#include "ivector/agglomerative-clustering.h"
namespace kaldi {
void AgglomerativeClusterer::Cluster() {
KALDI_VLOG(2) << "Initializing cluster assignments.";
KALDI_VLOG(2) << "Clustering...";
// This is the main algorithm loop. It moves through the queue merging
// clusters until a stopping criterion has been reached.
while (num_clusters_ > min_clust_ && !queue_.empty()) {
std::pair > pr = queue_.top();
int32 i = (int32) pr.second.first, j = (int32) pr.second.second;
// check to make sure clusters have not already been merged
if ((active_clusters_.find(i) != active_clusters_.end()) &&
(active_clusters_.find(j) != active_clusters_.end()))
MergeClusters(i, j);
std::vector new_assignments(num_points_);
int32 label_id = 0;
std::set::iterator it;
// Iterate through the clusters and assign all utterances within the cluster
// an ID label unique to the cluster. This is the final output and frees up
// the cluster memory accordingly.
for (it = active_clusters_.begin(); it != active_clusters_.end(); ++it) {
AhcCluster *cluster = clusters_map_[*it];
std::vector::iterator utt_it;
for (utt_it = cluster->utt_ids.begin();
utt_it != cluster->utt_ids.end(); ++utt_it)
new_assignments[*utt_it] = label_id;
delete cluster;
BaseFloat AgglomerativeClusterer::GetCost(int32 i, int32 j) {
if (i < j)
return cluster_cost_map_[std::make_pair(i, j)];
return cluster_cost_map_[std::make_pair(j, i)];
void AgglomerativeClusterer::Initialize() {
KALDI_ASSERT(num_clusters_ != 0);
for (int32 i = 0; i < num_points_; i++) {
// create an initial cluster of size 1 for each point
std::vector ids;
AhcCluster *c = new AhcCluster(++count_, -1, -1, ids);
clusters_map_[count_] = c;
// propagate the queue with all pairs from the cost matrix
for (int32 j = i+1; j < num_clusters_; j++) {
BaseFloat cost = costs_(i,j);
cluster_cost_map_[std::make_pair(i+1, j+1)] = cost;
if (cost <= thresh_)
void AgglomerativeClusterer::MergeClusters(int32 i, int32 j) {
AhcCluster *clust1 = clusters_map_[i];
AhcCluster *clust2 = clusters_map_[j];
// For memory efficiency, the first cluster is updated to contain the new
// merged cluster information, and the second cluster is later deleted.
clust1->id = ++count_;
clust1->parent1 = i;
clust1->parent2 = j;
clust1->size += clust2->size;
clust1->utt_ids.insert(clust1->utt_ids.end(), clust2->utt_ids.begin(),
// Remove the merged clusters from the list of active clusters.
// Update the queue with all the new costs involving the new cluster
std::set::iterator it;
for (it = active_clusters_.begin(); it != active_clusters_.end(); ++it) {
// The new cost is the sum of the costs of the new cluster's parents
BaseFloat new_cost = GetCost(*it, i) + GetCost(*it, j);
cluster_cost_map_[std::make_pair(*it, count_)] = new_cost;
BaseFloat norm = clust1->size * (clusters_map_[*it])->size;
if (new_cost / norm <= thresh_)
queue_.push(std::make_pair(new_cost / norm,
clusters_map_[count_] = clust1;
delete clust2;
void AgglomerativeCluster(
const Matrix &costs,
BaseFloat thresh,
int32 min_clust,
std::vector *assignments_out) {
KALDI_ASSERT(min_clust >= 0);
AgglomerativeClusterer ac(costs, thresh, min_clust, assignments_out);
ivector-extractor.cc File Reference
#include "ivector/ivector-extractor.h"
#include "util/kaldi-thread.h"
Include dependency graph for ivector-extractor.cc:
#include "base/kaldi-common.h"
#include "matrix/matrix-lib.h"
#include "gmm/model-common.h"
#include "gmm/diag-gmm.h"
#include "gmm/full-gmm.h"
#include "itf/options-itf.h"
#include "util/common-utils.h"
#include "hmm/posterior.h"
namespace kaldi {
// Note, throughout this file we use SGMM-type notation because
// that's what I'm comfortable with.
