SAP CRM产品主数据页面的缩略图显示设计原理

In CRM Product UI, A thumbnail could be displayed in Product header and Thumbnail assignment block.

SAP CRM产品主数据页面的缩略图显示设计原理_第1张图片

The Thumbnail assignment block is not available in SAP predefined UI configuration. Customer needs to manually make it visible via UI configuration change:

SAP CRM产品主数据页面的缩略图显示设计原理_第2张图片

The thumbnail view implementation itself is very simple, just use the lib thtmlb image tag.

SAP CRM产品主数据页面的缩略图显示设计原理_第3张图片

The thumbnail view implementation itself is very simple, just use the lib thtmlb image tag.

SAP CRM产品主数据页面的缩略图显示设计原理_第4张图片

If a product has multiple attachments, how does the UI know which one should be displayed as thumbnail? The default attachment with type BDS_IMAGE will be choosen.

SAP CRM产品主数据页面的缩略图显示设计原理_第5张图片

However, these two fields are not available in default standard configuration of GS_CM/EditProp

SAP CRM产品主数据页面的缩略图显示设计原理_第6张图片

if your application need also allow users to specify these two fields, you can create a new configuration by copying from the one with object type = PRD_MATSRV.

SAP CRM产品主数据页面的缩略图显示设计原理_第7张图片

