caipiao.py #获取最新一期彩票开奖结果
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # @Time: 2019-08-05 9:48 import re import urllib import time import sys def get_winnum(): datapath = sys.path[0] datasuffix = 'txt' if (len(sys.argv)>1): datapath = sys.argv[1] datasuffix = sys.argv[2] def getHtml(url): html = urllib.urlopen(url) return html.read() html = getHtml("http://zx.500.com/dlt/") reg = ['([0-9]\d*).* '] reg.append('([0-9]\d*) ') reg.append('([0-9]\d*) ') outstr = ""; for i in range(len(reg)): page = re.compile(reg[i]) rs = re.findall(page,html) for j in range(len(rs)): outstr+= rs[j] + "," #print time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d',time.localtime(time.time()))+":"+outstr[:-1] with open(datapath+'/lot_500_dlt.'+datasuffix, 'a') as f: f.write(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d',time.localtime(time.time()))+":"+outstr[:-1]+'\n') if __name__ == '__main__': get_winnum()
sendmail.py #发送邮件
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # Author: xueminchao # @Time: 2019-08-05 15:00 import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText def mail(sub,cont): sender = '[email protected]' #发送人邮箱 passwd = "xxxx" #发送人邮箱授权码 receivers = '[email protected]' #收件人邮箱 subject = sub#主题 content = cont #正文 msg = MIMEText(content,'plain','utf-8') msg['Subject'] = subject msg['From'] = sender msg['TO'] = receivers try: s = smtplib.SMTP_SSL('smtp.qq.com',465) s.login(sender,passwd) s.sendmail(sender,receivers,msg.as_string()) print('发送成功') except Exception: print('发送失败') if __name__ == '__main__': mail(subject,content)
query_win.py #查询是否中奖
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # Author: # @Time: 2019-08-05 10:08 import os import sys import caipiao import send_mail def win_rules(num_list,last_results): my_blue = num_list[0:5] my_red = num_list[5:] result_blue = last_results[0:5] result_red = last_results[5:] same_blue = [l for l in my_blue if l in result_blue] same_red = [l for l in my_red if l in result_red ] same_num_blue = len(same_blue) same_num_red = len(same_red) subject="大乐透中奖查询" content="未中奖" #9等奖 if same_num_blue == 5 and same_num_red == 2: print("\033[1;31;0m你已经中了一等奖,中奖号码为 %s \033[0m" % num_list) content = "你已经中了一等奖,中奖号码为 " + str(num_list) elif same_num_blue == 5 and same_num_red == 1: print("\033[1;35;0m你已经中了二等奖,中奖号码为 %s \033[0m" % num_list) content = "你已经中了二等奖,中奖号码为 " + str(num_list) elif same_num_blue == 5: print("\033[1;33;0m你已经中了三等奖, 中奖号码为 %s \033[0m" % num_list) content = "你已经中了三等奖,中奖号码为 " + str(num_list) elif same_num_blue == 4 and same_num_red == 2: print("\033[1;32;0m你已经中了四等奖, 中奖号码为 %s \033[0m" % num_list) content = "你已经中了四等奖,中奖号码为 " + str(num_list) elif same_num_blue == 4 and same_num_red == 1: print("\033[1;32;0m你已经中了五等奖, 中奖号码为 %s \033[0m" % num_list) content = "你已经中了一等奖,中奖号码为 " + str(num_list) elif same_num_blue == 3 and same_num_red == 2: print("\033[1;34;0m你已经中了六等奖, 中奖号码为 %s\033[0m" % num_list) content = "你已经中了六等奖,中奖号码为 " + str(num_list) elif same_num_blue == 4: print("\033[1;34;0m你已经中了七等奖, 中奖号码为 %s \033[0m" % num_list) content = "你已经中了七等奖,中奖号码为 " + str(num_list) elif (same_num_blue == 2 and same_num_red == 2) or (same_num_blue == 3 and same_num_red == 1): print("\033[1;34;0m你已经中了八等奖, 中奖号码为 %s \033[0m " % num_list) content = "你已经中了八等奖,中奖号码为 " + str(num_list) elif (same_num_blue == 1 and same_num_red == 2) or (same_num_red == 2) or (same_num_blue == 2 and same_num_red == 1): print("\033[1;36;0m你已经中了九等奖, 中奖号码为 %s \033[0m " % num_list) content = "你已经中了九等奖,中奖号码为 " + str(num_list) else: print("sorry,你没有中奖!!! ") content = "未中奖"+ "本次开奖号码为"+ str(last_results) send_mail.mail(subject, content) if __name__ == '__main__': caipiao.get_winnum() datepath = datapath = sys.path[0] fname="lot_500_dlt.txt" fmy_num="my_num.txt" with open(datapath+'/'+ fname,'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() #读取所有行 last_line = lines[-1].strip('\n') #获取最新的彩票号码 last_results=last_line.split(",")[1:] #查询是否中奖,获取自己的号码 with open(datapath+'/'+ fmy_num,'r') as f: lines= f.readlines() for i in lines: i=i.strip('\n') num=i.split(',') win_rules(num,last_results)
30 21 * * 6 /usr/bin/python /home/xmc/appl/caipiao/query_win.py > /dev/null 2>&1 &
my_num.txt 是自己买的彩票号码存放位置,注意数字必须为两位数,并且以逗号分隔,每一组为一行
11,16,20,27,34,03,09 06,14,18,22,23,10,12 09,14,18,33,34,03,12