These steps have been tested for Ubuntu 10.04 but should work with other distros.
GCC 4.x or later. This can be installed with
CMake 2.6 or higher
Subversion (SVN) client
GTK+2.x or higher, including headers
libpng, zlib, libjpeg, libtiff, libjasper with development files (e.g. libpjeg-dev)
Python 2.3 or later with developer packages (e.g. python-dev)
SWIG 1.3.30 or later (only for versions prior to OpenCV 2.3)
libdc1394 2.x
All the libraries above can be installed via Terminal or by using Synaptic Manager
You can use the latest stable OpenCV version available in sourceforge or you can grab the latest snapshot from theSVN repository.
Launch SVN client and checkout either
In Ubuntu it can be done using the following command, e.g.:
Create a temporary directory, which we denote as
Enter the
For example
Enter the created temporary directory (
If the size of the created library is a critical issue (like in case of an Android build) you can use theinstall/strip command to get the smallest size as possible. The stripped version appears to be twice as small. However, we do not recommend using this unless those extra megabytes do really matter.
We assume that you have successfully installed OpenCV in your workstation.
Let’s use a simple program such as DisplayImage.cpp shown below.
Now you have to create your CMakeLists.txt file. It should look like this:
This part is easy, just proceed as with any other project using CMake:
Two ways, one by forming a project directly, and another by CMake
Start Eclipse. Just run the executable that comes in the folder.
Go to File -> New -> C/C++ Project
Choose a name for your project (i.e. DisplayImage). An Empty Project should be okay for this example.
Leave everything else by default. Press Finish.
Your project (in this case DisplayImage) should appear in the Project Navigator (usually at the left side of your window).
Now, let’s add a source file using OpenCV:
So, now you have a project with a empty .cpp file. Let’s fill it with some sample code (in other words, copy and paste the snippet below):
We are only missing one final step: To tell OpenCV where the OpenCV headers and libraries are. For this, do the following:
Go to Project–>Properties
In C/C++ Build, click on Settings. At the right, choose the Tool Settings Tab. Here we will enter the headers and libraries info:
In GCC C++ Compiler, go to Includes. In Include paths(-l) you should include the path of the folder where opencv was installed. In our example, this is /usr/local/include/opencv.
If you do not know where your opencv files are, open the Terminal and type:
For instance, that command gave me this output:
Now go to GCC C++ Linker,there you have to fill two spaces:
First in Library search path (-L) you have to write the path to where the opencv libraries reside, in my case the path is:
Then in Libraries(-l) add the OpenCV libraries that you may need. Usually just the 3 first on the list below are enough (for simple applications) . In my case, I am putting all of them since I plan to use the whole bunch:
opencv_core opencv_imgproc opencv_highgui opencv_ml opencv_video opencv_features2d opencv_calib3d opencv_objdetect opencv_contrib opencv_legacy opencv_flann
If you don’t know where your libraries are (or you are just psychotic and want to make sure the path is fine), type in Terminal:
My output (in case you want to check) was: .. code-block:: bash
-L/usr/local/lib -lopencv_core -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_ml -lopencv_video -lopencv_features2d -lopencv_calib3d -lopencv_objdetect -lopencv_contrib -lopencv_legacy -lopencv_flann
Now you are done. Click OK
Your project should be ready to be built. For this, go to Project->Build all
In the Console you should get something like
If you check in your folder, there should be an executable there.
So, now we have an executable ready to run. If we were to use the Terminal, we would probably do something like:
Assuming that the image to use as the argument would be located in
Go to Run->Run Configurations
Under C/C++ Application you will see the name of your executable + Debug (if not, click over C/C++ Application a couple of times). Select the name (in this case DisplayImage Debug).
Now, in the right side of the window, choose the Arguments Tab. Write the path of the image file we want to open (path relative to the workspace/DisplayImage folder). Let’s use HappyLittleFish.png:
Click on the Apply button and then in Run. An OpenCV window should pop up with the fish image (or whatever you used).
Congratulations! You are ready to have fun with OpenCV using Eclipse.
(See the getting started
Say you have or create a new file, helloworld.cpp in a directory called foo:
- You can also optionally modify the Build command: from make to something like make VERBOSE=1 -j4which tells the compiler to produce detailed symbol files for debugging and also to compile in 4 parallel threads.
The description here was tested by the author using the Windows 7 SP1 operating system (OS). Nevertheless, it should also work on any other Windows OS too. If you encounter errors after following the steps described here feel free to contact us via our user group and we will try to fix your problem.
