








	org	0x7c00	
BaseOfStack	equ	0x7c00
BaseOfLoader	equ	0x1000
OffsetOfLoader	equ	0x00
RootDirSectors	equ	14
SectorNumOfRootDirStart	equ	19
SectorNumOfFAT1Start	equ	1
SectorBalance	equ	17	
	jmp	short Label_Start
	BS_OEMName	db	'MINEboot'
	BPB_BytesPerSec	dw	512
	BPB_SecPerClus	db	1
	BPB_RsvdSecCnt	dw	1
	BPB_NumFATs	db	2
	BPB_RootEntCnt	dw	224
	BPB_TotSec16	dw	2880
	BPB_Media	db	0xf0
	BPB_FATSz16	dw	9
	BPB_SecPerTrk	dw	18
	BPB_NumHeads	dw	2
	BPB_HiddSec	dd	0
	BPB_TotSec32	dd	0
	BS_DrvNum	db	0
	BS_Reserved1	db	0
	BS_BootSig	db	0x29
	BS_VolID	dd	0
	BS_VolLab	db	'boot loader'
	BS_FileSysType	db	'FAT12   '
	mov	ax,	cs
	mov	ds,	ax
	mov	es,	ax
	mov	ss,	ax
	mov	sp,	BaseOfStack
;=======	clear screen
	mov	ax,	0600h
	mov	bx,	0700h
	mov	cx,	0
	mov	dx,	0184fh
	int	10h
;=======	set focus
	mov	ax,	0200h
	mov	bx,	0000h
	mov	dx,	0000h
	int	10h
;=======	display on screen : Start Booting......
	mov	ax,	1301h
	mov	bx,	000fh
	mov	dx,	0000h
	mov	cx,	10
	push	ax
	mov	ax,	ds
	mov	es,	ax
	pop	ax
	mov	bp,	StartBootMessage
	int	10h
;=======	reset floppy
	xor	ah,	ah
	xor	dl,	dl
	int	13h
;=======	search loader.bin
	mov	word	[SectorNo],	SectorNumOfRootDirStart
	cmp	word	[RootDirSizeForLoop],	0
	jz	Label_No_LoaderBin
	dec	word	[RootDirSizeForLoop]	
	mov	ax,	00h
	mov	es,	ax
	mov	bx,	8000h
	mov	ax,	[SectorNo]
	mov	cl,	1
	call	Func_ReadOneSector
	mov	si,	LoaderFileName
	mov	di,	8000h
	mov	dx,	10h
	cmp	dx,	0
	jz	Label_Goto_Next_Sector_In_Root_Dir
	dec	dx
	mov	cx,	11
	cmp	cx,	0
	jz	Label_FileName_Found
	dec	cx
	cmp	al,	byte	[es:di]
	jz	Label_Go_On
	jmp	Label_Different
	inc	di
	jmp	Label_Cmp_FileName
	and	di,	0ffe0h
	add	di,	20h
	mov	si,	LoaderFileName
	jmp	Label_Search_For_LoaderBin
	add	word	[SectorNo],	1
	jmp	Lable_Search_In_Root_Dir_Begin
;=======	display on screen : ERROR:No LOADER Found
	mov	ax,	1301h
	mov	bx,	008ch
	mov	dx,	0100h
	mov	cx,	21
	push	ax
	mov	ax,	ds
	mov	es,	ax
	pop	ax
	mov	bp,	NoLoaderMessage
	int	10h
	jmp	BaseOfLoader:OffsetOfLoader
;=======	found loader.bin name in root director struct
	mov	ax,	RootDirSectors
	and	di,	0ffe0h
	add	di,	01ah
	mov	cx,	word	[es:di]
	push	cx
	add	cx,	ax
	add	cx,	SectorBalance
	mov	ax,	BaseOfLoader
	mov	es,	ax
	mov	bx,	OffsetOfLoader
	mov	ax,	cx
	push	ax
	push	bx
	mov	ah,	0eh
	mov	al,	'.'