// Dimensions:
// D is the feature dim (e.g. D = 60)
// I is the number of Gaussians (e.g. I = 2048)
// S is the ivector dim (e.g. S = 400)
// Options for estimating iVectors, during both training and test. Note: the
// "acoustic_weight" is not read by any class declared in this header; it has to
// be applied by calling IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats::Scale() before
// obtaining the iVector.
// The same is true of max_count: it has to be applied by programs themselves
// e.g. see ../ivectorbin/ivector-extract.cc.
struct IvectorEstimationOptions {
double acoustic_weight;
double max_count;
IvectorEstimationOptions(): acoustic_weight(1.0), max_count(0.0) {}
void Register(OptionsItf *opts) {
opts->Register("acoustic-weight", &acoustic_weight,
"Weight on part of auxf that involves the data (e.g. 0.2); "
"if this weight is small, the prior will have more effect.");
opts->Register("max-count", &max_count,
"Maximum frame count (affects prior scaling): if >0, the prior "
"term will be scaled up after the frame count exceeds this "
"value. Note that this count is considered after posterior "
"scaling (e.g. --acoustic-weight option, or scale argument to "
"scale-post), so you would normally use a cutoff 10 times "
"smaller than the corresponding number of frames.");
class IvectorExtractor;
class IvectorExtractorComputeDerivedVarsClass;
class IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats {
IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats(int32 num_gauss, int32 feat_dim,
bool need_2nd_order_stats):
gamma_(num_gauss), X_(num_gauss, feat_dim) {
if (need_2nd_order_stats) {
for (int32 i = 0; i < num_gauss; i++)
void AccStats(const MatrixBase &feats,
const Posterior &post);
void Scale(double scale); // Used to apply acoustic scale.
double NumFrames() { return gamma_.Sum(); }
friend class IvectorExtractor;
friend class IvectorExtractorStats;
Vector gamma_; // zeroth-order stats (summed posteriors), dimension [I]
Matrix X_; // first-order stats, dimension [I][D]
std::vector > S_; // 2nd-order stats, dimension [I][D][D], if
// required.
struct IvectorExtractorOptions {
int ivector_dim;
int num_iters;
bool use_weights;
IvectorExtractorOptions(): ivector_dim(400), num_iters(2),
use_weights(true) { }
void Register(OptionsItf *opts) {
opts->Register("num-iters", &num_iters, "Number of iterations in "
"iVector estimation (>1 needed due to weights)");
opts->Register("ivector-dim", &ivector_dim, "Dimension of iVector");
opts->Register("use-weights", &use_weights, "If true, regress the "
"log-weights on the iVector");
// Forward declaration. This class is used together with IvectorExtractor to
// compute iVectors in an online way, so we can update the estimate efficiently
// as we add frames.
class OnlineIvectorEstimationStats;
// Caution: the IvectorExtractor is not the only thing required to get an
// ivector. We also need to get posteriors from a GMM, typically a FullGmm.
// Typically these will be obtained in a process that involves using a DiagGmm
// for Gaussian selection, followed by getting posteriors from the FullGmm. To
// keep track of these, we keep them all in the same directory,
// e.g. final.{ubm,dubm,ie}.