To use the OpenCV library you have two options: Installation by using the pre-built libraries orInstallation by making your own libraries from the source files. While the first one is easier to complete, it only works if you are coding inside the latest Microsoft Visual Studio integrated development environments (IDE) and doesn’t takes advantage of the most novel technologies we integrate into our library.
Open up a web browser and go to:
Open the folder for the latest version (currently this is 2.3).
Choose a build you want to use and download it. The naming conventions used will show what kind of support they offer. For example:
If you downloaded the source files present here see Installation by making your own libraries from the source files.
Make sure you have admin rights. Start the setup and follow the wizard. Agree to the ” License Agreement ” .
While adding the OpenCV library to the system path is a good decision for a better control of this we will do it manually. Therefore, make sure you do not set this option.
Most of the time it is a good idea to install the source files as this will allow for you to debug into the OpenCV library, if it is necessary. Therefore, just follow the default settings of the wizard and finish the installation.
You can check the installation at the chosen path as you can see below.
To finalize the installation go to the Set the OpenCV enviroment variable and add it to the systems pathsection.
You may find the content of this tutorial also inside the following videos: Part 1 and Part 2, hosted on YouTube.
If you are building your own libraries you can take either the source files from our latest:
- stable and tested build - (the number at the end will change with every new realease, so change it to that)
- development build -
While the later one may contain a couple of new and experimental algorithms, performance increases and interface improvements, be aware, that it may also contain many-many bugs. Using the first one is recommended in most of the cases. That is unless you are extending the OpenCV library itself or really need to most up to date version of it.
Building the OpenCV library from scratch requires a couple of tools installed beforehand:
OpenCV may come in multiple flavors. There is a “core” section that will work on its own. Nevertheless, they are a couple of tools, libraries made by other organizations (so called 3rd parties) that offer services of which the OpenCV may take advantage. These will improve in many ways its capabilities. In order to use any of them, you need to download and install them on your system.
Now I will describe the steps to follow for a full build (using all the above frameworks, tools and libraries). If you do not need the support for some of these you can just freely skip those parts.
Make sure you have a working IDE with a valid compiler. In case of the Microsoft Visual Studio just install it and make sure it starts up.
Install CMake. Simply follow the wizard, no need to add it to the path. The default install options are great. No need to change them.
Install TortoiseSVN. Choose the 32 or 64 bit version according to the type of OS you work in. Again follow the wizard, default options are good. Restart of your system is required.
Choose a directory in your file system where you will download the OpenCV libraries. I recommend creating a new one that has short path and no special charachters in it, for example D:/OpenCV. During this tutorial I’ll suppose you’ve done so. If you use a different directory just change this front part of the path in my future examples. Then, in the directory.
A window will appear where you can select from what repository you want to download source files (1) and to which directory (2):
Add here either ones of the versions described above. Then push the OK button and be patient as the repository currently is over 330MB to download. It will take some time until it is finished depending on your Internet connection.
When you are done you should have a opencv and an opencv_extra directory as seen at (3).
In this section I will cover installing the 3rd party libraries.
Download the Python libraries and install it with the default options. You will need a couple other python extensions. Luckily installing all these may be automated by a nice tool called Setuptools. Download and install again.
Installing Sphinx is easy once you have installed Setuptools. This contains a little application that will automatically connect to the python databases and download the latest version of many python scripts. Start up a command window (enter cmd into the windows start menu and press enter) and use the CD command to navigate to your Python folders Script sub-folder. Here just pass to the easy_install.exe as argument the name of the program you want to install. Add the sphinx argument.
The CD navigation command works only inside a drive. For example if you are somewhere in the C:drive you cannot use it this to go to another drive (like for example D:). To do so you first need to change drives letters. For this simply enter the command D:. Then you can use the CD to navigate to specific folder inside the drive. Bonus tip: you can clear the screen by using the CLS command.
This will also install its prerequisites Jinja2 and Pygments.
The easiest way to install Numpy is to just download its binaries from the sourceforga page. Make sure your download and install exactly the binary for your python version (so for version 2.7).
Download the Miktex and install it. Again just follow the wizard. At the fourth step make sure you select for the “Install missing packages on-the-fly” the Yes option, as you can see on the image below. Again this will take quite some time so be patient.
For the Intel © Threading Building Blocks (TBB) download the source files and extract it inside a directory on your system. For example let there be D:/OpenCV/dep. For installing the Intel © Integrated Performance Primitives (IPP) the story is the same. For exctracting the archives I recommend using the 7-Zip application.
In case of the Eigen library it is again a case of download and extract to the D:/OpenCV/dep directory.
Same as above with OpenEXR.
For the OpenNI Framework you need to install both the development build and the PrimeSensor Module.
