At 11 o'clock you came into my room.
I waited naturally to hear what excuses you had to make,
and in what way you were going to ask for the forgiveness that you knew in your heart was invariably waiting for you, no matter what you did; your absolute trust that I would always forgive you being the thing in you that I always really liked the best, perhaps the best thing in you to like. So far from doing that, you began to repeat the same scene with renewed emphasis and more
violent assertion. I told you at length to leave the room: you pretended to do so, but when I lifted up my head from the pillow, you were still there, and with brutality of laughter and hysteria of rage you moved suddenly towards me. A sense of horror came over me,for what exact reason I could not make out; but I got out of my bed at once, and bare-footed and just as I was, made my way down the two flights of stairs to the sitting-room, which I did not leave till the owner of the lodgings'd assured me that you'd left my bedroom. After an hour, you returned silently, for money.
Is it necessary for me to state that I saw clearly that it would be a dishonor to myself to continue even an acquaintance with such a one as you had showed yourself to be? That I recognized that the ultimate moment had come. Ill as I was, I felt at ease. The fact that the separation was irrevocable gave me peace.
By Tuesday the fever had left me, Wednesday was my birthday. Amongst the telegrams and communications on my table was a letter in
your handwriting. I opened it with a sense of sadness over me. I knew that the time had gone by when a pretty phrase, an expression of affection, a word of sorrow would make me take you back.
The letter you sent to me on my birthday was an elaborate repetition of the two scenes, set cunningly and carefully down in black and white! You mocked me with common jests. Your one satisfaction in the whole affair was, you said, that you retired to the Grand Hotel, and entered your luncheon to my account before you left for town. You congratulated me on my prudence in leaving my sick bed, on my sudden flight downstairs. " It was an ugly moment for you, " you said, " uglier than you imagine." Ah! I felt it but too well. What it had really meant I did not know: whether you had with you the pistol you had bought to try and frighten your father with, and that, thinking it to be unloaded, you had once fired off in a public restaurant in my company: whether your hand was moving towards a common dinner-knife that by chance was lying on the table between us: whether you had thought of some specially personal insult, or attack even. I could not tell. I do not know to the present moment.
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