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Plasma is the fourth state of matter in addition to solid, liquid, and gas 等离子为固液气态之外的物质第四态;
Plasmons are oscillations of the electrons in a plasma. 等离子体是等离子态的电子的振荡。
surface plasmons are coherent electron oscillations that exist at the interface between any two materials where the real part of the permittivity changes sign across a metal–dielectric interface. 表面等离子体是耦合电子的振荡,存在于两种材料的交界面,其中介电常数的实部在穿过金属-电介质交界面时会改变正负符号。
Surface Plasmon Resonance is the resonant oscillations of the electrons that exist at the interface between any two materials where the real part of the permittivity changes sign across a metal–dielectric interface 表面等离子谐振是存在于两种材料交界面上的电子的谐振,其中介电常数的实部在穿过金属-电介质交界面时会改变正负符号。
Surface Plasmon Polaritons are EM excitations propagating at the interface between a dielectric and a conductor, having field distributions that are evanescent in nature, both in the longitudinal and in the perpendicular direction of propagation,表面等离基元是一种传播于介质和导体交界面的电磁激励,它的场分布在传播向的切向和法向上都是倏逝的。surface waves 是一种表面波吧。

a surface wave is a slow wave and hugs closer to the surface with an increase in frequency.表面波是一种慢波,随着频率升高而愈发紧贴表面。表面波的定义比较复杂,在微波领域讨论比较多。

localized SPR (LSPR)

参见Surface Plasmons/Polaritons, Surface Waves, and Zenneck Waves IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine
Year: 2017, Volume: 59, Issue: 3 Pages: 77 - 93