For the CUDA you need again two modules: the latest CUDA Toolkit and the CUDA Tools SDK. Download and install both of them with a complete option by using the 32 or 64 bit setups according to your OS.
In case of the Qt framework you need to build yourself the binary files (unless you use the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 with 32 bit compiler). To do this go to the Qt Downloads page. Download the source files (not the installers!!!):
Extract it into a nice and short named directory like D:/OpenCV/dep/qt/ . Then you need to build it. Start up a Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010) by using the start menu search (or navigate through the start menu ).
Now navigate to the extracted folder and enter inside it by using this console window. You should have a folder containing files like Install, Make and so on. Use the dir command to list files inside your current directory. Once arrived at this directory enter the following command:
Completing this will take around 10-20 minutes. Then enter the next command that will take a lot longer (can easily take even more than a full hour):
After this set the Qt enviroment variables using the following command on Windows 7:
Also, add the built binary files path to the system path by using the Path Editor. In our case this isD:/OpenCV/dep/qt/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.3/bin.
If you plan on doing Qt application development you can also install at this point the Qt Visual Studio Add-in. After this you can make and build Qt applications without using the Qt Creator. Everything is nicely integrated into Visual Studio.
Now start the CMake (cmake-gui). You may again enter it in the start menu search or get it from the
. First, select the directory for the source files of the OpenCV library (1). Then, specify a directory where you will build the binary files for OpenCV (2).Press the Configure button to specify the compiler (and IDE) you want to use. Note that in case you can choose between different compilers for making either 64 bit or 32 bit libraries. Select the one you use in your application development.
CMake will start out and based on your system variables will try to automatically locate as many packages as possible. You can modify the packages to use for the build in the
menu points (where X is the package abbreviation). Here are a list of current packages you can turn on or off:Select all the packages you want to use and press again the Configure button. For an easier overview of the build options make sure the Grouped option under the binary directory selection is turned on. For some of the packages CMake may not find all of the required files or directories. In case of these CMake will throw an error in its output window (located at the bottom of the GUI) and set its field values, to not found constants. For example:
For these you need to manually set the queried directories or files path. After this press again the Configurebutton to see if the value entered by you was accepted or not. Do this until all entries are good and you cannot see errors in the field/value or the output part of the GUI. Now I want to emphasize an option that you will definitely love:
. OpenCV will create many-many projects and turning this option will make sure that they are categorized inside directories in the Solution Explorer. It is a must have feature, if you ask me.Furthermore, you need to select what part of OpenCV you want to build.
Press again the Configure button and ensure no errors are reported. If this is the case you can tell CMake to create the project files by pushing the Generate button. Go to the build directory and open the created OpenCVsolution. Depending on just how much of the above options you have selected the solution may contain quite a lot of projects so be tolerant on the IDE at the startup. Now you need to build both the Release and the Debugbinaries. Use the drop-down menu on your IDE to change to another of these after building for one of them.
In the end you can observe the built binary files inside the bin directory:
For the documentation you need to explicitly issue the build commands on the doc project for the PDF files and on the doc_html for the HTML ones. Each of these will call Sphinx to do all the hard work. You can find the generated documentation inside the Build/Doc/_html for the HTML pages and within the Build/Doc the PDF manuals.
To collect the header and the binary files, that you will use during your own projects, into a separate directory (simillary to how the pre-built binaries ship) you need to explicitely build the Install project.
This will create an install directory inside the Build one collecting all the built binaries into a single place. Use this only after you built both the Release and Debug versions.
To create an installer you need to install NSIS. Then just build the Package project to build the installer into the Build/_CPack_Packages/win32/NSIS folder. You can then use this to distribute OpenCV with your build settings on other systems.
To test your build just go into the Build/bin/Debug or Build/bin/Release directory and start a couple of applications like the contours.exe. If they run, you are done. Otherwise, something definitely went awfully wrong. In this case you should contact us via our user group. If everything is okay the contours.exe output should resemble the following image (if built with Qt support):
If you use the GPU module (CUDA libraries) make sure you also upgrade to the latest drivers of your GPU. Error messages containing invalid entries in (or cannot find) the nvcuda.dll are caused mostly by old video card drivers. For testing the GPU (if built) run the performance_gpu.exe sample application.
First we set an enviroment variable to make easier our work. This will hold the install directory of our OpenCV library that we use in our projects. Start up a command window and enter:
Here the directory is where you have your OpenCV binaries (installed or built). Inside this you should have folders like bin and include. The -m should be added if you wish to make the settings computer wise, instead of user wise.
