11g OCM备考2——第二场,数据可用性


1. catalog 配置

Create a rman recovery catalog in woods database, the recovery catalog store in tablespace RC_DATA with a file size 200m,

make sure the recovery catalog owner is RC_ADMIN password is same as username,

register the woods3woods4 database with the catalog on woods,

backup woods3 database in ‘/u01/app/oracle/backup’ and keep forver


2. flashback


Turn on Flashback Database for woods database

     Configure a flash recovery area of 4GB;

     Put your flash recovery area in /home/oracle/flash

     Configure the flashback retention 48 hours

2flashback table to before drop

user scott create table a from table scott.emp

drop table a

user scott create table a from table scott.dept

drop table a

flashback table earlier a

flashback table later a rename to b

3flashback database to restore point

     create a guaranteed restore point before_truncate;

     truncate table hr.job_history

     use flashback database to restore the hr.job_history table rows;



3. RMAN配置


1Configure rman options for the woods database

  1.1  turn backup optimazation on

  1.2  set you default channel to write to /home/oracle/backup

  1.3  turn on controlfile autobackup to write to /home/oracle/backup/control

  1.4  configure retention window of 7 days

  1.5  reduce the overheads of fast incremental backups to a minimum on the database


2 Perform backup

  2.1  perform a backup use default channel with compression algorithm ‘HIGH’

  2.2  include all datafile in the backup

  2.3  include current controlfile and spfile

  2.4  include all archive logs than remive originals

  2.5  section size 100m

  2.6  backup TAG is "Q107"

4. data recovery advisor

4.1 模拟错误


4.2 指导修复

rman target /

startup nomount;

alter database mount;

list failure; (列出错误)

advise failure;(给出指导建议)

repair failure preview;(看一下脚本的内容)

repair failure;(进行修复)







SQL> create tablespace RC_DATA datafile '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/woods/rc_data.dbf' size 200m ;

SQL> create user RC_ADMIN identified by RC_ADMIN temporary tablespace temp default tablespace RC_DATA quota unlimited on RC_DATA;

SQL> grant recovery_catalog_owner to RC_ADMIN;



[oracle@ocm ~]$ rman catalog  RC_ADMIN/RC_ADMIN;

RMAN> create catalog;

recovery catalog created  


[oracle@ocm2 ~]$ rman target / catalog RC_ADMIN/RC_ADMIN@woods

RMAN> register database;

database registered in recovery catalog

starting full resync of recovery catalog

full resync complete





RMAN> backup database format '/u01/app/oracle/backup/%U' keep forever;




[oracle@ocm ~]$ mkdir -p /home/oracle/flash

SQL> alter system set db_recovery_file_dest_size=4g;

SQL> alter system set db_recovery_file_dest='/home/oracle/flash';

SQL> alter system set db_flashback_retention_target=2880;

SQL> shutdown immediate;

SQL> startup mount;

SQL> alter database flashback on;

SQL> alter database open ;



SQL> create table a as select * from emp;

SQL> drop table a;

SQL> create table a as select * from emp;

SQL> drop table a;

SQL> select OBJECT_NAME,DROPTIME from recyclebin;

OBJECT_NAME                    DROPTIME

------------------------------ -------------------

BIN$MPC6Jqj5WOLgU6ABqMDTKw==$0 2016-04-20:13:49:16

BIN$MPC6Jqj6WOLgU6ABqMDTKw==$0 2016-04-20:13:49:22


SQL> flashback table "BIN$MPC6Jqj5WOLgU6ABqMDTKw==$0" to before drop;

SQL> flashback table " BIN$MPC6Jqj6WOLgU6ABqMDTKw==$0" to before drop rename to b;



SQL> create restore point before_truncate guarantee flashback database;


Restore point created.


SQL> select count(*) from hr.job_history;






SQL> truncate table hr.job_history;


Table truncated.


SQL> select count(*) from hr.job_history;






SQL> shutdown immediate;

SQL> startup mount;

SQL> flashback database to restore point before_truncate;


Flashback complete.


SQL> alter database open;

alter database open


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-01589: must use RESETLOGS or NORESETLOGS option for database open



SQL> alter database open RESETLOGS;


Database altered.


SQL> select count(*) from hr.job_history;







SQL> select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') from dual;




2016-04-20 14:12:09


SQL> select count(*) from hr.job_history;






SQL> truncate table hr.job_history;


Table truncated.


