disparity Image
05. Obstacle Detection with Stereo Vision  for Off-Road Vehicle Navigation
The behavior of the ground correlation line during a  pitch variation is to oscillate, parallel to itself. Experimentally,  we found out that the cameras height variation due  to oscillation has neglectable effects.
Actually, for the ground correlation lines to be exactly  parallel to each other, it should satisfy the conditions  shown in Fig. 2. In this figure, the y axis intersects the  ground plane through the point G, the distance(a) between  camera and G is fixed, and all different ground planes pass  through point G. In this situation, the ground plane can be  represented as
  At different pitch angles shown in Fig. 3, the slope  of ground plane in V-disparity image will be different(此时,y不是恒定的,而h是恒定的).
 The changing ratio of g
   approaches 0 when is small, and
  For the ground correlation lines to be parallel with each  other at different pitch angles, it only need to satisfy Eq. 11. Thus for a given 4w and certain pitch oscillation, we need  to reduce s. In [10], the tilt angle is 8.5. In [1], the tilt  angle is 7.73.
 The  change of slope is very small, the difference between the  greatest slope and smallest slope is merely 0.0652, which  is 1.17%. Thus the assumption that the ground correlation  lines under different pitch angles are parallel, is valid.

(1)在v-disparity图中利用线性相关系数判 定是否是直线,进而判定 roll是否为0,如果
