

public abstract long transferTo(long position, long count,
                                    WritableByteChannel target)
        throws IOException;


public long transferTo(long position, long count,
                           WritableByteChannel target)
        throws IOException
        if (!target.isOpen())
            throw new ClosedChannelException();
        if (!readable)
            throw new NonReadableChannelException();
        if (target instanceof FileChannelImpl &&
            throw new NonWritableChannelException();
        if ((position < 0) || (count < 0))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        long sz = size();
        if (position > sz)
            return 0;
        int icount = (int)Math.min(count, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
        if ((sz - position) < icount)
            icount = (int)(sz - position);

        long n;

        // Attempt a direct transfer, if the kernel supports it
        if ((n = transferToDirectly(position, icount, target)) >= 0)
            return n;

        // Attempt a mapped transfer, but only to trusted channel types
        if ((n = transferToTrustedChannel(position, icount, target)) >= 0)
            return n;

        // Slow path for untrusted targets
        return transferToArbitraryChannel(position, icount, target);


private long transferToDirectly(long position, int icount,
                                    WritableByteChannel target)
        throws IOException
        if (!transferSupported)
            return IOStatus.UNSUPPORTED;

        FileDescriptor targetFD = null;
        if (target instanceof FileChannelImpl) {
            if (!fileSupported)
                return IOStatus.UNSUPPORTED_CASE;
            targetFD = ((FileChannelImpl)target).fd;
        } else if (target instanceof SelChImpl) {
            // Direct transfer to pipe causes EINVAL on some configurations
            if ((target instanceof SinkChannelImpl) && !pipeSupported)
                return IOStatus.UNSUPPORTED_CASE;
            targetFD = ((SelChImpl)target).getFD();
        if (targetFD == null)
            return IOStatus.UNSUPPORTED;
        int thisFDVal = IOUtil.fdVal(fd);
        int targetFDVal = IOUtil.fdVal(targetFD);
        if (thisFDVal == targetFDVal) // Not supported on some configurations
            return IOStatus.UNSUPPORTED;

        long n = -1;
        int ti = -1;
        try {
            ti = threads.add();
            if (!isOpen())
                return -1;
            do {
                n = transferTo0(thisFDVal, position, icount, targetFDVal);
            } while ((n == IOStatus.INTERRUPTED) && isOpen());
            if (n == IOStatus.UNSUPPORTED_CASE) {
                if (target instanceof SinkChannelImpl)
                    pipeSupported = false;
                if (target instanceof FileChannelImpl)
                    fileSupported = false;
                return IOStatus.UNSUPPORTED_CASE;
            if (n == IOStatus.UNSUPPORTED) {
                // Don't bother trying again
                transferSupported = false;
                return IOStatus.UNSUPPORTED;
            return IOStatus.normalize(n);
        } finally {
            end (n > -1);


// Transfers from src to dst, or returns -2 if kernel can't do that
    private native long transferTo0(int src, long position, long count, int dst);

jni的 transferTo0()方法

Java_sun_nio_ch_FileChannelImpl_transferTo0(JNIEnv *env, jobject this,
                                            jint srcFD,
                                            jlong position, jlong count,
                                            jint dstFD)
#if defined(__linux__)
    off64_t offset = (off64_t)position;
    jlong n = sendfile64(dstFD, srcFD, &offset, (size_t)count);
    if (n < 0) {
        if (errno == EAGAIN)
            return IOS_UNAVAILABLE;
        if ((errno == EINVAL) && ((ssize_t)count >= 0))
            return IOS_UNSUPPORTED_CASE;
        if (errno == EINTR) {
            return IOS_INTERRUPTED;
        JNU_ThrowIOExceptionWithLastError(env, "Transfer failed");
        return IOS_THROWN;
    return n;
#elif defined (__solaris__)
    sendfilevec64_t sfv;
    size_t numBytes = 0;
    jlong result;

    sfv.sfv_fd = srcFD;
    sfv.sfv_flag = 0;
    sfv.sfv_off = (off64_t)position;
    sfv.sfv_len = count;

    result = sendfilev64(dstFD, &sfv, 1, &numBytes);

    /* Solaris sendfilev() will return -1 even if some bytes have been
     * transferred, so we check numBytes first.
    if (numBytes > 0)
        return numBytes;
    if (result < 0) {
        if (errno == EAGAIN)
            return IOS_UNAVAILABLE;
        if (errno == EOPNOTSUPP)
            return IOS_UNSUPPORTED_CASE;
        if ((errno == EINVAL) && ((ssize_t)count >= 0))
            return IOS_UNSUPPORTED_CASE;
        if (errno == EINTR)
            return IOS_INTERRUPTED;
        JNU_ThrowIOExceptionWithLastError(env, "Transfer failed");
        return IOS_THROWN;
    return result;
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
    off_t numBytes;
    int result;

    numBytes = count;

#ifdef __APPLE__
    result = sendfile(srcFD, dstFD, position, &numBytes, NULL, 0);

    if (numBytes > 0)
        return numBytes;

    if (result == -1) {
        if (errno == EAGAIN)
            return IOS_UNAVAILABLE;
        if (errno == EOPNOTSUPP || errno == ENOTSOCK || errno == ENOTCONN)
            return IOS_UNSUPPORTED_CASE;
        if ((errno == EINVAL) && ((ssize_t)count >= 0))
            return IOS_UNSUPPORTED_CASE;
        if (errno == EINTR)
            return IOS_INTERRUPTED;
        JNU_ThrowIOExceptionWithLastError(env, "Transfer failed");
        return IOS_THROWN;

    return result;

底层是通过调用linux的sendFile()函数 或 sendFile64()函数 实现