class IvectorExtractor {
friend class IvectorExtractorStats;
friend class OnlineIvectorEstimationStats;
IvectorExtractor(): prior_offset_(0.0) { }
const IvectorExtractorOptions &opts,
const FullGmm &fgmm);
void GetIvectorDistribution(
const IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats &utt_stats,
VectorBase *mean,
SpMatrix *var) const;
double PriorOffset() const { return prior_offset_; }
double GetAuxf(const IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats &utt_stats,
const VectorBase &mean,
const SpMatrix *var = NULL) const;
double GetAcousticAuxf(const IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats &utt_stats,
const VectorBase &mean,
const SpMatrix *var = NULL) const;
double GetPriorAuxf(const VectorBase &mean,
const SpMatrix *var = NULL) const;
double GetAcousticAuxfVariance(
const IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats &utt_stats) const;
double GetAcousticAuxfMean(
const IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats &utt_stats,
const VectorBase &mean,
const SpMatrix *var = NULL) const;
double GetAcousticAuxfGconst(
const IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats &utt_stats) const;
double GetAcousticAuxfWeight(
const IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats &utt_stats,
const VectorBase &mean,
const SpMatrix *var = NULL) const;
void GetIvectorDistMean(
const IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats &utt_stats,
VectorBase *linear,
SpMatrix *quadratic) const;
void GetIvectorDistPrior(
const IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats &utt_stats,
VectorBase *linear,
SpMatrix *quadratic) const;
void GetIvectorDistWeight(
const IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats &utt_stats,
const VectorBase &mean,
VectorBase *linear,
SpMatrix *quadratic) const;
// Note: the function GetStats no longer exists due to code refactoring.
// Instead of this->GetStats(feats, posterior, &utt_stats), call
// utt_stats.AccStats(feats, posterior).
int32 FeatDim() const;
int32 IvectorDim() const;
int32 NumGauss() const;
bool IvectorDependentWeights() const { return w_.NumRows() != 0; }
void Write(std::ostream &os, bool binary) const;
void Read(std::istream &is, bool binary);
// Note: we allow the default assignment and copy operators
// because they do what we want.
void ComputeDerivedVars();
void ComputeDerivedVars(int32 i);
friend class IvectorExtractorComputeDerivedVarsClass;
// Imagine we'll project the iVectors with transformation T, so apply T^{-1}
// where necessary to keep the model equivalent. Used to keep unit variance
// (like prior re-estimation).
void TransformIvectors(const MatrixBase &T,
double new_prior_offset);
Matrix w_;
Vector w_vec_;
std::vector > M_;
std::vector > Sigma_inv_;
double prior_offset_;
// Below are *derived variables* that can be computed from the
// variables above.
Vector gconsts_;
Matrix U_;
std::vector > Sigma_inv_M_;
// var <-- quadratic_term^{-1}, but done carefully, first flooring eigenvalues
// of quadratic_term to 1.0, which mathematically is the least they can be,
// due to the prior term.
static void InvertWithFlooring(const SpMatrix &quadratic_term,
SpMatrix *var);
class OnlineIvectorEstimationStats {
// Search above for max_count to see an explanation; if nonzero, it will
// put a higher weight on the prior (vs. the stats) once the count passes
// that value.
OnlineIvectorEstimationStats(int32 ivector_dim,
BaseFloat prior_offset,
BaseFloat max_count);
OnlineIvectorEstimationStats(const OnlineIvectorEstimationStats &other);
// Accumulate stats for one frame.
void AccStats(const IvectorExtractor &extractor,
const VectorBase &feature,
const std::vector > &gauss_post);
// Accumulate stats for a sequence (or collection) of frames.
void AccStats(const IvectorExtractor &extractor,
const MatrixBase &features,
const std::vector > > &gauss_post);
int32 IvectorDim() const { return linear_term_.Dim(); }
void GetIvector(int32 num_cg_iters,
VectorBase *ivector) const;
double NumFrames() const { return num_frames_; }
double PriorOffset() const { return prior_offset_; }
double ObjfChange(const VectorBase &ivector) const;
double Count() const { return num_frames_; }
void Scale(double scale);
void Write(std::ostream &os, bool binary) const;
void Read(std::istream &is, bool binary);
// Override the default assignment operator
inline OnlineIvectorEstimationStats &operator=(const OnlineIvectorEstimationStats &other) {
this->prior_offset_ = other.prior_offset_;
this->max_count_ = other.max_count_;
this->num_frames_ = other.num_frames_;
return *this;
double Objf(const VectorBase &ivector) const;
double DefaultObjf() const;
friend class IvectorExtractor;
double prior_offset_;
double max_count_;
double num_frames_; // num frames (weighted, if applicable).
