




public class Vector<E> extends AbstractList<E> implements List<E>,
       RandomAccess, Cloneable, Serializable {

     * The number of elements or the size of the vector.
     * 数据元素数量
    protected int elementCount;

     * The elements of the vector.
     * 底层实现Object数组
    protected Object[] elementData;

     * How many elements should be added to the vector when it is detected that
     * it needs to grow to accommodate extra entries. If this value is zero or
     * negative the size will be doubled if an increase is needed.
     * 扩容因子,扩容量,稍后遇到的时候会介绍
    protected int capacityIncrement;

    private static final int DEFAULT_SIZE = 10;

     * Constructs a new vector using the default capacity.
    public Vector() {
        this(DEFAULT_SIZE, 0);

     * Constructs a new vector using the specified capacity.
     * @param capacity
     *            the initial capacity of the new vector.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             if {@code capacity} is negative.
    public Vector(int capacity) {
        this(capacity, 0);

     * Constructs a new vector using the specified capacity and capacity
     * increment.
     * 由于上面两个构造最终调用的都是这个构造函数,我们来看这个构造
     * @param capacity
     *            the initial capacity of the new vector.
     * @param capacityIncrement
     *            the amount to increase the capacity when this vector is full.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             if {@code capacity} is negative.
    public Vector(int capacity, int capacityIncrement) {
        if (capacity < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("capacity < 0: " + capacity);
        elementData = newElementArray(capacity);
        elementCount = 0;
        this.capacityIncrement = capacityIncrement;
  • 增加
public synchronized boolean add(E object) {
    if (elementCount == elementData.length) {
    elementData[elementCount++] = object;
    return true;

private void growByOne() {
    int adding = 0;
    if (capacityIncrement <= 0) {
        //如果未指定capacityIncrement 的值,adding赋值为当前数组的长度,如果数组长度为0,那么
        if ((adding = elementData.length) == 0) {
            adding = 1;
    } else {
        //如果指定了一个大于0的capacityIncrement ,adding赋值为capacityIncrement扩容因子值
        adding = capacityIncrement;
    //重新构建一个数组,数组长度为elementData.length + adding
    //简单理解如果未指定capacityIncrement 的值,原容量*2(0的时候+1)
    //指定capacityIncrement 的值,原容量+capacityIncrement
    E[] newData = newElementArray(elementData.length + adding);
    System.arraycopy(elementData, 0, newData, 0, elementCount);
    elementData = newData;

public void add(int location, E object) {
    insertElementAt(object, location);

public synchronized void insertElementAt(E object, int location) {
    if (location >= 0 && location <= elementCount) {
        if (elementCount == elementData.length) {
        int count = elementCount - location;
        if (count > 0) {
            System.arraycopy(elementData, location, elementData,
                    location + 1, count);
        elementData[location] = object;
    } else {
        throw arrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(location, elementCount);
  • 删除
 * 没什么好说的,就是数组操作
public synchronized E remove(int location) {
    if (location < elementCount) {
        E result = (E) elementData[location];
        int size = elementCount - location;
        if (size > 0) {
            System.arraycopy(elementData, location + 1, elementData,
                    location, size);
        elementData[elementCount] = null;
        return result;
    throw arrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(location, elementCount);
  • 修改
 * 直接将数组location位置数据,数组操作替换
public synchronized E set(int location, E object) {
    if (location < elementCount) {
        E result = (E) elementData[location];
        elementData[location] = object;
        return result;
    throw arrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(location, elementCount);
  • 查找
 * 不想说话
public E get(int location) {
    return elementAt(location);

public synchronized E elementAt(int location) {
    if (location < elementCount) {
        return (E) elementData[location];
    throw arrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(location, elementCount);

总结:基本上除了扩容方式和ArrayList有所区别(可以根据capacityIncrement自行控制扩容数量),还有相关操作函数都带有synchronized 关键字外(线程安全),基本是类似的


public class Stack<E> extends Vector<E> {
     * Constructs a stack with the default size of {@code Vector}.
     * 尴尬,没啥太重要的,Stack毕竟是继承自Vector
    public Stack() {


  • 出栈
 * Returns the element at the top of the stack and removes it.
 *  * @return the element at the top of the stack.
 * @throws EmptyStackException
 *             if the stack is empty.
 * @see #peek
 * @see #push
public synchronized E pop() {
    //elementCount 继承自Vector的属性,如果是0抛出异常
    if (elementCount == 0) {
        throw new EmptyStackException();
    final int index = --elementCount;
    final E obj = (E) elementData[index];
    elementData[index] = null;
    return obj;

栈结构出栈就是置空栈顶(最后一个)元素,所以栈结构是一种后进先出的线性表结构也叫做LIFO(Last in First out)表

  • 入栈
 * Pushes the specified object onto the top of the stack.
 * @param object
 *            The object to be added on top of the stack.
 * @return the object argument.
 * @see #peek
 * @see #pop
public E push(E object) {
    return object;


 * Adds the specified object at the end of this vector.
 *  * @param object
 *            the object to add to the vector.
public synchronized void addElement(E object) {
    if (elementCount == elementData.length) {
    elementData[elementCount++] = object;
  • 查找
  * Returns the index of the first occurrence of the object, starting from
  * the top of the stack.
  * @return the index of the first occurrence of the object, assuming that
  *         the topmost object on the stack has a distance of one.
  * @param o
  *            the object to be searched.

 public synchronized int search(Object o) {
     final Object[] dumpArray = elementData;
     final int size = elementCount;
     if (o != null) {
         for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
             if (o.equals(dumpArray[i])) {
                 return size - i;
     } else {
         for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
             if (dumpArray[i] == null) {
                 return size - i;
     return -1;



中缀表达式 :
9+(3-1)*3+10/2 = 20

后缀表达式 :
931-3*+10 2/+
923*+10 2/ +
96+10 2/ +
15 10 2/ +
15 5 +
