vscode 快捷键大全

vscode 快捷键大全




[注意] 插件的快捷键请在插件说明(文档)内查看,vscode不提供此类快捷键

Visual Studio Code (Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows)

按键 说明
General 普通
Ctrl+Shift+P, F1 Show Command Palette
Ctrl+P Quick Open, Go to File…
Ctrl+Shift+N New window/instance
Ctrl+Shift+W Close window/instance
Ctrl+, User Settings
Ctrl+K Ctrl+S Keyboard Shortcuts (显示所有快捷键,太多专业名词调到中文你就懂了)
Basic editing 基本编辑
Ctrl+X Cut line (empty selection)
Ctrl+C Copy line (empty selection)
Alt+ ↑ / ↓ Move line up/down
Shift+Alt + ↓ / ↑ Copy line up/down
Ctrl+Shift+K Delete line
Ctrl+Enter Insert line below(在当前输入行的下面插入一行)
Ctrl+Shift+Enter Insert line above(在当前输入行的下面插入一行,试了一下没成功)
Ctrl+Shift+\ Jump to matching bracket(跳转到匹配的标签)
Ctrl+] / [ Indent/outdent line(缩进取消缩进,注意中间那个][中间的斜杠不需要按)
Home / End Go to beginning/end of line
Ctrl+Home Go to beginning of file(跳转至文件开始处)
Ctrl+End Go to end of file(跳转到文件结尾处)
Ctrl+↑ / ↓ Scroll line up/down(滚动一行)
Alt+PgUp / PgDn Scroll page up/down(整页滚动)
Ctrl+Shift+[ Fold (collapse) region(收起当前代码块)
Ctrl+Shift+] Unfold (uncollapse) region(打开当前代码块)
Ctrl+K Ctrl+[ Fold (collapse) all subregions(收起所有代码块)
Ctrl+K Ctrl+] Unfold (uncollapse) all subregions(打开所有代码块)
Ctrl+K Ctrl+0 Fold (collapse) all regions(收起所有0级代码块,还有1~9级)
Ctrl+K Ctrl+J Unfold (uncollapse) all regions(打开所有代码块)
Ctrl+K Ctrl+C Add line comment(添加行注释)
Ctrl+K Ctrl+U Remove line comment(删除行注释)
Ctrl+/ Toggle line comment(切分编辑窗口)
Shift+Alt+A Toggle block comment(添加块级注释)
Alt+Z Toggle word wrap(切换自动换行,效果同ctrl+z)
Navigation 导航
Ctrl+T Show all Symbols(搜索文件,输入标记搜索文件标记,效果同ctrl+p)
Ctrl+G Go to Line…
Ctrl+P Go to File…
Ctrl+Shift+O Go to Symbol…(ctrl+t的搜索框中输入@)
Ctrl+Shift+M Show Problems panel(打开panel中的问题部分,按ctrl+j打开panel)
F8 Go to next error or warning
Shift+F8 Go to previous error or warning
Ctrl+Shift+Tab Navigate editor group history(切换打开中的窗口)
Alt+ ← / → Go back / forward (整词移动光标)
Ctrl+M Toggle Tab moves focus(切换标签移动焦点,无效果)
Search and replace 查找和替换
Ctrl+F Find
Ctrl+H Replace
F3 / Shift+F3 Find next/previous(在搜索结果中移动焦点)
Alt+Enter Select all occurences of Find match(选中所有匹配)
Ctrl+D Add selection to next Find match(选中下一个匹配)
Ctrl+K Ctrl+D Move last selection to next Find match
Alt+C / R / W Toggle case-sensitive / regex / whole word(搜索窗口切换大小写,正则,全匹配)
Multi-cursor and selection 键鼠多选
Alt+Click Insert cursor(点选输入位置)
Ctrl+Alt+ ↑ / ↓ Insert cursor above / below(脑子进水快捷键,windows下根本用不了)
Ctrl+U Undo last cursor operation(反alt+click)
Shift+Alt+I Insert cursor at end of each line selected
Ctrl+L Select current line(整行选中)
Ctrl+Shift+L Select all occurrences of current selection(选中当前选中的所有匹配)