SpMatrix quadratic_term_;
Vector linear_term_;
// This code obtains periodically (for each "ivector_period" frames, e.g. 10
// frames), an estimate of the iVector including all frames up to that point.
// This emulates what you could do in an online/streaming algorithm; its use is
// for neural network training in a way that's matched to online decoding.
// [note: I don't believe we are currently using the program,
// ivector-extract-online.cc, that calls this function, in any of the scripts.].
// Caution: this program outputs the raw iVectors, where the first component
// will generally be very positive. You probably want to subtract PriorOffset()
// from the first element of each row of the output before writing it out.
// For num_cg_iters, we suggest 15. It can be a positive number (more -> more
// exact, less -> faster), or if it's negative it will do the optimization
// exactly each time which is slower.
// It returns the objective function improvement per frame from the "default" iVector to
// the last iVector estimated.
double EstimateIvectorsOnline(
const Matrix &feats,
const Posterior &post,
const IvectorExtractor &extractor,
int32 ivector_period,
int32 num_cg_iters,
BaseFloat max_count,
Matrix *ivectors);
struct IvectorExtractorStatsOptions {
bool update_variances;
bool compute_auxf;
int32 num_samples_for_weights;
int cache_size;
IvectorExtractorStatsOptions(): update_variances(true),
cache_size(100) { }
void Register(OptionsItf *opts) {
opts->Register("update-variances", &update_variances, "If true, update the "
"Gaussian variances");
opts->Register("compute-auxf", &compute_auxf, "If true, compute the "
"auxiliary functions on training data; can be used to "
"debug and check convergence.");
opts->Register("num-samples-for-weights", &num_samples_for_weights,
"Number of samples from iVector distribution to use "
"for accumulating stats for weight update. Must be >1");
opts->Register("cache-size", &cache_size, "Size of an internal "
"cache (not critical, only affects speed/memory)");
struct IvectorExtractorEstimationOptions {
double variance_floor_factor;
double gaussian_min_count;
int32 num_threads;
bool diagonalize;
IvectorExtractorEstimationOptions(): variance_floor_factor(0.1),
diagonalize(true) { }
void Register(OptionsItf *opts) {
opts->Register("variance-floor-factor", &variance_floor_factor,
"Factor that determines variance flooring (we floor each covar "
"to this times global average covariance");
opts->Register("gaussian-min-count", &gaussian_min_count,
"Minimum total count per Gaussian, below which we refuse to "
"update any associated parameters.");
opts->Register("diagonalize", &diagonalize,
"If true, diagonalize the quadratic term in the "
"objective function. This reorders the ivector dimensions"
"from most to least important.");
class IvectorExtractorUpdateProjectionClass;
class IvectorExtractorUpdateWeightClass;
class IvectorExtractorStats {
friend class IvectorExtractor;
IvectorExtractorStats(): tot_auxf_(0.0), R_num_cached_(0), num_ivectors_(0) { }
IvectorExtractorStats(const IvectorExtractor &extractor,
const IvectorExtractorStatsOptions &stats_opts);
void Add(const IvectorExtractorStats &other);
void AccStatsForUtterance(const IvectorExtractor &extractor,
const MatrixBase &feats,
const Posterior &post);
// This version (intended mainly for testing) works out the Gaussian
// posteriors from the model. Returns total log-like for feats, given
// unadapted fgmm. You'd want to add Gaussian pruning and preselection using
// the diagonal, GMM, for speed, if you used this outside testing code.
double AccStatsForUtterance(const IvectorExtractor &extractor,
const MatrixBase &feats,
const FullGmm &fgmm);
void Read(std::istream &is, bool binary, bool add = false);
void Write(std::ostream &os, bool binary); // non-const version; relates to cache.
