OEM 里sysman用户密码的修改


[ oracle @ bin ]$ ./ emctl status oms Oracle Enterprise Manager 10 g Release Copyright ( c ) 1996 , 2005 Oracle Corporation . All rights reserved . Oracle Management Server is not functioning because of the following reason : Connection to the repository failed . Verify that the repository connection information provided is correct .

于修改sysman的密码,可以参见metalink的这个文章(ID 270516.1):

[@more@] To change the SYSMAN password:

1. Stop the agent monitoring the target OMS and Repository in order to avoid that the SYSMAN account is locked during the process of changing the password.
If there is only one OMS connected to the repository, stop the agent running on the OMS machine.
If there are multiple OMS connected to the same Repository, you need to figure out which agent is monitoring the target OMS and Repository. This is usually the agent installed with the first OMS installed, but it is worth to check it, as there may have been configuration changes in your Grid Control architecture.
1. Find the agent monitoring the target "OMS and Repository"
Follow the Note 604311.1 - How To Find which Grid Control agent is monitoring the
target "OMS and Repository" in cas of multiple OMS.
2. Connect to the node where the agent is installed with the oracle account and stop the agent
(ORACLE_HOME is set and ORACLE_HOME/bin is in the $PATH)
$ emctl stop agent

2. Stop all the OMS instances that are associated with the repository
From each node where an OMS is running, logged in as oracle account, do:

< < OMS_HOME > >/opmn/bin
opmnctl stopall

3. Change the SYSMAN password in the file emoms.properties
1. Backup the file emoms.properties

< < OMS_HOME > >/sysman/config
cp emoms.properties emoms.properties.orig

2. Edit the file emoms.properties and change the following lines


4. Change the SYSMAN password in the database hosting the repository:

1. Set the $ORACLE_SID environment variable to point to the EM Repository Database.
2. Logon to the Repository Database with SQL*Plus as a dba user and issue the command:

SQL> alter user sysman identified by newpassword;

5. Restart each of the OMS's

1. From each node where an OMS is running, logged in as oracle account, do:
< < OMS_HOME > >/opmn/bin
opmnctl startall
2. Check the following in the
< < OMS_HOME > >/sysman/config/emoms.properties file:

- the value of the parameter oracle.sysman.eml.mntr.emdRepPwd is encrypted
- the value of the parameter oracle.sysman.eml.mntr.emdRepPwdEncrypted is changed from FALSE to TRUE.

6. Change the SYSMAN password for the agent monitoring the "OMS and Repository"target
1. Login to the Grid Control Console
2. From the top right menu, click on the link Setup
3. Select the tab"Management Services and Repository"
4. From the bottom of the page "Overview", click on the link "Monitoring Configuration"
You will get the following error message:
Communication from the Oracle Management Service host to the Agent host failed. Refer to help for details. IOException in sending Request :: Connection refused
This is because the Agent is not started. Click OK.
5. Restart the Agent stopped in Step 1
Connect to the node where the agent is installed with the oracle account and start the agent
(ORACLE_HOME is set and ORACLE_HOME/bin is in the $PATH)
We did not start it before in order to avoid the SYSMAN account to be locked, which can prevent us from logging to the Grid Control console.

$ emctl start agent
6. Go back to the Grid Control console and click again on the link "Monitoring Configuration" once the agent is started.
In the Monitoring Configuration page, change the value in the field "Repository password"
7. Click OK
This will update the targets.xml of the monitoring agent with the new SYSMAN password.

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