Move plan concepts 动作规划理念(3)


























Dynamic solver

The dynamic move plan for a move resolution variable is inspected to see if moves should be postponed or accelerated, in order to meet the MOVRES constraint.

Consideration is given, regarding the proximity to the steady state target, so that future moves need not violate the MOVRES constraint. In other words, some moves may exceed MOVRES to ensure that the target can be achieved.

When moves are postponed, they are added to the move accumulation (MOVACC) entry.This entry is used to keep the algorithm for perpetually postponing small moves.As moves accumulate, they will get implemented when MOVACC exceeds MOVRES.

Some ramifications:

·If the user has moved the limits, such that the VIND  is out of bounds, then a small move can get implemented.

For example, consider an MV  that controls a discrete number of fans. If the variable is running against  an upper limit of 20 fans, and you change the upper limit (ULINDM) to 19.9,  then the controller will make a -0.1 move. This should be handled through  training operators on the use of move resolution variables.

Dynamic move plan options (DYNOPT)

There are several DYNOPT options available to change the way the dynamic move plan is calculated:

Do not use time-varying ECEs

Use time-varying ECEs

Do not use time-varying ECEs  but use advanced move plan

Use time-varying ECEs and  advanced move plan

Time varying ECEs (Equal Concern Errors)

The current DMCplus algorithm calculates an average dynamic CV weighting. This has been replaced by a CV weighting that varies along the horizon, based on the value of the CV.

Note that the calculations required to support this can be expensive for large controllers.

To use this feature, change the value of DYNOPT to 1 or 3.

In addition to addressing time varying ECEs, this algorithm change also addresses a problem with infeasible steady state targets.

The current DMCplus move plan does not have any special consideration for infeasible steady state targets. This has several undesirable effects—including delaying moves if there are large feedforward disturbances, and generally forcing the CV to the infeasible solution as fast as possible.

The desired behavior is to delay the movement to the infeasible solution as long as possible, because it may be due to a transient phenomena. Therefore, this algorithm has also been designed to delay the CV from moving to the infeasible solution, for as long as possible, by making adjustments to the time varying ECEs.

Advanced move plan

The current DMCplus move plan uses a quick, possibly sub-optimal, strategy in handling MV constraints. This has been replaced by a more rigorous procedure.

The option selects an algorithm that uses quadratic programming to solve the constrained dynamic move plan, rather than using a least square algorithm with clipping, to meet MV constraints.

To activate this, change the value of DYNOPT to 2 or 3.


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