// const version of Write; may use extra memory if we have stuff cached
void Write(std::ostream &os, bool binary) const;
double Update(const IvectorExtractorEstimationOptions &opts,
IvectorExtractor *extractor) const;
double AuxfPerFrame() { return tot_auxf_ / gamma_.Sum(); }
void IvectorVarianceDiagnostic(const IvectorExtractor &extractor);
// Copy constructor.
explicit IvectorExtractorStats (const IvectorExtractorStats &other);
friend class IvectorExtractorUpdateProjectionClass;
friend class IvectorExtractorUpdateWeightClass;
// This is called by AccStatsForUtterance
void CommitStatsForUtterance(const IvectorExtractor &extractor,
const IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats &utt_stats);
void CommitStatsForM(const IvectorExtractor &extractor,
const IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats &utt_stats,
const VectorBase &ivec_mean,
const SpMatrix &ivec_var);
void FlushCache();
void CommitStatsForSigma(const IvectorExtractor &extractor,
const IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats &utt_stats);
void CommitStatsForWPoint(const IvectorExtractor &extractor,
const IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats &utt_stats,
const VectorBase &ivector,
double weight);
void CommitStatsForW(const IvectorExtractor &extractor,
const IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats &utt_stats,
const VectorBase &ivec_mean,
const SpMatrix &ivec_var);
void CommitStatsForPrior(const VectorBase &ivec_mean,
const SpMatrix &ivec_var);
// Updates M. Returns the objf improvement per frame.
double UpdateProjections(const IvectorExtractorEstimationOptions &opts,
IvectorExtractor *extractor) const;
// This internally called function returns the objf improvement
// for this Gaussian index. Updates one M.
double UpdateProjection(const IvectorExtractorEstimationOptions &opts,
int32 gaussian,
IvectorExtractor *extractor) const;
// Updates the weight projections. Returns the objf improvement per
// frame.
double UpdateWeights(const IvectorExtractorEstimationOptions &opts,
IvectorExtractor *extractor) const;
// Updates the weight projection for one Gaussian index. Returns the objf
// improvement for this index.
double UpdateWeight(const IvectorExtractorEstimationOptions &opts,
int32 gaussian,
IvectorExtractor *extractor) const;
// Returns the objf improvement per frame.
double UpdateVariances(const IvectorExtractorEstimationOptions &opts,
IvectorExtractor *extractor) const;
// Updates the prior; returns obj improvement per frame.
double UpdatePrior(const IvectorExtractorEstimationOptions &opts,
IvectorExtractor *extractor) const;
// Called from UpdatePrior, separating out some code that
// computes likelihood changes.
double PriorDiagnostics(double old_prior_offset) const;
void CheckDims(const IvectorExtractor &extractor) const;
IvectorExtractorStatsOptions config_;
double tot_auxf_;
std::mutex gamma_Y_lock_;
Vector gamma_;
std::vector > Y_;
std::mutex R_lock_;
Matrix R_;
std::mutex R_cache_lock_;
int32 R_num_cached_;
Matrix R_gamma_cache_;
Matrix R_ivec_scatter_cache_;
std::mutex weight_stats_lock_;
Matrix Q_;
Matrix G_;
std::mutex variance_stats_lock_;
std::vector< SpMatrix > S_;
std::mutex prior_stats_lock_;
double num_ivectors_;
Vector ivector_sum_;
SpMatrix ivector_scatter_;
void GetOrthogonalIvectorTransform(const SubMatrix &T,
IvectorExtractor *extractor,
Matrix *A) const;
IvectorExtractorStats &operator = (const IvectorExtractorStats &other); // Disallow.
} // namespace kaldi