kotlin set 私有_Kotlin可见性修改器–公共,受保护,内部,私有

kotlin set 私有

In this tutorial, we’ll be discussing the various Visibility Modifiers available in Kotlin programming.

在本教程中,我们将讨论Kotlin编程中可用的各种Visibility Modifiers。

Kotlin可见性修改器 (Kotlin Visibility Modifiers)

Visibility Modifiers are modifiers that when appended to a class/interface/property/function in Kotlin, would define where all it is visible and from where all it can be accessed.
The setters of properties in Kotlin can have a separate modifier from the property. The getters can’t have a visibility modifier defined. They use the same modifier as that of the property.

Kotlin中的属性设置器可以具有与属性不同的修饰符。 吸气剂不能定义可见性修饰符。 它们使用与属性相同的修饰符。

Following are the visibility modifiers:


  • public

  • protected

  • internal

  • private


公共修饰符 (Public Modifier)

A Public Modifier is the default modifier in Kotlin. Just like the Java public modifier, it means that the declaration is visible everywhere.

公共修饰符是Kotlin中的默认修饰符。 就像Java公共修饰符一样,它意味着该声明在任何地方都可见。

class Hello{

public class H{

fun hi()
public fun hello()

val i = 0
public val j = 5

All the above declarations are the in the top level of the file. ALL are public.
If we don’t mention the declaration of the members of the class, they are public(unless they are overridden).

以上所有声明都在文件的顶层。 所有都是公开的。

保护修饰符 (Protected Modifier)

A Protected Modifier in Kotlin:
CANNOT be set on top-level declarations.
Declarations that are protected in a class, can be accessed only in their subclasses.


open class Pr{
    protected val i = 0

class Another : Pr{

    fun iValue() : Int
        return i

Classes which are not a subclass of Pr cannot access i


Declarations that are protected, when overridden would have the same protected modifier in the subclass unless you explicitly change them.


open class Pr{
    open protected val i = 0

class Another : Pr(){

    fun iValue() : Int
        return i
    override val i = 5 //protected visibility

The concept of Protected Modifiers in Kotlin that’s defined above differs from that in Java.


内部修饰符 (Internal Modifier)

Internal is a new modifier available in Kotlin that’s not there in Java.
Setting a declaration as internal means that it’ll be available in the same module only.
By module in Kotlin, we mean a group of files that are compiled together.


internal class A {

internal val x = 0

These won’t be visible outside the current module.
Internal Modifiers is useful when you need to hide specific library implementations from the users.
This wasn’t possible using the package-private visibility in Java.


私人修饰符 (Private Modifiers)

Private Modifiers do not allow the declarations to be visible outside the current scope.


var setterVisibility: String = "abc"
private set

open class Pr{
    open protected val i = 0

    fun iValue() : Int
        setterVisibility = 10
        return setterVisibility

Since kotlin allows multiple top level definitions the above code works.


The below doesn’t


private open class ABC{
    private val x = 6

private class BDE : ABC()
    fun getX()
        return x //x cannot be accessed here.

x is visibile only from inside its class.


We can set private constructors in the following way:


class PRIV private constructor(a: String) {

By default classes have public constructors. Wherever the class goes the constructor follows.
We need to set the visibility modifier on the constructor in the definition itself.

默认情况下,类具有公共构造函数。 该类到哪里去,构造函数都将遵循。

Thus Kotlin uses the protected and internal modifiers differently from Java. Also Java’s default modifier is package-private which doesn’t exist in Kotlin, yet.

因此,Kotlin与Java不同地使用了protected和internal修饰符。 Java的默认修饰符是package-private,但Kotlin中尚不存在。

This brings an end to this quick tutorial on Visibility Modifiers in Kotlin.


翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/20235/kotlin-visibility-modifiers-public-protected-internal-private

kotlin set 私有

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