If you built static libraries then you are done. Otherwise, you need to add the bin folders path to the systems path.This is cause you will use the OpenCV library in form of “Dynamic-link libraries” (also known as DLL). Inside these are stored all the algorithms and information the OpenCV library contains. The operating system will load them only on demand, during runtime. However, to do this he needs to know where they are. The systems PATH contains a list of folders where DLLs can be found. Add the OpenCV library path to this and the OS will know where to look if he ever needs the OpenCV binaries. Otherwise, you will need to copy the used DLLs right beside the applications executable file (exe) for the OS to find it, which is highly unpleasent if you work on many projects. To do this start up again the Path Editor and add the following new entry (right click in the application to bring up the menu):
Save it to the registry and you are done. If you ever change the location of your install directories or want to try out your applicaton with a different build all you will need to do is to update the OPENCV_DIR variable via the setxcommand inside a command window.
Now you can continue reading the tutorials with the How to build applications with OpenCV inside the Microsoft Visual Studio section. There you will find out how to use the OpenCV library in your own projects with the help of the Microsoft Visual Studio IDE.
Everything I describe here will apply to the C\C++ interface of OpenCV. I start out from the assumption that you have read and completed with success the Installation in Windows tutorial. Therefore, before you go any further make sure you have an OpenCV directory that contains the OpenCV header files plus binaries and you have set the environment variables as described here.
The OpenCV libraries, distributed by us, on the Microsoft Windows operating system are in a Dynamic Linked Libraries (DLL). These have the advantage that all the content of the library are loaded only at runtime, on demand, and that countless programs may use the same library file. This means that if you have ten applications using the OpenCV library, no need to have around a version for each one of them. Of course you need to have the dll of the OpenCV on all systems where you want to run your application.
Another approach is to use static libraries that have lib extensions. You may build these by using our source files as described in the Installation in Windows tutorial. When you use this the library will be built-in inside your exefile. So there is no chance that the user deletes them, for some reason. As a drawback your application will be larger one and as, it will take more time to load it during its startup.
To build an application with OpenCV you need to do two things:
Tell to the compiler how the OpenCV library looks. You do this by showing it the header files.
Tell to the linker from where to get the functions or data structures of OpenCV, when they are needed.
If you use the lib system you must set the path where the library files are and specify in which one of them to look. During the build the linker will look into these libraries and add the definitions and implementation of all used functions and data structures to the executable file.
If you use the DLL system you must again specify all this, however now for a different reason. This is a Microsoft OS specific stuff. It seems that the linker needs to know that where in the DLL to search for the data structure or function at the runtime. This information is stored inside lib files. Nevertheless, they aren’t static libraries. They are so called import libraries. This is why when you make some DLLs in Windows you will also end up with some lib extension libraries. The good part is that at runtime only the DLL is required.
To pass on all this information to the Visual Studio IDE you can either do it globally (so all your future projects will get these information) or locally (so only for you current project). The advantage of the global one is that you only need to do it once; however, it may be undesirable to clump all your projects all the time with all these information. In case of the global one how you do it depends on the Microsoft Visual Studio you use. There is a 2008 and previous versions and a 2010 way of doing it. Inside the global section of this tutorial I’ll show what the main differences are.
The base item of a project in Visual Studio is a solution. A solution may contain multiple projects. Projects are the building blocks of an application. Every project will realize something and you will have a main project in which you can put together this project puzzle. In case of the many simple applications (like many of the tutorials will be) you do not need to break down the application into modules. In these cases your main project will be the only existing one. Now go create a new solution inside Visual studio by going through the
menu selection. Choose Win32 Console Application as type. Enter its name and select the path where to create it. Then in the upcoming dialog make sure you create an empty project.Every project is built separately from the others. Due to this every project has its own rule package. Inside this rule packages are stored all the information the IDE needs to know to build your project. For any application there are at least two build modes: a Release and a Debug one. The Debug has many features that exist so you can find and resolve easier bugs inside your application. In contrast the Release is an optimized version, where the goal is to make the application run as fast as possible or to be as small as possible. You may figure that these modes also require different rules to use during build. Therefore, there exist different rule packages for each of your build modes. These rule packages are called inside the IDE as project properties and you can view and modify them by using the Property Manger. You can bring up this with
. Expand it and you can see the existing rule packages (called Proporty Sheets).The really useful stuff of these is that you may create a rule package once and you can later just add it to your new projects. Create it once and reuse it later. We want to create a new Property Sheet that will contain all the rules that the compiler and linker needs to know. Of course we will need a separate one for the Debug and the Release Builds. Start up with the Debug one as shown in the image below:
Use for example the OpenCV_Debug name. Then by selecting the sheet
. In the following I will show to set the OpenCV rules locally, as I find unnecessary to pollute projects with custom rules that I do not use it. Go the C++ groups General entry and under the “Additional Include Directories” add the path to your OpenCV include.When adding third party libraries settings it is generally a good idea to use the power behind the environment variables. The full location of the OpenCV library may change on each system. Moreover, you may even end up yourself with moving the install directory for some reason. If you would give explicit paths inside your property sheet your project will end up not working when you pass it further to someone else who has a different OpenCV install path. Moreover, fixing this would require to manually modifying every explicit path. A more elegant solution is to use the environment variables. Anything that you put inside a parenthesis started with a dollar sign will be replaced at runtime with the current environment variables value. Here comes in play the environment variable setting we already made in our previous tutorial.
