


添加三个控件 button datagridview processbar 分别取名button1 DGV PB

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim Datatable As New DataTable Dim Command As New OleDbCommand Dim i As Integer Dim Row As DataRow Dim Reader As OleDbDataReader Dim Con As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection("provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=data.mdb") Command.Connection = Con Command.CommandText = "select count(*) from plu" Con.Open() If Command.ExecuteScalar IsNot Nothing Then Dim count As Integer = CInt(Command.ExecuteScalar) If count > 0 Then PB.Visible = True Command.CommandText = "select * from plu" Reader = Command.ExecuteReader() For k As Integer = 0 To Reader.FieldCount - 1 Datatable.Columns.Add(Reader.GetName(k)) Next While Reader.Read i += 1 PB.Value = (i / count) * 100 Row = Datatable.NewRow For k As Integer = 0 To Reader.FieldCount - 1 Row(k) = Reader.GetValue(k) Next Datatable.Rows.Add(Row) End While If PB.Value = 100 Then PB.Visible = False End If Reader.Close() Datatable.AcceptChanges() DGV.DataSource = Datatable End If End If Con.Close() End Sub

