UiPath RPA Academy 学习笔记 Lesson 1

Lesson 1 -Introduction to UiPath

  • Variable - String: a type that holds text values

  • Eg: enUsCheck.Trim

    • Trim function: removes the spaces from the beginning and end of the string and leaves us with a string containing only digits.
  • Get values from application:
    • Drag Get Text Activity : enables us to indicate on Screen where the text to be copied in located
      • Indicating the “Transaction value ” will return it as a string and then store it into a variable: we call it returnText
  • Message box: (display the correct transaction value)
    • “Transactions” + returnText
  • Assign: counter=counter+1

  • UiExplorer: makes locating UI element a breeze.

    • For example: an app called AnyTeller
    • And use UiExploere, will show specific UI elements path within the application
    • UI element names and attributes will remain the same ( also apply to Web Automation)
  • Login Details: can be stored in two very secure ways 1. In the Windows Credentials Manager or on UiPath Orchestrator

  • UiPath Orchestrator

    • Managing deployed robots, for large enterprise

本笔记为UiPath RPA Academy视频摘要, 转发请给credit
By: Lauren Ye