Next go to the
and under the “Additional Library Directories” add the libs directory:Then you need to specify the libraries in which the linker should look into. To do this go to the
and under the “Additional Dependencies” entry add the name of all modules which you want to use:The names of the libraries are as follow:
A full list, for the currently latest trunk version would contain:
The letter d at the end just indicates that these are the libraries required for the debug. Now click ok to save and do the same with a new property inside the Release rule section. Make sure to omit the d letters from the library names and to save the property sheets with the save icon above them.
You can find your property sheets inside your projects directory. At this point it is a wise decision to back them up into some special directory, to always have them at hand in the future, whenever you create an OpenCV project. Note that for Visual Studio 2010 the file extension is props, while for 2008 this is vsprops.
Next time when you make a new OpenCV project just use the “Add Existing Property Sheet...” menu entry inside the Property Manager to easily add the OpenCV build rules.
In case you find to troublesome to add the property pages to each and every one of your projects you can also add this rules to a “global property page”. However, this applies only to the additional include and library directories. The name of the libraries to use you still need to specify manually by using for instance: a Property page.
In Visual Studio 2008 you can find this under the:
.In Visual Studio 2010 this has been moved to a global property sheet which is automatically added to every project you create:
The process is the same as described in case of the local approach. Just add the include directories by using the environment variable OPENCV_DIR.
Now to try this out download our little test source code or get it from the sample code folder of the OpenCV sources. Add this to your project and build it. Here’s its content:
You can start a Visual Studio build from two places. Either inside from the IDE (keyboard combination: Control-F5) or by navigating to your build directory and start the application with a double click. The catch is that these twoaren’t the same. When you start it from the IDE its current working directory is the projects directory, while otherwise it is the folder where the application file currently is (so usually your build directory). Moreover, in case of starting from the IDE the console window will not close once finished. It will wait for a keystroke of yours.
This is important to remember when you code inside the code open and save commands. You’re resources will be saved ( and queried for at opening!!!) relatively to your working directory. This is unless you give a full, explicit path as parameter for the I/O functions. In the code above we open this OpenCV logo. Before starting up the application make sure you place the image file in your current working directory. Modify the image file name inside the code to try it out on other images too. Run it and voilá:
Throughout some of our future tutorials you’ll see that the programs main input method will be by giving a runtime argument. To do this you can just start up a commmand windows (cmd + Enter in the start menu), navigate to your executable file and start it with an argument. So for example in case of my upper project this would look like:
Here I first changed my drive (if your project isn’t on the OS local drive), navigated to my project and start it with an example image argument. While under Linux system it is common to fiddle around with the console window on the Microsoft Windows many people come to use it almost never. Besides, adding the same argument again and again while you are testing your application is, somewhat, a cumbersome task. Luckily, in the Visual Studio there is a menu to automate all this:
Specify here the name of the inputs and while you start your application from the Visual Studio enviroment you have automatic argument passing. In the next introductionary tutorial you’ll see an in-depth explanation of the upper source code: Load and Display an Image.
This tutorial was tested using Ubuntu 10.04 and Windows 7 SP1 operating systems. Nevertheless, it should also work on any other OSes supported by Android SDK (including Mac OS X). If you encounter errors after following the steps described here, feel free to contact us via android-opencv discussion group and we will try to help you.
If you are making a clean environment installation then you can try Tegra Android Development Pack (TADP) released by NVIDIA:
It will cover all of the environment set up automatically and you can go to the next step Get the OpenCV package for Android development right after automatic setup.
If you are a beginner in Android development then we recommentd you to start with TADP.
NVIDIA‘s Tegra Android Development Pack includes some special features for NVIDIA’s Tegra platform but it is not just for Tegra devices
You need the following tools to be installed:
Sun JDK 6
Visit and download installer for your OS.
