For many companies, reliance on IT means that they would not be able to operate if their system went down. If this sounds like your company, it’s crucial that you have a disaster recovery plan in place so if the worst happens, you are fully prepared to get back online as swiftly as possible. If you haven’t got around to it yet, here are ten tips to help you put an effective disaster recovery plan together.
对于许多公司而言,依赖IT意味着如果系统出现故障,他们将无法运行。 如果听起来像您的公司,那么至关重要的是,您要制定灾难恢复计划,这样,如果最坏的情况发生了,您将准备好尽快恢复在线状态。 如果您还没有解决问题,这里有十个技巧可以帮助您制定有效的灾难恢复计划。
Start your disaster recovery planning by identifying the most serious threats to your IT infrastructure, for example, system failure, staff error, fire or power loss. Identifying these can help you put procedures in place that will reduce the risk and determine the course of action needed in a recovery. If fire is a serious risk, for example, then it is quite clear that recovery needs to take place on a different site.
通过确定对IT基础架构的最严重威胁(例如系统故障,人员错误,火灾或断电)来启动灾难恢复计划。 识别这些可以帮助您制定适当的程序,这些程序将降低风险并确定恢复过程中需要采取的措施。 例如,如果火灾有严重危险,那么很显然,恢复工作需要在其他地点进行。
You should always prioritise the order in which things should be done in a recovery. What are the most mission-critical services you require (manufacturing, website, email) and what order do you need these restoring? This can help you create a recovery plan that has the least impact on the business.
您应该始终按优先级排列恢复中应该执行的顺序。 您需要的最关键任务服务(制造,网站,电子邮件)是什么?恢复这些订单需要什么顺序? 这可以帮助您创建对业务影响最小的恢复计划。
As part of your prioritising, look at each of your services to determine your Recovery Time Objectives (RTOs). This means putting a maximum limit on the time you are willing to see that service go offline. For mission critical services, this won’t be very long, however, you have to realistically evaluate what the most likely cause of the disaster would be and how much work would be involved in bringing the service back online.
作为优先次序的一部分,请检查您的每项服务以确定您的恢复时间目标(RTO)。 这意味着对您希望看到该服务脱机的时间设置最大限制。 对于关键任务服务来说,时间不会太长,但是,您必须切实评估灾难最可能的原因是什么,以及使服务恢复在线状态需要进行多少工作。
Besides RTOs, another factor which has to be taken into consideration is the Recovery Point Objective (RPO). Essentially, this means how much data your company is prepared to lose in a disaster. A key part of a disaster recovery plan is ensuring that you have your data backed up frequently enough to meet your RPO. If you are an ecommerce company and do not wish to lose any of your sales, your recovery point will need to be the very last second your site was online. In which case, you will need a constant backup in operation for your recovery to meet its objectives.
除了RTO之外,还必须考虑的另一个因素是恢复点目标(RPO)。 本质上,这意味着您的公司准备在灾难中丢失多少数据。 灾难恢复计划的关键部分是确保足够频繁地备份数据以满足RPO。 如果您是一家电子商务公司,并且不希望失去任何销售额,则恢复点必须是您的网站在线的最后一秒。 在这种情况下,您将需要进行连续备份以使恢复达到目标。
An essential element of any disaster recovery plan is to create a critical response team – the personnel you need to get your system back online. This may also include third party contacts, such as software vendors or your web host, as well as internal staff.
任何灾难恢复计划的一个基本要素是创建一个关键的响应团队,即使系统恢复在线所需的人员。 这也可能包括第三方联系人,例如软件供应商或您的Web主机,以及内部人员。
To ensure you have someone for every role, it is always best to have a backup for each member. This way, if someone on the recovery team is on holiday or ill when a disaster occurs, you know there is someone else that can step in and undertake the job.
为了确保每个角色都有一个人,最好总是为每个成员都有一个备份。 这样,如果灾难发生时恢复团队中的某人正在休假或生病,您就会知道还有其他人可以介入并从事这项工作。
Ideally, you should have multiple means of contacting each member of the team and it should be made clear on the recovery plan who is responsible for calling each member.
When a disaster occurs, your staff are under pressure to get your system back online quickly. You have various people, each with their own agendas, all trying to carry out their tasks simultaneously. It can be hard in these stressful circumstances for team members to communicate effectively with each other and sometimes they forget that what they do has to fit into the process. If something is done out of sequence, it can put you back to square one.
发生灾难时,您的员工承受着使系统快速恢复在线的压力。 您有各种各样的人,每个人都有自己的议程,都试图同时执行任务。 在这种压力很大的情况下,团队成员之间很难进行有效的沟通,有时他们会忘记所做的事情必须适合流程。 如果某件事不按顺序进行,则可以使您回到第一位。
To ensure the disaster recovery process goes smoothly there should be a step by step action plan put in place which specifies the order in which things should be done and who should carry out each task.
No matter how well you plan your recovery, in reality, putting your system back online always works out differently. You should test it, in full. This way, anything that does not work out in practice can be modified and things you overlooked can be added to the final version. Always build in contingencies.
实际上,无论您计划如何好的恢复,使系统重新联机总是会有不同的结果。 您应该对其进行全面测试。 这样,可以修改在实践中无法解决的所有问题,并将您忽略的内容添加到最终版本中。 始终建立突发事件。
Always have a full set of backup resources in place. If the cause of your disaster is a failed hard drive, getting it fixed will be a lot easier if there is a spare server on site. The last thing you need is to wait for a replacement to be delivered.
始终准备好全套备份资源。 如果造成灾难的原因是硬盘驱动器出现故障,那么如果现场有备用服务器,则更容易进行修复。 您需要做的最后一件事是等待替换产品交付。
In addition, you should also have full documentation available for all the hard and software you need as well as complete selection of any tools needed.
If you run lots of different software programs, it can be easy to forget one when in the recovery process. You should have a complete list that gives the details of each application, how they should be configured, the contact details of the application owner and your contract details.
如果您运行许多不同的软件程序,则在恢复过程中很容易忘记一个程序。 您应该有一个完整的列表,其中提供了每个应用程序的详细信息,应如何配置它们,应用程序所有者的联系详细信息以及您的合同详细信息。
A network map can save you hours of work and prevent the trial and error of looking for specific faults or rebuilding a system – to help, clearly identify each node on the switch and panels.
If you have short recovery time objectives and want up to the second recovery points, then you can benefit by using high-availability virtual machines, such as VMware, for your system backup. These can offer a far easier disaster recovery solution than physical servers, as virtual machines are capable of automatically restarting an application on alternative hardware without loss of data or availability.
如果您的恢复时间目标较短,并且希望达到第二个恢复点,则可以通过将高可用性虚拟机(例如VMware)用于系统备份而受益。 与虚拟服务器相比,它们可以提供比物理服务器简单得多的灾难恢复解决方案,因为虚拟机能够自动在备用硬件上重新启动应用程序而不会丢失数据或可用性。
If you are looking for a cost efficient way to meet your disaster recovery objectives, take a look at our VMware and HyperV cloud hosting packages.
如果您正在寻找一种经济高效的方式来满足灾难恢复目标,请查看我们的VMware和HyperV 云托管软件包 。
翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/10-tips-for-an-effective-disaster-recovery-plan/