

1.1 场景


1.2 解决方法

  • 主应用不知道子应用的存在:开放API,子应用独立运行。百度地图开放API、jar依赖、SDK、小程序1都属于这种。
  • 主应用知道子应用的存在,子应用运行依赖于主应用:插件模式


2.1 定义插件接口

public interface SchedulerPlugin {
    void initialize(String name, Scheduler scheduler, ClassLoadHelper loadHelper)
        throws SchedulerException;
    void start();
    void shutdown();
  • 说明:开发者开发插件时需实现上面的接口

2.2 初始化时注册插件

String[] pluginNames = cfg.getPropertyGroups(PROP_PLUGIN_PREFIX);
SchedulerPlugin[] plugins = new SchedulerPlugin[pluginNames.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < pluginNames.length; i++) {
            Properties pp = cfg.getPropertyGroup(PROP_PLUGIN_PREFIX + "."
                    + pluginNames[i], true);

            String plugInClass = pp.getProperty(PROP_PLUGIN_CLASS, null);

            if (plugInClass == null) {
                initException = new SchedulerException(
                        "SchedulerPlugin class not specified for plugin '"
                                + pluginNames[i] + "'");
                throw initException;
            SchedulerPlugin plugin = null;
            try {
                plugin = (SchedulerPlugin)
            } catch (Exception e) {
                initException = new SchedulerException(
                        "SchedulerPlugin class '" + plugInClass
                                + "' could not be instantiated.", e);
                throw initException;
            try {
                setBeanProps(plugin, pp);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                initException = new SchedulerException(
                        "JobStore SchedulerPlugin '" + plugInClass
                                + "' props could not be configured.", e);
                throw initException;

            plugins[i] = plugin;
        // add plugins
            for (int i = 0; i < plugins.length; i++) {

2.3 启动时调用插件的start方法

private void startPlugins() {
        java.util.Iterator<SchedulerPlugin> itr = resources.getSchedulerPlugins().iterator();
        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            SchedulerPlugin plugin = itr.next();

3. Quartz插件示例

// quartz.properties文件配置
org.quartz.plugin.triggHistory.class: org.quartz.plugins.history.LoggingJobHistoryPlugin
public class LoggingTriggerHistoryPlugin implements SchedulerPlugin,
        TriggerListener {
     * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     * Constructors.
     * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    public LoggingTriggerHistoryPlugin() {
     * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     * SchedulerPlugin Interface.
     * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    public void initialize(String pname, Scheduler scheduler, ClassLoadHelper classLoadHelper)
        throws SchedulerException {
        this.name = pname;

        scheduler.getListenerManager().addTriggerListener(this,  EverythingMatcher.allTriggers());

    public void start() {
        // do nothing...
    public void shutdown() {
        // nothing to do...

  1. 2020新版微信小程序可以脱离微信客户端运行;以前版本以及其他小程序可能需要依赖于主应用 ↩︎
