随机抽样一致算法(RANdom SAmple Consensus,RANSAC),采用迭代的方式从一组包含离群的被观测数据中估算出数学模型的参数。该算法最早由Fischler和Bolles于1981年提出。RANSAC算法假设数据中包含正确数据和异常数据(或称为噪声)。正确数据记为内点(inliers),异常数据记为外点(outliers)。算法核心思想就是随机性和假设性。
data – a set of observations
model – a model to explain observed data points
n – minimum number of data points required to estimate model parameters
k – maximum number of iterations allowed in the algorithm
t – threshold value to determine data points that are fit well by model
d – number of close data points required to assert that a model fits well to data
bestfit – model parameters which best fit the data (or nul if no good model is found)
iterations = 0
bestfit = nul
besterr = something really large
while iterations < k {
maybeinliers = n randomly selected values from data
maybemodel = model parameters fitted to maybeinliers
alsoinliers = empty set
for every point in data not in maybeinliers {
if point fits maybemodel with an error smaller than t
add point to alsoinliers
if the number of elements in alsoinliers is > d {
% this implies that we may have found a good model
% now test how good it is
bettermodel = model parameters fitted to all points in maybeinliers and alsoinliers
thiserr = a measure of how well bettermodel fits these points
if thiserr < besterr {
bestfit = bettermodel
besterr = thiserr
increment iterations
return bestfit
clc;clear all;close all;
%% Generate data
param = [5 5];
npa = length(param);
x = -20:20;
y = param*[x; ones(1,length(x))]+3*randn(1,length(x));
data = [x randi([-10,10],1,30);y randi([1,150],1,30)];
%% Plot
plot(data(1,:),data(2,:),'k*');hold on;
%% Ordinary least square method
p = polyfit(data(1,:),data(2,:),npa-1);
flms = polyval(p,x);
%% Ransac
Iter = 100;
sigma = 1;
Nums = 2;%number select
[bestParameter1,bestParameter2] = RANSAC_2DLineFitting(data,Nums,Iter,threshDist,inlierRatio);
number = size(data,2);
xAxis = -20:20;
yAxis = bestParameter1*xAxis + bestParameter2;
%% Plot
plot(x,flms,'r','linewidth',2);hold on;
title('RANSAC and least square method');
legend('random data','least square method','RANSAC')
% from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ransac>
function [bestParameter1,bestParameter2] = RANSAC_2DLineFitting(data,num,iter,threshDist,inlierRatio)
% data: a 2xn dataset with #n data points
% num: the minimum number of points. For line fitting problem, num=2
% iter: the number of iterations
% threshDist: the threshold of the distances between points and the fitting line
% inlierRatio: the threshold of the number of inliers
number = size(data,2); % Total number of points
bestInNum = 0; % Best fitting line with largest number of inliers
bestParameter1=0;bestParameter2=0; % parameters for best fitting line
for i=1:iter
%% Randomly select 2 points
idx = randperm(number,num); sample = data(:,idx);
%% Compute the distances between all points with the fitting line
kLine = sample(:,2)-sample(:,1);% two points relative distance
kLineNorm = kLine/norm(kLine);
normVector = [-kLineNorm(2),kLineNorm(1)];%Ax+By+C=0 A=-kLineNorm(2),B=kLineNorm(1)
distance = normVector*(data - repmat(sample(:,1),1,number));
%% Compute the inliers with distances smaller than the threshold
inlierIdx = find(abs(distance)<=threshDist);
inlierNum = length(inlierIdx);
%% Update the number of inliers and fitting model if better model is found
if inlierNum>=round(inlierRatio*number) && inlierNum>bestInNum
bestInNum = inlierNum;
parameter1 = (sample(2,2)-sample(2,1))/(sample(1,2)-sample(1,1));
parameter2 = sample(2,1)-parameter1*sample(1,1);
bestParameter1=parameter1; bestParameter2=parameter2;
%% Plot the best fitting line
% figure;plot(data(1,:),data(2,:),'o');hold on;
% % set(gcf,'outerposition',get(0,'screensize'));
% xAxis = -number/2:number/2;
% yAxis = bestParameter1*xAxis + bestParameter2;
% plot(xAxis,yAxis,'r-','LineWidth',2);
(1 − w^n)^k表示k次随机抽样中都没有找到一次全是内点的情况,这个时候得到的是错误解,也就是: