


But it is in line with a growing consensus among American generals, Republicans and Democrats in Congress, and a swelling number of business leaders.又来一个形容number的词 swelling,膨胀的,这里指的是人数的增长,札主找了找形容增长的词发现还不少,比如之前提到的cumulative逐渐增加的,还有热气球那个词balloon也有上涨的意思。

The sheer variety of American complaints will complicate a visit in mid-May to Washington. sheer我们平常了解到的意思是陡峭的,比如The mountain is rather sheer.山很陡峭。但是这里是表示程度的形容词,十足的,纯粹的。

It prefers to crow about the heroic response of the army and above all of the Communist Party. crow这个词我只知道乌鸦的意思,没想到它还有(因胜利而)欢呼;洋洋自得;幸灾乐祸(crow over sb.'s failure). 作欢呼讲时介词常用about.

The flood of volunteers caused congestion and compounded difficulties with feeding and sheltering everyone. 这句话可以用来表示人口极多的时候造成的困扰。译为城市交通拥挤和加重每个人的抚养和保护问题。

After the more recent earthquake, NGOs helped to resolve conflicts that erupted during the relocation of survivors of destroyed villages. resolve有两个意思需要注意,一个是“(会议等)正式决定,作出...的决议”,“解决”在这里搭配conflicts肯定是第二个意思了。

cite the example举例子,pose to national unity造成

在Workers and merchants a long way from home那一篇里面Numbers are hard to pin down, but writing in 2014 Mr French estimated that 1m had arrived in just a decade. pin down把……固定在某处;使不能动。是pin的一个用法之一,没想到和number连用可以理解为固值,后面在写作过程中数据分析就可以运用pin这个词了。

Chinese businesspeople across Namibia complain of an economic chill, and some are thinking of leaving. chill使变冷,使消沉。这个词形容经济萧条可以说是很形象了。

Unemployment is sky-high.失业率那可是跟天一样高了(小心脏可真真承受不了)

.还有一个词我特别想强调The financial sector and its regulatory bodies are stacked with returnees.说的是金融业和它的监管队伍随着海归的增多渐渐庞大起来。而stack指女子体态丰满匀称,把这个行业的body来与女子联系到一起我是头一次见。

经济学人5.12期China板块的Tectonic shift(结构性变化)主要围绕汶川大地震带给中国的影响以及怎样预防 呀市民社会又是怎样进步的什么什么的,其中我印象深刻的 lash out 猛烈抨击 on one's own initiative主动地 crow=hail, vent their fury 发泄愤怒

China's one big worry about the surge of outbound travel is that it could damage its image.surge急剧上升 下面有个词骤然下跌plummet: Partly in response, the number of mainland visitors to Hong Kong plummeted.

Another Chinese visitor has splashed out over 200 on T-shirt from boss.挥霍(special report Cash or Wechat)

党性:not only "imbue(浸透) core socialist values", but also promote "fine traditional Chinese culture".深入贯彻社会主义核心价值观,弘扬中华民族优良传统文化。

2018.05.19期special report里面A formative experience(成长记)“They were really receptive to hearing about it”善于倾听,善于接受的

……the party to crack down in the way it did. 镇压;对 采取严厉措施

The rich and poweful citizens of the world里面有一句略带讽刺意味的话我特别想提出来说Remarkably, a flatering article about it is even displayed in Chinese on the govenment's main news portal China.com.cn.  flatering讨人喜欢的,谄媚的 portal尤指高大壮观的正门,入口。大概意思就是说的是这样一篇阿谀奉承的文章居然也能登上大雅之堂?(未免太……)
