

To proceed, either fix the issues identified by lint, or modify your build script as follows:
android {
    lintOptions {
        checkReleaseBuilds false
        // Or, if you prefer, you can continue to check for errors in release builds,
        // but continue the build even when errors are found:
        abortOnError false

那么怎么去查看Lint发现的这个致命错误呢?在项目目录下app/build/reports/lint-results-release-fatal.html 文件,这个文件就详细描述了release时lint检测到的比较严重的结果,我们可以用浏览器打开这个文件!

  1. 位置

  2. Lint文件内容

  3. 若不希望Lint检测一些项的解决方法
    3.1 系统性介绍说明
    3.2 禁止的方法

Suppressing Warnings and Errors

Lint errors can be suppressed in a variety of ways:

1. With a @SuppressLint annotation in the Java code
2. With a tools:ignore attribute in the XML file
3. With a //noinspection comment in the source code
4. With ignore flags specified in the build.gradle file, as explained below
5. With a lint.xml configuration file in the project
6. With a lint.xml configuration file passed to lint via the --config flag
7. With the --ignore flag passed to lint.

To suppress a lint warning with an annotation, add a @SuppressLint("id") annotation on the class, method or variable declaration closest to the warning instance you want to disable. The id can be one or more issue id's, such as "UnusedResources" or {"UnusedResources","UnusedIds"}, or it can be "all" to suppress all lint warnings in the given scope.

To suppress a lint warning with a comment, add a //noinspection id comment on the line before the statement with the error.

To suppress a lint warning in an XML file, add a tools:ignore="id" attribute on the element containing the error, or one of its surrounding elements. You also need to define the namespace for the tools prefix on the root element in your document, next to the xmlns:android declaration:
To suppress a lint warning in a build.gradle file, add a section like this:

android {
    lintOptions {
        disable 'TypographyFractions','TypographyQuotes'

Here we specify a comma separated list of issue id's after the disable command. You can also use warning or error instead of disable to change the severity of issues.

To suppress lint warnings with a configuration XML file, create a file named lint.xml and place it at the root directory of the module in which it applies.

The format of the lint.xml file is something like the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- Ignore everything in the test source set -->
    <issue id="all">
        <ignore path="*/test/*" />

    <!-- Disable this given check in this project -->
    <issue id="IconMissingDensityFolder" severity="ignore" />

    <!-- Ignore the ObsoleteLayoutParam issue in the given files -->
    <issue id="ObsoleteLayoutParam">
        <ignore path="res/layout/activation.xml" />
        <ignore path="res/layout-xlarge/activation.xml" />
        <ignore regexp="(foo|bar).java" />

    <!-- Ignore the UselessLeaf issue in the given file -->
    <issue id="UselessLeaf">
        <ignore path="res/layout/main.xml" />

    <!-- Change the severity of hardcoded strings to "error" -->
    <issue id="HardcodedText" severity="error" />

To suppress lint checks from the command line, pass the --ignore flag with a comma separated list of ids to be suppressed, such as:
$ lint --ignore UnusedResources,UselessLeaf /my/project/path

For more information, see http://g.co/androidstudio/suppressing-lint-warnings