Ctrl+F2 Select all occurrences of current word(选中当前单词的所有匹配)
Shift+Alt+→ Expand selection(扩大选择,效果不如单词选择或者整行选择)
Shift+Alt+← Shrink selection(缩小选择)
Shift+Alt +(drag mouse) Column (box) selection(按住shift+alt然后鼠标左键点住拖动,点到那选到那)
Ctrl+Shift+Alt + (arrow key) Column (box) selection(就近选择当前光标位置)
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+PgUp/PgDn Column (box) selection page up/down(就近选择一页)
Rich languages editing 丰富语言编辑器
Ctrl+Space Trigger suggestion(触发建议)
Ctrl+Shift+Space Trigger parameter hints(触发参数提示)
Shift+Alt+F Format document
Ctrl+K Ctrl+F Format selection(格式化选定内容)
F12 Go to Definition
Alt+F12 Peek Definition(查看定义)
Ctrl+K F12 Open Definition to the side
Ctrl+. Quick Fix
Shift+F12 Show References(转到引用)
F2 Rename Symbol(重命名符号)
Ctrl+K Ctrl+X Trim trailing whitespace(裁剪尾随空格)
Ctrl+K M Change file language(切换文件语言)
Editor management 编辑器管理
Ctrl+F4, Ctrl+W Close editor
Ctrl+K F Close folder(关闭窗口回到初始界面)
Ctrl+| Split editor
Ctrl+ 1 / 2 / 3 Focus into 1st, 2nd or 3rd editor group
Ctrl+K Ctrl+ ←/→ Focus into previous/next editor group
Ctrl+Shift+PgUp / PgDn Move editor left/right(向左/右移动编辑区)
Ctrl+K ← / → Move active editor group(向左/右移动编辑器组)
File management 文件管理
Ctrl+N New File
Ctrl+O Open File…
Ctrl+S Save
Ctrl+Shift+S Save As…
Ctrl+K S Save All
Ctrl+F4 Close
Ctrl+K Ctrl+W Close All
Ctrl+Shift+T Reopen closed editor
Ctrl+K Enter Keep preview mode editor open
Ctrl+Tab Open next
Ctrl+Shift+Tab Open previous
Ctrl+K P Copy path of active file
Ctrl+K R Reveal active file in Explorer
Ctrl+K O Show active file in new window/instance(当前文件在新窗口中打开)
Display 显示
F11 Toggle full screen
Shift+Alt+0 Toggle editor layout (horizontal/vertical)(垂直或水平布局)
Ctrl+ = / - Zoom in/out (缩放)
Ctrl+B Toggle Sidebar visibility
Ctrl+Shift+E Show Explorer / Toggle focus
Ctrl+Shift+F Show Search
Ctrl+Shift+G Show Source Control
Ctrl+Shift+D Show Debug
Ctrl+Shift+X Show Extensions
Ctrl+Shift+H Replace in files(侧边替换栏)
Ctrl+Shift+J Toggle Search details
Ctrl+Shift+U Show Output panel
Ctrl+Shift+V Open Markdown preview
Ctrl+K V Open Markdown preview to the side
Ctrl+K Z Zen Mode (Esc Esc to exit)
Debug 调试
F9 Toggle breakpoint
F5 Start/Continue
Shift+F5 Stop
F11 / Shift+F11 Step into/out
F10 Step over
Ctrl+K Ctrl+I Show hover
Integrated terminal 集成终端
Ctrl+` Show integrated terminal
Ctrl+Shift+` Create new terminal
Ctrl+C Copy selection
Ctrl+V Paste into active terminal
Ctrl+↑ / ↓ Scroll up/down
Shift+PgUp / PgDn Scroll page up/down
Ctrl+Home / End Scroll to top/bottom

[Other operating systems’ keyboard shortcuts and additional unassigned shortcuts available at aka.ms/vscodekeybinding]