	mov	bl,	0fh
	int	10h
	pop	bx
	pop	ax
	mov	cl,	1
	call	Func_ReadOneSector
	pop	ax
	call	Func_GetFATEntry
	cmp	ax,	0fffh
	jz	Label_File_Loaded
	push	ax
	mov	dx,	RootDirSectors
	add	ax,	dx
	add	ax,	SectorBalance
	add	bx,	[BPB_BytesPerSec]
	jmp	Label_Go_On_Loading_File
	jmp	BaseOfLoader:OffsetOfLoader
;=======	read one sector from floppy
	push	bp
	mov	bp,	sp
	sub	esp,	2
	mov	byte	[bp - 2],	cl
	push	bx
	mov	bl,	[BPB_SecPerTrk]
	div	bl
	inc	ah
	mov	cl,	ah
	mov	dh,	al
	shr	al,	1
	mov	ch,	al
	and	dh,	1
	pop	bx
	mov	dl,	[BS_DrvNum]
	mov	ah,	2
	mov	al,	byte	[bp - 2]
	int	13h
	jc	Label_Go_On_Reading
	add	esp,	2
	pop	bp
;=======	get FAT Entry
	push	es
	push	bx
	push	ax
	mov	ax,	00
	mov	es,	ax
	pop	ax
	mov	byte	[Odd],	0
	mov	bx,	3
	mul	bx
	mov	bx,	2
	div	bx
	cmp	dx,	0
	jz	Label_Even
	mov	byte	[Odd],	1
	xor	dx,	dx
	mov	bx,	[BPB_BytesPerSec]
	div	bx
	push	dx
	mov	bx,	8000h
	add	ax,	SectorNumOfFAT1Start
	mov	cl,	2
	call	Func_ReadOneSector
	pop	dx
	add	bx,	dx
	mov	ax,	[es:bx]
	cmp	byte	[Odd],	1
	jnz	Label_Even_2
	shr	ax,	4
	and	ax,	0fffh
	pop	bx
	pop	es
;=======	tmp variable
RootDirSizeForLoop	dw	RootDirSectors
SectorNo		dw	0
Odd			db	0
;=======	display messages
StartBootMessage:	db	"Start Boot"
NoLoaderMessage:	db	"ERROR:No LOADER Found"
LoaderFileName:		db	"LOADER  BIN",0
;=======	fill zero until whole sector
	times	510 - ($ - $$)	db	0
	dw	0xaa55



Loader引导加载程序负责①检测硬件信息 ②处理器模式切换 ③向内核传递数据 三部分工作。


org	10000h
	jmp	Label_Start
%include	"fat12.inc"
BaseOfKernelFile	equ	0x00
OffsetOfKernelFile	equ	0x100000
BaseTmpOfKernelAddr	equ	0x00
OffsetTmpOfKernelFile	equ	0x7E00
MemoryStructBufferAddr	equ	0x7E00
LABEL_GDT:		dd	0,0
LABEL_DESC_CODE32:	dd	0x0000FFFF,0x00CF9A00
LABEL_DESC_DATA32:	dd	0x0000FFFF,0x00CF9200
GdtLen	equ	$ - LABEL_GDT
GdtPtr	dw	GdtLen - 1
SelectorCode32	equ	LABEL_DESC_CODE32 - LABEL_GDT
SelectorData32	equ	LABEL_DESC_DATA32 - LABEL_GDT
[SECTION gdt64]
LABEL_GDT64:		dq	0x0000000000000000
LABEL_DESC_CODE64:	dq	0x0020980000000000
LABEL_DESC_DATA64:	dq	0x0000920000000000
GdtLen64	equ	$ - LABEL_GDT64
GdtPtr64	dw	GdtLen64 - 1
		dd	LABEL_GDT64
SelectorCode64	equ	LABEL_DESC_CODE64 - LABEL_GDT64
SelectorData64	equ	LABEL_DESC_DATA64 - LABEL_GDT64
[SECTION .s16]
[BITS 16]
	mov	ax,	cs
	mov	ds,	ax
	mov	es,	ax
	mov	ax,	0x00
	mov	ss,	ax
	mov	sp,	0x7c00
;=======	display on screen : Start Loader......
