
MSc Financial Mathematics

Full time 1 Year

Department: Mathematics

Programme Overview

The programme draws on LSE's strengths in finance and related areas to provide high-level instruction in the mathematical theory underlying finance, and training in appropriate computational methods.


The MSc Financial Mathematics is based in the Department of Mathematics, and is taught in collaboration with the Department of Finance and the Department of Statistics.


The programme aims to develop your understanding of quantitative methodologies and techniques that are important for a range of jobs in investment banks and other financial institutions; to enhance your critical appreciation of major issues and emerging theory in the area of financial mathematics; and to improve your personal skills, including logical reasoning, quantitative analysis and the presentation of technical results.


In addition to compulsory courses in The Mathematics of the Black and Scholes Theory, The Foundations of Interests Rate and Credit Risk Theory, Stochastic Processes, Fixed Income Markets, and Computational Methods in Finance, you will choose optional courses to the value of one and a half units. Choices include stochastic analysis, preferences, optimal portfolio choice, equilibrium, derivatives modelling, Markov processes, financial risk analysis, international finance, and forecasting of financial time series.


Programme Structure

You will begin by taking the compulsory pre-sessional course, which introduces some key concepts and techniques of relevant mathematical theory, such as probability. 

必修的学前课程 介绍关键概念和数学技能,例如概率论

You will then take five compulsory courses and will choose optional courses from a range of options, including stochastic analysis, preferences, optimal portfolio choice, equilibrium, derivatives modelling, Markov processes, financial risk analysis, international finance, and forecasting of financial time series. You will also take the non-assessed non-credit course Programming in C++. 

5门必修课程 和 从一系列选修课程中选择选修课程 还有一门不会评分,没有学分的C++编程课程。

(* denotes half unit) 

The Mathematics of the Black and Scholes Theory*

Focuses on mathematical development of the risk-neutral valuation theory.

The Foundations of Interest Rate and Credit Risk Theory*

Examines the mathematical foundations of interest rate and credit risk theory. 

Stochastic Processes*

Provides a broad introduction to stochastic processes, with an emphasis on financial and actuarial applications. 

Fixed Income Markets* 

Focuses on recent developments in fixed income securities pricing, hedging and portfolio management. 

Computational Methods in Finance* 

Develops computational skills and introduces a range of numerical techniques of importance to financial engineering. 

Programming in C++ (non-assessed)

Provides an introduction to programming with the C++ programming language.

Academic Requirements

Upper second class honours (2:1) degree or equivalent in mathematics or another mathematics-based subject.

2等1 荣誉学位 或者同等国际学历 数学专业或者其他数学为基础的专业 

Competition for places at the School is high. This means that even if you meet the minimum entry requirement, this does not guarantee you an offer of admission. 学校位置竞争很激烈,即使满足最低标准也不一定会录取


GMAT or GRE is required for all applicants without a UK undergraduate degree (GMAT strongly preferred). GMAT is recommended for applicants with UK undergraduate degrees, especially those whose quantitative skills are not demonstrated by their undergraduate studies, or those who did not achieve or are not expected to achieve a first class degree.  


Professional experience 工作经历

Work experience (either through internships or full employment) is not a pre-requisite; however, applicants who have some professional experience should include this in their application, as it may strengthen their application.


English Language Requirements


Fees and cost

Tuition fees per year 2019/20

UK/EU:£28,056 full-time

International: £28,608 full-time