Here is a detailed JDK installation guide for Ubuntu and Mac OS: (only JDK sections are applicable for OpenCV)
OpenJDK is not usable for Android development because Android SDK supports only Sun JDK. If you use Ubuntu, after installation of Sun JDK you should run the following command to set Sun java environment:
Android SDK
Get the latest Android SDK from
Here is Google’s install guide for SDK
If you choose SDK packed into Windows installer, then you should have 32-bit JRE installed. It is not needed for Android development, but installer is x86 application and requires 32-bit Java runtime.
If you are running x64 version of Ubuntu Linux, then you need ia32 shared libraries for use on amd64 and ia64 systems to be installed. You can install them with the following command:
For Red Hat based systems the following command might be helpful:
Android SDK components
You need the following SDK components to be installed:
Android SDK Tools, revision12 or newer
Older revisions should also work, but they are not recommended.
SDK Platform Android 2.2, API 8, revision 2 (also known as android-8)
This is minimal platform supported by OpenCV Java API. And it is set as default for OpenCV distribution. It is possible to use newer platform with OpenCV package, but it requires to edit OpenCV project settings.
See Adding SDK Components for help with installing/updating SDK components.
Eclipse IDE
Check the Android SDK System Requirements document for a list of Eclipse versions that are compatible with the Android SDK. For OpenCV 2.3.1 we recommend Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo) or Eclipse 3.6 (Helios). They work well for OpenCV under both Windows and Linux.
If you have no Eclipse installed, you can download it from this location:
ADT plugin for Eclipse
This instruction is copied from . Please, visit that page if you have any troubles with ADT plugin installation.
Assuming that you have Eclipse IDE installed, as described above, follow these steps to download and install the ADT plugin:
Start Eclipse, then select
Click Add (in the top-right corner).
In the Add Repository dialog that appears, enter “ADT Plugin” for the Name and the following URL for the Location:
Click OK
If you have trouble acquiring the plugin, try using “http” in the Location URL, instead of “https” (https is preferred for security reasons).
In the Available Software dialog, select the checkbox next to Developer Tools and click Next.
In the next window, you’ll see a list of the tools to be downloaded. Click Next.
Read and accept the license agreements, then click Finish.
If you get a security warning saying that the authenticity or validity of the software can’t be established, click OK.
When the installation completes, restart Eclipse.
Go to the and download the latest available version. Currently it is OpenCV-2.3.1-android-bin.tar.bz2
Create new folder for Android+OpenCV development.
Better to use a path without spaces in it. Otherwise you will probably have problems withndk-build.
Unpack the OpenCV package into that dir.
You can unpack it using any popular archiver (for example with 7-Zip):
On Unix you can also use the following command:
For this tutorial I have unpacked OpenCV to the C:\Work\android-opencv\ directory.
Start the Eclipse and choose your workspace location.
I recommend to start familiarizing yourself with OpenCV for Android from a new clean workspace. So I have chosen my OpenCV package directory for the new workspace:
Configure your ADT plugin
ADT plugin settings are workspace-dependent. So you have to repeat this step each time when you create a new workspace.
Once you have created a new workspace, you have to point the ADT plugin to the Android SDK directory. This setting is stored in workspace metadata, as result this step is required each time when you are creating new workspace for Android development. See Configuring the ADT Plugin document for the original instructions fromGoogle.
You may see a dialog asking whether you want to send usage statistics to Google. If so, make your choice and click Proceed. You cannot continue with this procedure until you click Proceed.
Import OpenCV and samples into workspace.
OpenCV library is packed as a ready-for-use Android Library Project. You can simply reference it in your projects.
Each sample included into OpenCV-2.3.1-android-bin.tar.bz2 is a regular Android project that already references OpenCV library. Follow next steps to import OpenCV and samples into workspace:
Right click on the Package Explorer window and choose Import... option from the context menu:
In the main panel select Next button:
and pressFor the Select root directory in the main panel locate your OpenCV package folder. (If you have created workspace in the package directory, then just click Browse... button and instantly close directory choosing dialog with OK button!) Eclipse should automatically locate OpenCV library and samples:
Click Finish button to complete the import operation.
After clicking Finish button Eclipse will load all selected projects into workspace. And... will indicate numerous errors:
However all these errors are only false-alarms!
To help Eclipse to understand that there are no any errors choose OpenCV library in Package Explorer (left mouse click) and press F5 button on your keyboard. Then choose any sample (except first samples in Tutorial Base and Tutorial Advanced) and also press F5.
After this manipulation Eclipse will rebuild your workspace and error icons will disappear one after another:
Once Eclipse completes build you will have the clean workspace without any build errors:
If you are importing only OpenCV library without samples then instead of second refresh command (F5) you might need to make from project context menu.