	mov	ax,	1301h
	mov	bx,	000fh
	mov	dx,	0200h		;row 2
	mov	cx,	12
	push	ax
	mov	ax,	ds
	mov	es,	ax
	pop	ax
	mov	bp,	StartLoaderMessage
	int	10h
;=======	open address A20
	push	ax
	in	al,	92h
	or	al,	00000010b
	out	92h,	al
	pop	ax
	db	0x66
	lgdt	[GdtPtr]	
	mov	eax,	cr0
	or	eax,	1
	mov	cr0,	eax
	mov	ax,	SelectorData32
	mov	fs,	ax
	mov	eax,	cr0
	and	al,	11111110b
	mov	cr0,	eax
;=======	reset floppy
	xor	ah,	ah
	xor	dl,	dl
	int	13h
;=======	search kernel.bin
	mov	word	[SectorNo],	SectorNumOfRootDirStart
	cmp	word	[RootDirSizeForLoop],	0
	jz	Label_No_LoaderBin
	dec	word	[RootDirSizeForLoop]	
	mov	ax,	00h
	mov	es,	ax
	mov	bx,	8000h
	mov	ax,	[SectorNo]
	mov	cl,	1
	call	Func_ReadOneSector
	mov	si,	KernelFileName
	mov	di,	8000h
	mov	dx,	10h
	cmp	dx,	0
	jz	Label_Goto_Next_Sector_In_Root_Dir
	dec	dx
	mov	cx,	11
	cmp	cx,	0
	jz	Label_FileName_Found
	dec	cx
	cmp	al,	byte	[es:di]
	jz	Label_Go_On
	jmp	Label_Different
	inc	di
	jmp	Label_Cmp_FileName
	and	di,	0FFE0h
	add	di,	20h
	mov	si,	KernelFileName
	jmp	Label_Search_For_LoaderBin
	add	word	[SectorNo],	1
	jmp	Lable_Search_In_Root_Dir_Begin
;=======	display on screen : ERROR:No KERNEL Found
	mov	ax,	1301h
	mov	bx,	008Ch
	mov	dx,	0300h		;row 3
	mov	cx,	21
	push	ax
	mov	ax,	ds
	mov	es,	ax
	pop	ax
	mov	bp,	NoLoaderMessage
	int	10h
	jmp	$
;=======	found loader.bin name in root director struct
	mov	ax,	RootDirSectors
	and	di,	0FFE0h
	add	di,	01Ah
	mov	cx,	word	[es:di]
	push	cx
	add	cx,	ax
	add	cx,	SectorBalance
	mov	eax,	BaseTmpOfKernelAddr	;BaseOfKernelFile
	mov	es,	eax
	mov	bx,	OffsetTmpOfKernelFile	;OffsetOfKernelFile
	mov	ax,	cx
	push	ax
	push	bx
	mov	ah,	0Eh
	mov	al,	'.'
