Install GD on mac

Lots of bioinformatics software are based on perl. Some of them, for example, Circos, NGS toolkit... are written in perl and need certain perl packages. One of the most important one and the most tough one is GD!

It is really hard to install GD!!!! I've tried so many times and became desperate. Finally find one blog that tells fits me.

First make some basic setup:

mkdir build-gd
cd build-gd
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/man /usr/local/include /usr/local/bin /usr/local/lib

Then download and build the latest jpeg libraries:

#first download latest jpeg-9 source package .tar.gz
#then cd to the uncompressed directory
sudo make install mandir="/usr/local/share/man"
sudo make install-lib *
sudo ranlib /usr/local/lib/libjpeg.a *

#Honestly, I didn't totally understand the code right now. But some seems important (marked as *). Since I've installed with basic ./configure ->make ->make install steps, but cannot help install GD. 

Then download and build the latest libpng libraries:

#first download the latest libpng-1.6.8 tar.gz source file
#then uncompress and cd to the directory

cp scripts/makefile.macosx ./Makefile

perl -i.pre -p -e 's/-current_version \$\(PNGVER\)//g' Makefile

make zlibinc="/usr/lib" zliblib="/usr/lib"
sudo make install
sudo ranlib /usr/local/lib/libpng.a

Finally, install GD

#download GD-2.50 source code
#cd to GD-2.50/
pushd gd-2.50

sudo make install
sudo ranlib /usr/local/lib/libgd.a

In this way, GD will be finally installed!!! OMG~~~


Here's the original blog:


你可能感兴趣的:(Install GD on mac)