At this point you should be able to build and run all samples except two from Advanced tutorial (these samples require Android NDK to build working applications, see the next tutorial Using C++ OpenCV code with Android binary package to learn how to compile them).
Also I want to note that only Tutorial 1 Basic - 0. Android Camera and Tutorial 1 Basic - 1. Add OpenCV samples are able to run on Emulator from Android SDK. Other samples are using OpenCV Native Camera which does not work with emulator.
Latest Android SDK tools, revision 12 can run ARM v7 OS images but Google does not provide such images with SDK.
Well, running samples from Eclipse is very simple:
Connect your device with adb tool from Android SDK or create Emulator with camera support.
- See Managing Virtual Devices document for help with Android Emulator.
- See Using Hardware Devices for help with real devices (not emulators).
Select project you want to start in Package Explorer:guilabel: and just press Ctrl + F11 or select option from main menu, or click Run button on the toolbar.
Android Emulator can take several minutes to start. So, please, be patient.
On the first run Eclipse will ask you how to run your application:
Select the Android Application option and click OK button. Eclipse will install and run the sample.
Here is Tutorial 1 Basic - 1. Add OpenCV sample detecting edges using Canny algorithm from OpenCV:
If you already have an Android application, you can add a reference to OpenCV and import all its functionality.
First of all you need to have both projects (your app and OpenCV) in a single workspace. So, open workspace with your application and import the OpenCV project into your workspace as stated above.
Add a reference to OpenCV project.
Do the right mouse click on your app in Package Explorer, go to
and choose the OpenCV library project.Read the Using C++ OpenCV code with Android binary package tutorial to learn how add native OpenCV code to your Android project.
The Android way is writing all your code in Java. But somethimes it is not enough and you need to go to a native level and write part of your application in C/C++. This is important when you already have some computer vision functionality which is written in C++ and uses OpenCV, and you want to use it in your Android application, but do not want to rewrite the C++ code to Java. In this case the only way is to use JNI mechanism. It means, that you should add a class with native methods wrapping your C++ functionality into the Java part of your Android application.
This tutorial describes a fast way how to create and build Android applications containing OpenCV code written in C++. It shows how to build an application which uses OpenCV inside its JNI calls.
Please note that before starting this tutorial you should fulfill all the steps, described in the tutorial Using Android binary package with Eclipse.
This tutorial was tested using Ubuntu 10.04 and Windows 7 SP1 operating systems. Nevertheless, it should also work on Mac OS X. If you encounter errors after following the steps described here, feel free to contact us via android-opencv discussion group and we will try to help you.
To compile C++ code for Android platform you need Android Native Development Kit (NDK).
You can get the latest version of NDK from the page .
To install Android NDK just extract the archive to some folder on your computer. (Here is installation instructions on the NDK home page:
Before start you can read official Android NDK documentation which is in the Android NDK archive, in the folder docs/.
The main article about using Android NDK build system you can read in the file ANDROID-MK.html.
Also some additional useful information you can read in the files APPLICATION-MK.html, NDK-BUILD.html, and in the files CPU-ARM-NEON.html, CPLUSPLUS-SUPPORT.html, PREBUILTS.html.
Usually code of an Android application has the following structure:
the src folder contains Java code of the application,
the res folder contains resources of the application (images, xml files describing UI layout , etc),
the libs folder will contain native libraries after successful build,
and the jni folder contains C/C++ application source code and NDK’s build scripts
These scripts control the C++ build process (they are written in Makefile language).
Also the root folder should contain the following files
AndroidManifest.xml file presents essential information about application to the Android system (name of the Application, name of main application’s package, components of the application, required permissions, etc)
It can be created using Eclipse wizard or android tool from Android SDK is a text file containing information about target Android platform and other build details.
This file is generated by Eclipse or can be created with android tool from Android SDK
Both files (AndroidManifest.xml and are required to compile the C++ part of the application (NDK build system uses information from these files). If any of these files does not exist, compile the Java part of the project before the C++ part.
Here is the standard way to compile C++ part of an Android application:
Open console and go to the root folder of Android application
Alternatively you can go to the folder jni of Android project but samples from OpenCV binary package are configured for building from project root level (because of relative path to the OpenCV library).
Run the following command
If you are working in cygwin shell and encounter an error saying that NDK does not find somecygwin‘s path then you might need to define the following environment variable:
After executing this command the C++ part of the source code is compiled.
After that the Java part of the application can be (re)compiled (using either Eclipse or ant build tool).