	mov	bl,	0Fh
	int	10h
	pop	bx
	pop	ax
	mov	cl,	1
	call	Func_ReadOneSector
	pop	ax
	push	cx
	push	eax
	push	fs
	push	edi
	push	ds
	push	esi
	mov	cx,	200h
	mov	ax,	BaseOfKernelFile
	mov	fs,	ax
	mov	edi,	dword	[OffsetOfKernelFileCount]
	mov	ax,	BaseTmpOfKernelAddr
	mov	ds,	ax
	mov	esi,	OffsetTmpOfKernelFile
Label_Mov_Kernel:	;------------------
	mov	al,	byte	[ds:esi]
	mov	byte	[fs:edi],	al
	inc	esi
	inc	edi
	loop	Label_Mov_Kernel
	mov	eax,	0x1000
	mov	ds,	eax
	mov	dword	[OffsetOfKernelFileCount],	edi
	pop	esi
	pop	ds
	pop	edi
	pop	fs
	pop	eax
	pop	cx
	call	Func_GetFATEntry
	cmp	ax,	0FFFh
	jz	Label_File_Loaded
	push	ax
	mov	dx,	RootDirSectors
	add	ax,	dx
	add	ax,	SectorBalance
	jmp	Label_Go_On_Loading_File
	mov	ax, 0B800h
	mov	gs, ax
	mov	ah, 0Fh				; 0000: 黑底    1111: 白字
	mov	al, 'G'
	mov	[gs:((80 * 0 + 39) * 2)], ax	; 屏幕第 0 行, 第 39 列。
	push	dx
	mov	dx,	03F2h
	mov	al,	0	
	out	dx,	al
	pop	dx
;=======	get memory address size type
	mov	ax,	1301h
	mov	bx,	000Fh
	mov	dx,	0400h		;row 4
	mov	cx,	24
	push	ax
	mov	ax,	ds
	mov	es,	ax
	pop	ax
	mov	bp,	StartGetMemStructMessage
	int	10h
	mov	ebx,	0
	mov	ax,	0x00
	mov	es,	ax
	mov	di,	MemoryStructBufferAddr	
	mov	eax,	0x0E820
	mov	ecx,	20
	mov	edx,	0x534D4150
	int	15h
	jc	Label_Get_Mem_Fail
	add	di,	20
	cmp	ebx,	0
	jne	Label_Get_Mem_Struct
	jmp	Label_Get_Mem_OK
	mov	ax,	1301h
	mov	bx,	008Ch
	mov	dx,	0500h		;row 5
	mov	cx,	23
	push	ax
	mov	ax,	ds
	mov	es,	ax
	pop	ax
	mov	bp,	GetMemStructErrMessage
	int	10h
	jmp	$
	mov	ax,	1301h
	mov	bx,	000Fh
	mov	dx,	0600h		;row 6
	mov	cx,	29
	push	ax
	mov	ax,	ds
	mov	es,	ax
	pop	ax
	mov	bp,	GetMemStructOKMessage
	int	10h	
;=======	get SVGA information
	mov	ax,	1301h
	mov	bx,	000Fh
	mov	dx,	0800h		;row 8
	mov	cx,	23
	push	ax
	mov	ax,	ds
	mov	es,	ax
	pop	ax
	mov	bp,	StartGetSVGAVBEInfoMessage
	int	10h
	mov	ax,	0x00
	mov	es,	ax
	mov	di,	0x8000
	mov	ax,	4F00h
	int	10h
	cmp	ax,	004Fh
	jz	.KO
;=======	Fail
	mov	ax,	1301h
	mov	bx,	008Ch
	mov	dx,	0900h		;row 9
	mov	cx,	23
	push	ax
	mov	ax,	ds
	mov	es,	ax
	pop	ax
	mov	bp,	GetSVGAVBEInfoErrMessage
	int	10h
	jmp	$
	mov	ax,	1301h
	mov	bx,	000Fh
	mov	dx,	0A00h		;row 10
	mov	cx,	29
	push	ax
	mov	ax,	ds
	mov	es,	ax
	pop	ax
	mov	bp,	GetSVGAVBEInfoOKMessage
	int	10h
;=======	Get SVGA Mode Info
	mov	ax,	1301h
	mov	bx,	000Fh
	mov	dx,	0C00h		;row 12
	mov	cx,	24
	push	ax
	mov	ax,	ds
	mov	es,	ax
	pop	ax
	mov	bp,	StartGetSVGAModeInfoMessage
	int	10h
	mov	ax,	0x00
	mov	es,	ax
	mov	si,	0x800e
