
写在前面:本文是我做毕业设计参考的一篇并不如何有名的外文文献,其题名为:《OFFICER:A general optimization framework for OpenFlow  Rule Allocation and Endpoint Policy Enforcement》。有兴趣的朋友可以谷歌该题目,找到就可以下载了。不过为了方便,我尽量还是中英文对照着来写吧,今天是第五部分。

With this section we provide a broad discussion on the model presented in Sec. II  as well as the assumptions that drove it.
A. Routing policy
Relaxing routing policy allows better usage of the network but comes with the expense of potential high path stretch.Nevertheless, nothing prevents to add constraints in our model to account for a particular routing policy. For example, the constraint can be added to control the maximum path length of each flow. This constraint binds the path length to an arbitrary value pre-computed by the operator, with α(f) : F->R. For example,α(f) = h · shortest_path_length(f)  to authorize a maximum path stretch h (e.g., h = 1.5 authorizes paths to be up to 50% longer than the corresponding shortest paths).




松散路由规则允许对网络更好的使用但也伴随着潜在的高路径延展这一代价。尽管如此,没有什么能够阻止向我们的模型中加入限制来对一个特殊的路由规则作出解释。例如,可以加入限制来控制每条流的最大路径长度。这一限制绑定了路径长度和操作者预先计算的任意值,通过式子α(f) : F->R例如,

α(f) = h · shortest_path_length(f) 允许一个最大路径延展h(例如,h = 1.5就允许路径可以比相应的最短路径长百分之五十)。

B. Rule Aggregation
To aggregate two rules having the same forwarding action into one single rule, a common matching pattern must be found between the two rules. Constraints (5) and (6) provide a first step towards rules aggregation: on a switch, if the forwarding decision for a flow is the same as the default action, the rule for the flow does not need to be installed. However, a problem occurs when the common matching pattern also matches for another rule that has a different action. The latter rule should not be covered by the aggregating rule as that could create loop events or incorrect forwarding. Consequently, the construction of the minimal set of rules in a switch by using aggregation requires the knowledge of the allocation matrix that, in turn, will be affected by the aggregation. This risk of non-linearity is a reason why we assume that one forwarding rule is used for at most one flow and why we limit aggregation to the default rule only.



C. Multipath
The model presented in Sec. II  assigns one forwarding path per flow. As a result, all the packets of a flow follow the same path to the egress link, which ensures that packet arrival order is maintained. Nevertheless, our model does not prevent multipath routing. To do so, the pattern matching of a flow to be forwarded on several paths must be redefined from the one used in case of one forwarding path. From a network point of view, the flow will then be seen as multiple flows, one per matching pattern. Consequently, the optimizer might give different forwarding paths for packets initially belonging to the same flow. For example, one can assign a label to packets when they enter the network and then use labels to decide to which rule the packet matches. This may increase significantly the number of rules to be installed in the network and the gain of having several such paths must be compared to the cost of having them. In most situations, multipath routing at the flow level might not be necessary as we are not enforcing any routing policy in our model, which limits the risk of having the traffic matching one rule to be enough to saturate one link.




Rule allocation in OpenFlow has been largely covered over the last years. Part of the related work proceeds by local optimization on switches to increase their efficiency in handling the installed rules. The other part, which is more relevant to our work, solves the problem network-wide and produces a set of compressed rules together with their placement. Our present research builds upon this rich research area and presents an original model, together with its solution, for the rule allocation problem where the routing can be relaxed for the only objective of placing as many as rules as possible that respect the predefined endpoint policy.




For the first part, several mechanisms based on wildcard rules have been proposed to minimize the rule space consumption on switches as well as to limit the signaling overhead between switches and controller. DevoFlow [18] uses wildcard rules to handle short flows locally on switches. DomainFlow [19]
divides the network into one domain using wildcard rules and another domain using exact matching rules. SwitchReduce [20] proposes to compress all rules that have the same actions into a wildcard rule with the exception of the first hop swi



To reduce further memory usage, latest versions of OpenFlow support pipelining and multi-level flow tables [21]. Consequently,the large forwarding table is split in a hierarchy of smaller tables that can be combined to build complex forwarding rules with less entries. However, even though these techniques improve memory usage, they do not remove the exponential growth of state with the number of flows and nodes in the network.


As for the second part, some works suggest to use special devices to perform rule placement. DIFANE [22] places the most important rules at some additional devices, called authority switches. Then, ingress switches redirect unmatching packets towards these specific devices, which enables reducing load on the controller and, at the same time, decreasing the number of rules required to be stored on ingress switches. vCRIB [23] installs rules on both hypervisors and switches to increase performance while limiting resource usage. Other works optimize rule allocation on switches themselves. Palette [10]
and OneBigSwitch [1] produce the aggregated rule sets that satisfy the endpoint policy and place them on switches while respecting the routing policy and minimizing the resources.However both Palette and OneBigSwitch cannot be used in scenarios where resources are missing to satisfy the endpoint
policy. In [24], the rule allocation is modeled as a constrained optimization problem focusing on the minimization of the overall energy consumption of switches. Finally, the authors in [7] propose a network-wide optimization to place as many rules as possible under memory and link capacity constraints.



While the related works presented above focus on particular aspects of the rule allocation problem in OpenFlow, with OFFICER we are the first to propose a general solution that is able to cope with endpoint and routing policies, network constraints, and high-level operational objectives.



We presented in this work a new algorithm called OFFICER for rule allocation in OpenFlow. Starting from a set of endpoint policies to satisfy, OFFICER respects as many of these policies as possible within the limit of available network resources both on switches and links. The originality of OFFICER is in
its capacity to relax the routing policy inside the network for the objective of obtaining the maximum in terms of endpoint policies. OFFICER is based on an integer linear optimization model and a set of heuristics to approximate the optimal allocation in polynomial time. The gain from OFFICER was shown by numerical simulations over realistic network topologies and traffic traces.



This work is funded by the French ANR under the “ANR-13-INFR-013” DISCO project on SDN.



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