Some parameters can be set for the ndk-build:
Example 1: Verbose compilation
Example 2: Rebuild all
There are several possible ways to integrate compilation of C++ code by Android NDK into Eclipse compilation process. We recommend the approach taken from this site:
This instructions should be applied for each Android project in Eclipse workspace. So if you have 3 projects having C++ part then you need to configure 3 builders.
Below is an adapted version of this guide:
Navigate to Package Explorer window and expand your project having JNI resources.
If you can not see libs folder under this project then you need to create it manually. (It will be required on step 7, but you need to create it before you open project properties.)
Right click on your project in Package Explorer window and select Properties.
In the Properties dialog select Builders menu and press the New... button:
In the resulting dialog select the Program type and press OK button:
In the Main tab fill the following fields:
Name - any name for your builder. (“Tutorial 2.1 Builder” in my case.)
This name has to be unique for each project in your workspace.
Location - full path to ndk-build tool.
Just put full path to ndk-build into this filed. Also you can add some options to theArguments:guilabel: fied, for example -B option.
Instead of path to the ndk-build tool you need to put full path to cygwin‘s bash.exelocation. E.g: C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe.
Put full path to ndk-build into the Arguments field E.g. C:\Android\android-ndk-r6\ndk-build.
Go to the Environment tab and define an environment variable:
- PATH - full path to the cygwin tools. E.g. C:\cygwin\bin
- Working Directory - put path to your project into this field. Instead of hardcoding full path you can click Browse Workspace... button and select your project.
Go to the Refresh tab and select both Refresh resources upon completion and Recursively include sub-folders.
Next set the Specific resources option and click Specify resources... button:
Select libs folder under your project and click Finish:
Go to the last tab Build options. Make sure that all checkboxes are set as shown on the next screen:
Next, click the Specify resources... button.
Select jni folder of your project and click the Finish button:
Finally press OK in the builder configuration and project properties dialogs. If you have automatic build turned on then console showing build log should appear:
The script usually have the following structure:
This is the minimal file, which builds a C++ source code of an Android application. Note that the first two lines and the last line are mandatory for any
Usually the file is optional, but in case of project using OpenCV, when STL and exceptions are used in C++, it also should be written. Example of the file
OpenCV binary package includes two samples having JNI resources:
Tutorial 2 Advanced - 1. Add Native OpenCV
This sample illustrate how you can use OpenCV in C++ but without OpenCV Java API.
Tutorial 2 Advanced - 2. Mix Java+Native OpenCV
This sample shows how you can mix OpenCV Java API and native C++ code.
To build these samples you need to:
To build your own Android application, which uses OpenCV from native part, the following steps should be done:
The archive with OpenCV binary package should be downloaded and extracted to some folder (as example, into the home folder)
We recommend to use an environment variable to specify the location of OpenCV package. Full or relative path hardcoded in jni/ will also work.
So, the environment variable OPENCV_PACKAGE_DIR should be defined. The value of the variable should points to the folder, where the OpenCV package has been extracted.
As an example, on UNIX you can add add the following line into the hidden file .bashrc placed in your home folder:
Then relogin (or better reboot your computer).
without rebooting (or logout) this change might not work.
If you are a Windows user, then navigate to:
Windows 7 / Windows Vista
Windows XP
Create new variable OPENCV_PACKAGE_DIR and similarly to UNIX relogin or reboot.
If you are setting NDK builder as described above in Theory: How to build Android application having C++ native part (from Eclipse), then you can define this variable in builder settings. It can be done on thirdEnvironment tab of the builder configuration window (we have already added some variables to this tab onWindows but skipped it for other platforms).
The file jni/ should be written for the current application using the common rules for the file.
For detailed information see the Android NDK documentation from the Android NDK archive, in the file
The line
should be inserted into the jni/ file right after the line
If your application utilize both native (C++) OpenCV and its Java API you need to put the following line before including to avoid conflict between C++ and Java builders:
The file should exist and should contain lines
Also the line
is recommended for the applications targeting modern ARMs
To build the C++ code the Android NDK script ndk-build should be run in the root directory of application. Then the C++ source code using OpenCV will be built by Android NDK build system. After that the Java part of the application can be rebuild and the application can be installed on an Android device.
Note that this step requires calling the ndk-build script from the console. Instead of this step you can use integration of Android NDK into Eclipse as stated above in the section Theory: How to build Android application having C++ native part (from Eclipse) .
Note that you can install additional C++ plugins in Eclipse:
- GCC 4.x or later
- CMake 2.8 or higher
- Xcode 4.0 or higher
Launch SVN client and checkout either
In MacOS it can be done using the following command in Terminal:
Create a temporary directory, which we denote as
Enter the
For example
Enter the created temporary directory (