	mov	esi,	dword	[es:si]
	mov	edi,	0x8200
	mov	cx,	word	[es:esi]
;=======	display SVGA mode information
	push	ax
	mov	ax,	00h
	mov	al,	ch
	call	Label_DispAL
	mov	ax,	00h
	mov	al,	cl	
	call	Label_DispAL
	pop	ax
	cmp	cx,	0FFFFh
	jz	Label_SVGA_Mode_Info_Finish
	mov	ax,	4F01h
	int	10h
	cmp	ax,	004Fh
	jnz	Label_SVGA_Mode_Info_FAIL	
	add	esi,	2
	add	edi,	0x100
	jmp	Label_SVGA_Mode_Info_Get
	mov	ax,	1301h
	mov	bx,	008Ch
	mov	dx,	0D00h		;row 13
	mov	cx,	24
	push	ax
	mov	ax,	ds
	mov	es,	ax
	pop	ax
	mov	bp,	GetSVGAModeInfoErrMessage
	int	10h
	jmp	$
	mov	ax,	1301h
	mov	bx,	000Fh
	mov	dx,	0E00h		;row 14
	mov	cx,	30
	push	ax
	mov	ax,	ds
	mov	es,	ax
	pop	ax
	mov	bp,	GetSVGAModeInfoOKMessage
	int	10h
;=======	set the SVGA mode(VESA VBE)
	mov	ax,	4F02h
	mov	bx,	4180h	;========================mode : 0x180 or 0x143
	int 	10h
	cmp	ax,	004Fh
;=======	init IDT GDT goto protect mode 
	cli			;======close interrupt
	db	0x66
	lgdt	[GdtPtr]
;	db	0x66
;	lidt	[IDT_POINTER]
	mov	eax,	cr0
	or	eax,	1
	mov	cr0,	eax	
	jmp	dword SelectorCode32:GO_TO_TMP_Protect
[SECTION .s32]
[BITS 32]
;=======	go to tmp long mode
	mov	ax,	0x10
	mov	ds,	ax
	mov	es,	ax
	mov	fs,	ax
	mov	ss,	ax
	mov	esp,	7E00h
	call	support_long_mode
	test	eax,	eax
	jz	no_support
;=======	init temporary page table 0x90000
	mov	dword	[0x90000],	0x91007
	mov	dword	[0x90800],	0x91007		
	mov	dword	[0x91000],	0x92007
	mov	dword	[0x92000],	0x000083
	mov	dword	[0x92008],	0x200083
	mov	dword	[0x92010],	0x400083
	mov	dword	[0x92018],	0x600083
	mov	dword	[0x92020],	0x800083
	mov	dword	[0x92028],	0xa00083
;=======	load GDTR
	db	0x66
	lgdt	[GdtPtr64]
	mov	ax,	0x10
	mov	ds,	ax
	mov	es,	ax
	mov	fs,	ax
	mov	gs,	ax
	mov	ss,	ax
	mov	esp,	7E00h
;=======	open PAE
	mov	eax,	cr4
	bts	eax,	5
	mov	cr4,	eax
;=======	load	cr3
	mov	eax,	0x90000
	mov	cr3,	eax
;=======	enable long-mode
	mov	ecx,	0C0000080h		;IA32_EFER
	bts	eax,	8
;=======	open PE and paging
	mov	eax,	cr0
	bts	eax,	0
	bts	eax,	31
	mov	cr0,	eax
	jmp	SelectorCode64:OffsetOfKernelFile
;=======	test support long mode or not
	mov	eax,	0x80000000
	cmp	eax,	0x80000001
	setnb	al	
	jb	support_long_mode_done
	mov	eax,	0x80000001
	bt	edx,	29
	setc	al
	movzx	eax,	al
;=======	no support
	jmp	$
;=======	read one sector from floppy
[SECTION .s16lib]
[BITS 16]
	push	bp
	mov	bp,	sp
	sub	esp,	2
	mov	byte	[bp - 2],	cl
	push	bx
	mov	bl,	[BPB_SecPerTrk]
	div	bl
	inc	ah
	mov	cl,	ah
	mov	dh,	al
	shr	al,	1
	mov	ch,	al
	and	dh,	1
	pop	bx
	mov	dl,	[BS_DrvNum]
