Spark Streaming入门

Spark Streaming入门

1. Spark Streaming入门

1. 概述

Spark Streaming入门_第1张图片

  • Spark Streaming is an extension of the core Spark API that enables scalable(Spark Streaming是基于Spark Core的扩展)
  • high-throughput(高可用)
  • fault-tolerant(容错)
  • stream processing of live data streams(作用在实时数据流上)
  • Spark Streaming: 将不同的数据源的数据经过Spark Streaming处理之后将结果输出到外部文件系统
  • 特点:
    • 低延时
    • 能从错误中高效的恢复: fault-tolerant
    • 能够运行在成百上千的节点
    • 能够将批处理、机器学习、图计算等子框架和Spark Streaming综合起来使用
  • Spark Streaming 不需要单独部署,包含在Spark Project里。
  • One stack to rule them all: 一栈式解决。

Spark Streaming入门_第2张图片

2. 应用场景

  • Real-time fraud detection in transactions(实时交易金融欺诈检测,银行业等)
  • React to anomalies in sensors in real-time(实时反应,电子业等)
  • 电商网站(推荐系统等,以前是离线处理的)
  • 实时监控(发现外界攻击等)
  • Java EE应用(实时日志错误统计、应变等)

3. 集成Spark生态系统使用

Spark Streaming入门_第3张图片

Spark生态的组件,他们都是依托Spark Core进行各自的扩展,那么Spark Streaming如何与各组件间调用呢?

  • Join data streams with static data sets(数据流和静态数据)
//Create data set from Hadoop file
val dataset = sparkContext.hadoopFile("file")

//Join each batch in stream with the dataset
//kafka数据 => RDD
kafkaStream.transform(batchRDD => {
  • Learn models offline, apply them online(使用机器学习模型))
//Learn model offline
val model = KMeans.train(dataset, ...)

//Apply model online on stream => {
  • Interactively query straming data with SQL(使用SQL查询交互式数据流)
//Register each batch in stream as table => {

//interactively query table
sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM latestEvents")

4. Spark Streaming发展史

  • Late 2011 - idea AMPLab, UC Berkeley
  • Q2 2012 - prototype Rewrote large parts of Spark core Smallest job - 900 ms -> < 50ms
  • Q3 2012 - Spark core improvements open source in Spark 0.6
  • Feb 2013 - Alpha release 7.7k lines, merged in 7 days Released with Spark 0.7
  • Jan 2014 - Stable release Graduation with Spark 0.9

5. 从词频统计功能着手入门

  • spark-submit执行
./spark-submit --master local[2] \
--class org.apache.spark.examples.streaming.NetworkWordCount \
/usr/local/spark/examples/jars/spark-examples.jar [args1] [args2]
  • spark-shell执行
import org.apache.spark.streaming.{Seconds, StreamingContext}
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(1))
val lines = ssc.socketTextStream("localhost", 9999)
val wordCounts = lines.flatMap(_.split(" ")).map(x => (x, 1)).recudeByKey(_ + _)
  • 测试
nc -lk 9999

6. 工作原理

  • 粗粒度:Spark Streaming接收到实时数据流,把数据按照指定的时间段切成一片片小的数据块,然后把小的数据库传给Spark Engine处理。

Spark Streaming入门_第4张图片

  • 细粒度

Spark Streaming入门_第5张图片

posted @ 2018-09-19 22:59 eat.u 阅读( ...) 评论( ...) 编辑 收藏

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