SQL> select count(*) from hr.job_history;






SQL> shutdown immediate;

Database closed.

Database dismounted.

ORACLE instance shut down.

SQL> startup mount;

ORACLE instance started.


Total System Global Area 1121554432 bytes

Fixed Size                  1344428 bytes

Variable Size             771755092 bytes

Database Buffers          335544320 bytes

Redo Buffers               12910592 bytes

Database mounted.

SQL> flashback database to timestamp to_timestamp('2016-04-20 14:12:09','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss');


Flashback complete.


SQL> alter database open;

alter database open


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-01589: must use RESETLOGS or NORESETLOGS option for database open



SQL> alter database open RESETLOGS;


Database altered.


SQL> select count(*) from hr.job_history;











[oracle@ocm ~]$ mkdir -p /home/oracle/backup


RMAN> CONFIGURE channel DEVICE TYPE DISK format '/home/oracle/backup/%U';


[oracle@ocm backup]$ mkdir -p /home/oracle/backup/control/


RMAN>  CONFIGURE RETENTION POLICY TO recovery window of 7 days;


[oracle@ocm backup]$ mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/tracking

SQL> alter database enable block change tracking using file '/u01/app/oracle/tracking';





RMAN> backup database section size 100m plus archivelog  delete all input tag "Q107";








[oracle@ocm ~]$ rm /u01/app/oracle/oradata/woods/redo03.log

[oracle@ocm ~]$ rm /u01/app/oracle/oradata/woods/system01.dbf

[oracle@ocm ~]$ rm /u01/app/oracle/oradata/woods/control01.ctl


[oracle@ocm ~]$ rman target /

RMAN> startup nomount;

RMAN> alter database mount;


using target database control file instead of recovery catalog

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================

RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================

RMAN-03002: failure of alter db command at 04/20/2016 15:55:36

ORA-00205: error in identifying control file, check alert log for more info


RMAN> list failure;


List of Database Failures



Failure ID Priority Status    Time Detected Summary

---------- -------- --------- ------------- -------

1482       CRITICAL OPEN      20-APR-16     Control file /u01/app/oracle/oradata/woods/control01.ctl is missing


RMAN> advise failure;


List of Database Failures



Failure ID Priority Status    Time Detected Summary

---------- -------- --------- ------------- -------

1482       CRITICAL OPEN      20-APR-16     Control file /u01/app/oracle/oradata/woods/control01.ctl is missing


analyzing automatic repair options; this may take some time

allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1

channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=20 device type=DISK

analyzing automatic repair options complete


Mandatory Manual Actions


no manual actions available


Optional Manual Actions


no manual actions available


Automated Repair Options


Option Repair Description

------ ------------------

1      Use a multiplexed copy to restore control file /u01/app/oracle/oradata/woods/control01.ctl 

  Strategy: The repair includes complete media recovery with no data loss

  Repair script: /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/woods/woods/hm/reco_1736238564.hm


RMAN> repair failure preview;


Strategy: The repair includes complete media recovery with no data loss

Repair script: /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/woods/woods/hm/reco_1736238564.hm


contents of repair script:

   # restore control file using multiplexed copy

   restore controlfile from '/u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/woods/control02.ctl';

   sql 'alter database mount';


RMAN> repair failure;


Strategy: The repair includes complete media recovery with no data loss

Repair script: /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/woods/woods/hm/reco_1736238564.hm


contents of repair script:

   # restore control file using multiplexed copy

   restore controlfile from '/u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/woods/control02.ctl';

   sql 'alter database mount';


Do you really want to execute the above repair (enter YES or NO)? yes

executing repair script


Starting restore at 20-APR-16

using channel ORA_DISK_1


channel ORA_DISK_1: copied control file copy

output file name=/u01/app/oracle/oradata/woods/control01.ctl

output file name=/u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/woods/control02.ctl

Finished restore at 20-APR-16


sql statement: alter database mount

released channel: ORA_DISK_1

repair failure complete


RMAN> alter database open;


RMAN-00571: ===========================================================

RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================

RMAN-03002: failure of alter db command at 04/20/2016 15:58:17

ORA-01157: cannot identify/lock data file 1 - see DBWR trace file

ORA-01110: data file 1: '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/woods/system01.dbf'


RMAN> list failure;