	mov	ah,	2
	mov	al,	byte	[bp - 2]
	int	13h
	jc	Label_Go_On_Reading
	add	esp,	2
	pop	bp
;=======	get FAT Entry
	push	es
	push	bx
	push	ax
	mov	ax,	00
	mov	es,	ax
	pop	ax
	mov	byte	[Odd],	0
	mov	bx,	3
	mul	bx
	mov	bx,	2
	div	bx
	cmp	dx,	0
	jz	Label_Even
	mov	byte	[Odd],	1
	xor	dx,	dx
	mov	bx,	[BPB_BytesPerSec]
	div	bx
	push	dx
	mov	bx,	8000h
	add	ax,	SectorNumOfFAT1Start
	mov	cl,	2
	call	Func_ReadOneSector
	pop	dx
	add	bx,	dx
	mov	ax,	[es:bx]
	cmp	byte	[Odd],	1
	jnz	Label_Even_2
	shr	ax,	4
	and	ax,	0FFFh
	pop	bx
	pop	es
;=======	display num in al
	push	ecx
	push	edx
	push	edi
	mov	edi,	[DisplayPosition]
	mov	ah,	0Fh
	mov	dl,	al
	shr	al,	4
	mov	ecx,	2
	and	al,	0Fh
	cmp	al,	9
	ja	.1
	add	al,	'0'
	jmp	.2
	sub	al,	0Ah
	add	al,	'A'
	mov	[gs:edi],	ax
	add	edi,	2
	mov	al,	dl
	loop	.begin
	mov	[DisplayPosition],	edi
	pop	edi
	pop	edx
	pop	ecx
;=======	tmp IDT
	times	0x50	dq	0
		dw	IDT_END - IDT - 1
		dd	IDT
;=======	tmp variable
RootDirSizeForLoop	dw	RootDirSectors
SectorNo		dw	0
Odd			db	0
OffsetOfKernelFileCount	dd	OffsetOfKernelFile
DisplayPosition		dd	0
;=======	display messages
StartLoaderMessage:	db	"Start Loader"
NoLoaderMessage:	db	"ERROR:No KERNEL Found"
KernelFileName:		db	"KERNEL  BIN",0
StartGetMemStructMessage:	db	"Start Get Memory Struct."
GetMemStructErrMessage:	db	"Get Memory Struct ERROR"
GetMemStructOKMessage:	db	"Get Memory Struct SUCCESSFUL!"
StartGetSVGAVBEInfoMessage:	db	"Start Get SVGA VBE Info"
GetSVGAVBEInfoErrMessage:	db	"Get SVGA VBE Info ERROR"
StartGetSVGAModeInfoMessage:	db	"Start Get SVGA Mode Info"
GetSVGAModeInfoErrMessage:	db	"Get SVGA Mode Info ERROR"
GetSVGAModeInfoOKMessage:	db	"Get SVGA Mode Info SUCCESSFUL!"


RootDirSectors	equ	14
SectorNumOfRootDirStart	equ	19
SectorNumOfFAT1Start	equ	1
SectorBalance	equ	17	
	BS_OEMName	db	'MINEboot'
	BPB_BytesPerSec	dw	512
	BPB_SecPerClus	db	1
	BPB_RsvdSecCnt	dw	1
	BPB_NumFATs	db	2
	BPB_RootEntCnt	dw	224
	BPB_TotSec16	dw	2880
	BPB_Media	db	0xf0
	BPB_FATSz16	dw	9
	BPB_SecPerTrk	dw	18
	BPB_NumHeads	dw	2
	BPB_hiddSec	dd	0
	BPB_TotSec32	dd	0
	BS_DrvNum	db	0
	BS_Reserved1	db	0
	BS_BootSig	db	29h
	BS_VolID	dd	0
	BS_VolLab	db	'boot loader'
	BS_FileSysType	db	'FAT12   '

之后编译loader.asm文件,编译命令为:  nasm loader.asm -o loader.bin

编译结束后,将生成的二进制程序loader.bin 复制到虚拟软盘镜像文件boot.img中。由于此时的boot.img已经有了FAT12文件系统,所以现在可以使用挂载文件系统的方式将loader.bin 复制到文件系统中 。依次执行:

mount (bochs路径)/boot.img /media/ -t vfat -o loop
cp loader.bin /media/
umount /media/


