eager execution

tensorflow's eager execution is an imprerative programming environment that evaluates operations immediately, without building graphs: operations return conrete value instead of constructing a computational graph to run later

eager exectution is a flexible machine learning platform for research and experimentation, providing:
(1)an intuitive interface--structure your code naturally and use python data structures. quickly iterate on small models and small data
(2)easier debugging--call ops directly to inspect running models and test changes. use standard python debugging tools for immediate error reporting
(3)natural control flow--use python control flow instead of graph control flow, simplifying the specification of dynamic models

to start eager execution, add tf.enable_eager_execution() to the beginning of the program or console session. do not add this operation to other modules that the program calls

enabling eager execution changes how tensorflow operations behave--now they immediately evaluate and return their values to python. tf.Tensor objects reference concrete values instead of symbolic handles to nodes in computational graph. since there isn't a computational graph to build and run later in a session, it's easy to inspect results using print() or a debugger. evaluating, printing, and checking tensor values does not break the flow for computing gradients

eager execution works nicely with Numpy. Numpy operations accept tf.Tensor arguments. tensorflow math operations convert python objects and Numpy arrays to tf.Tensor objects. the tf.Tensor.numpy method returns the object's value as a Numpy ndarray

when composing layers into models you can use tf.keras.Sequential to represent models which are a linear stack of layers. it is easy to use for basic models

it's not required to set an input shape for the tf.keras.Model class since the parameters are set the first time input is passed to the layer

automatic differentiation is useful for implementing machine learning algorithms such as backpropagation for training neural networks. during eager execution, use tf.GradientTape to trace operations for computing gradients later
w = tfe.Variable([[1.0]])

with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
loss = w * w

grad = tape.gradient(loss, [w])

with graph execution, program state (such as the variables) is stored in global collections and their lifetime is managed by the tf.Session object. in contrast, during eager execution the lifetime of the state objects is determined by the lifetime of their corresponding python object

tfe.Checkpoint can save and restore tfe.Variable to and from checkpoints

to save and load models, tfe.Checkpoint stores the internal state of objects, without requiring hidden variables. to record the state of a model, an optimizer, and a global step, pass them to a tfe.Checkpoint

tfe.metrics are stored as objects. update a metric by passing the new data to the callable, and retrieve the result using the tfe.metrics.result method

for compute-heavy medels, such as ResNet50 training on a GPU, eager execution performance is comparable to graph execution. but this gap grows larger for models with less computation and there is work to be done for optimizing hot code paths for models with lots of small operations

while eager execution makes development and debugging more interactive, tensorflow graph execution has advantages for distributed training, performance optimizations, and production deployment

use tf.data for input processing instead of queues. it's faster and easier

once eager execution is enabled with tf.enable_eager_execution, it cannot be turned off. start a new python session to return to graph execution

it's best to write code for both eager execution and graph execution. this gives you eager's interactive experimentation and debuggability with the distributed performance benefits of graph execution