List of Database Failures



Failure ID Priority Status    Time Detected Summary

---------- -------- --------- ------------- -------

1551       CRITICAL OPEN      20-APR-16     System datafile 1: '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/woods/system01.dbf' is missing

1545       CRITICAL OPEN      20-APR-16     Redo log group 3 is unavailable

1548       HIGH     OPEN      20-APR-16     Redo log file /u01/app/oracle/oradata/woods/redo03.log is missing


RMAN> advise failure;


List of Database Failures



Failure ID Priority Status    Time Detected Summary

---------- -------- --------- ------------- -------

1551       CRITICAL OPEN      20-APR-16     System datafile 1: '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/woods/system01.dbf' is missing

1545       CRITICAL OPEN      20-APR-16     Redo log group 3 is unavailable

1548       HIGH     OPEN      20-APR-16     Redo log file /u01/app/oracle/oradata/woods/redo03.log is missing


analyzing automatic repair options; this may take some time

allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1

channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=20 device type=DISK

analyzing automatic repair options complete


Not all specified failures can currently be repaired.

The following failures must be repaired before advise for others can be given.


Failure ID Priority Status    Time Detected Summary

---------- -------- --------- ------------- -------

1545       CRITICAL OPEN      20-APR-16     Redo log group 3 is unavailable

1548       HIGH     OPEN      20-APR-16     Redo log file /u01/app/oracle/oradata/woods/redo03.log is missing


Mandatory Manual Actions


no manual actions available


Optional Manual Actions


1. If file /u01/app/oracle/oradata/woods/redo03.log was unintentionally renamed or moved, restore it


Automated Repair Options


Option Repair Description

------ ------------------

1      Clear redo log group 3 

  Strategy: The repair includes complete media recovery with no data loss

  Repair script: /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/woods/woods/hm/reco_1082024053.hm


RMAN> repair failure;


Strategy: The repair includes complete media recovery with no data loss

Repair script: /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/woods/woods/hm/reco_1082024053.hm


contents of repair script:

   # clear redo log group

   sql "begin sys.dbms_ir.execsqlscript(filename => ''/u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/woods/woods/hm/reco_2663588251.hm'' ); end;";


Do you really want to execute the above repair (enter YES or NO)? yes

executing repair script


sql statement: begin sys.dbms_ir.execsqlscript(filename => ''/u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/woods/woods/hm/reco_2663588251.hm'' ); end;

repair failure complete


RMAN> alter database open;


RMAN-00571: ===========================================================

RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================

RMAN-03002: failure of alter db command at 04/20/2016 16:00:13

ORA-01157: cannot identify/lock data file 1 - see DBWR trace file

ORA-01110: data file 1: '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/woods/system01.dbf'


RMAN> list failure;


List of Database Failures



Failure ID Priority Status    Time Detected Summary

---------- -------- --------- ------------- -------

1551       CRITICAL OPEN      20-APR-16     System datafile 1: '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/woods/system01.dbf' is missing


RMAN> advise failure;


List of Database Failures



Failure ID Priority Status    Time Detected Summary

---------- -------- --------- ------------- -------

1551       CRITICAL OPEN      20-APR-16     System datafile 1: '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/woods/system01.dbf' is missing


analyzing automatic repair options; this may take some time

using channel ORA_DISK_1

analyzing automatic repair options complete


Mandatory Manual Actions


no manual actions available


Optional Manual Actions


1. If file /u01/app/oracle/oradata/woods/system01.dbf was unintentionally renamed or moved, restore it


Automated Repair Options


Option Repair Description

------ ------------------

1      Restore and recover datafile 1 

  Strategy: The repair includes complete media recovery with no data loss

  Repair script: /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/woods/woods/hm/reco_151033871.hm


RMAN> repair failure;


Strategy: The repair includes complete media recovery with no data loss

Repair script: /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/woods/woods/hm/reco_151033871.hm


contents of repair script:

   # restore and recover datafile

   restore datafile 1;

   recover datafile 1;

   sql 'alter database datafile 1 online';


Do you really want to execute the above repair (enter YES or NO)? yes

executing repair script


Starting restore at 20-APR-16

using channel ORA_DISK_1


channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile backup set restore

channel ORA_DISK_1: specifying datafile(s) to restore from backup set


Finished recover at 20-APR-16


sql statement: alter database datafile 1 online

repair failure complete


Do you want to open the database (enter YES or NO)? yes

database opened

