IMDB TOP 250爬虫

IMDB TOP 250爬虫

这个小学期Python大作业搞了个获取IMDB TOP 250电影全部信息的爬虫。第二次写爬虫,比在暑假集训时写的熟练多了。欢迎大家评论。


*Made by 1120162015 李博       
*        1120161966 张嘉熙     
*Target:All movies' information of IMDB TOP_250
*纯原创 转载请注明作者:李博,张嘉熙

import re
import requests
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

num = 1 #电影计数
All_txt = [] #全部电影的信息
headers={'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/49.0.2623.221 Safari/537.36 SE 2.X MetaSr 1.0'}#浏览器代理
def  getHTMLText(url):
        r = requests.get( url,headers = headers )
        r.encoding = 'utf-8'
        return r.text
        return "错误"

def get_all_information(url,page):
    global num,All_txt
    txt = getHTMLText(url)
    if txt != "错误":
        print('page'+str(page)+' NO.'+str(num)+' Get it!')
    if num == 247:
    soup = BeautifulSoup(txt,"html.parser")
    Cname,Ename,Score,title,Actor,Starring,Infor = '','','','','','',''

    infor_1 = soup.find_all('div',class_ = 'hdd')
    rel = '


pattern = re.compile(rel) Cname = ''.join(pattern.findall(str(infor_1[0]))) Cname = Cname.replace('


,'') #print(Cname) #find_the_year & save rel = '('+'[\s\S]*?'+')' pattern = re.compile(rel) time_ = ''.join(pattern.findall(Cname)) #print(time_) with open('time.txt','a',encoding='utf-8') as t: t.write( time_.replace('(','').replace(')','') + '\n' ) #find_Score rel = ''+'[\s\S]*?'+'' pattern = re.compile(rel) Score = ''.join(pattern.findall(str(infor_1[0]))) Score = Score.replace('','').replace('','') #print(Cname,Score) #TOP250-film_many_infor now = soup.find_all('div',class_ = 'bdd clear') #print(now[0]) a = BeautifulSoup(str(now[0]), "html.parser") many_infor = a.find_all('li') #TOP250-film_Ename Ename = str(many_infor[0]).replace('
  • ','').replace('','').replace('','').replace('
  • '
    ,'').replace('','').replace('','') #TOP250-film_Actor Actor_temp = BeautifulSoup(str(many_infor[2]), "html.parser").find_all('a') Actor = Actor_temp[0].get_text().replace('导演:','') #TOP250-film_Starring Starring_temp = BeautifulSoup(str(many_infor[3]), "html.parser").find_all('a') for i in Starring_temp: Starring += i.get_text().replace(' ','') + ' ' #print(Starring) #Top-film_Infor for j in range(4,7): Infor_temp = BeautifulSoup(str(many_infor[j]), "html.parser") for i in Infor_temp.children: Infor += i.get_text().replace(' ','') + ' ' Infor += '\n' #print(Infor) #TOP250-film_Synopsis content = soup.find_all('div',class_ = 'fk-4 clear') #print(content) soup_con = BeautifulSoup(str(content[0]), "html.parser") title = soup_con.find_all('div',class_ = 'hdd') title = str(title[0]).replace('
    ,'\n') #print(title) content_1 = soup_con.find_all('div',class_ = 'bdd clear') content_1 = str(content_1[0]).replace('
    ,'') content_1 = content_1.replace('','').replace('
    ,'\n') #Save_all_information All_txt.append('第'+str(num)+'部'+'\n') All_txt.append( Cname+'\n' ) All_txt.append( '【英文名】'+Ename+'\n' ) All_txt.append( '【评分】'+Score+'\n' ) All_txt.append( '【导演】'+Actor+'\n' ) All_txt.append( '【主演】'+Starring+'\n' ) All_txt.append( Infor+'\n' ) All_txt.append( title+'\n'+content_1+'\n' ) All_txt.append('\n') num += 1 #在每一页中得到当前页的全部电影的url def getin_one(url,page): txt = getHTMLText(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(txt, "html.parser") #print(soup) temp = soup.find_all('div',class_="ss-3 clear") rel = ''[\s\S]*?' + '">' pattern = re.compile(rel) All_url = pattern.findall( str(temp[0]) ) for i in range(len(All_url)): temp_url = ''+All_url[i].replace(''').replace('">','') get_all_information(temp_url,page) #print(All_url) #将所有电影的年份统计并生成条形图 def Analyze_some_infor(): plt.rc('font', family='SimHei', size=13)#字体及大小 #Analyze_time file = open('time.txt') a,b,c,d,e,f = 0,0,0,0,0,0 for line in file: line = eval(line) if line == 0: f += 1 elif line < 1940 and line >= 1920: a += 1 elif line < 1960 and line >= 1940: b += 1 elif line < 1980 and line >= 1960: c += 1 elif line < 2000 and line >= 1980: d += 1 else: e += 1 times = [a,b,c,d,e,f] range_time = ['1920-1940','1940-1960','1960-1980','1980-2000','2000-现在','无信息'] idx = np.arange(len(range_time)) width = 0.5,times,width,color='green') plt.xticks(idx+width/2, range_time, rotation=40) plt.xlabel('电影年代') plt.ylabel('数目') plt.savefig('time_pic.jpg') def main(): global All_txt getin_one('',1) for i in range(2,10): getin_one( ''+str(i) , i ) #将已有内容清空 with open('All_infor.txt','w',encoding='utf-8') as x: pass with open('All_infor.txt','a',encoding='utf-8') as x: for i in All_txt: x.write(i) Analyze_some_infor() main()

    作者: LIBO919
