POST Error Messages

The RAID Controller produces diagnostic error messages at reboot.
  • Many of these Power-On Self-Test (POST) messages are self explanatory and suggest corrective actions for troubleshooting.
  • Details of these messages and corrective actions are provided in the following table.
  • Not all the messages in the table will apply to every system or controller.
Code Meaning Recommended Action
1702 SCSI cable error detected. System halted. This message indicates a termination or cabling problem with the system board integrated SCSI controller. Check Cabling and termination
1720 Slot x Drive Array – S.M.A.R.T. Hard Drive Detects Imminent Failure: SCSI Port x: SCSI ID x The indicated drive has reported a S.M.A.R.T. predictive failure condition, and may fail soon. Do not replace the drive unless all other drives on the array are on-line! Back up data before replacing drive(s).
1721 Slot x Drive Array – Drive Parameter Tracking Predicts Imminent Failure. The following device(s) should be replaced when conditions permit: Do not replace drive unless all other drives on the array are on-line! Back up data before replacing drive(s). M&P predictive failure threshold exceeded condition. The indicated drive may fail at some time in the near future.
1723 Slot x Drive Array – to improve signal integrity, internal SCSI connector should be removed if external drives are attached to the same SCSI port (followed by further details). Follow the remaining instructions in the POST message.
1724 Slot x Drive Array – Physical Drive Position Change(s) Detected – Logical drive configuration has automatically been updated. (RESUME = F1 KEY) This message indicates that logical drive configuration has been updated automatically following physical drive position changes. Select F1 key to resume.
1725 Slot x Drive Array – Optimal SIMM (Memory Module) problem detected (followed by one of the following): 
  • SIMM has automatically been disabled due to memory errors
  • Unsupported SIMM type installed. Use 4MB Fast-Page 60-70ns Tin-Lead.
Remove or replace the problem SIMM. This message is specific to SMART-2SL controllers.
1726 Slot x Drive Array - Array Accelerator Memory Size Change Detected – Array Accelerator configuration has automatically been updated (RESUME = F1 KEY) This message appears if the controller is replaced with a model that has a different amount of cache memory.
1727 Slot x Drive Array - New Logical Drive(s) Attachment Detected (if >32 logical drives, this will be followed by Auto-configuration failed: Too many logical drives) (RESUME = F1 KEY) This message indicates the controller has detected an additional array of drives that was attached when the power was off. The logical drive configuration information has been updated to add the new logical drives. The maximum number of logical drives supported is 32 – additional drives will not be added to the configuration if this number is exceeded. Press the F1 key to resume.
1728 Slot x drive array – abnormal shutdown detected with write cache enabled. No Array Accelerator battery backup on this model array controller. Any data that may have been in Array Accelerator memory has been lost. This POST message should never occur unless the write cache is somehow enabled on a controller that does not have batteries.
1729  Slot 1 Drive Array - disk performance optimization scan in progress – RAID 4/5 performance may be higher after completion. This message is normal following the initial configuration of RAID 4 or RAID 5 logical drives. This POST message will go away and performance of the controller will improve after the parity data has been initialized by ARM (an automatic process that runs in the background on the controller).
1753 Slot x drive array – array controller maximum operating temperature exceeded during previous power up. This message appears at the next power-up if the controller locks due to excessive temperature. Check for proper operation of the server cooling fan.
1756 Slot x redundant controllers are not the same model. The redundant controllers are not of the same model. Use two like model controllers for redundancy.
1757 Slot x Array Accelerator daughterboard incompatible. Please replace 4MB array accelerator card with a 16MB or 64MB card. The controller does not support the attached Array Accelerator card. Attach the correct Array Accelerator daughterboard.
1758 Slot x drive array – Array Accelerator size mismatch between controllers. 64MB array accelerator should be attached to both controllers. The size of Array Accelerator cards is different between two controllers in a redundant controller configuration. Use Array Accelerator cards of the same size on both controllers.
1759 Slot x drive array – redundant controller error Replace controller or server motherboard.
1762 Redundant controller operation is not supported in this firmware version. Please remove redundant controller or upgrade controller firmware. (Controller is disabled until this problem is resolved.) Remove the redundant controller or visit the Compaq website and get the latest upgrade for the controller firmware.
1763 Array accelerator daughtercard is detached; please reattach. (Controller is disabled until this problem is resolved.) This controller model cannot operate if the Array Accelerator card is detached. Reattach the card.
1764 Slot x drive array – capacity expansion process is temporarily disabled (followed by a cause). The capacity expansion process has been 
temporarily disabled for the reason indicated, and will automatically resume. If the array accelerator has been removed, reinstall it for capacity expansion to continue.
1765 Slot x drive array Option ROM appears to conflict with an ISA card – ISA cards with 16-bit memory cannot be configured in memory range C0000 to DFFFF along with SMART-2/E 8-bit Option ROM due to EISA buffer limitations. Please remove or reconfigure the ISA card. Remove or reconfigure the conflicting ISA card, referring to the directions provided with the ISA card. Alternatively, the Option ROM can be disabled on the SMART-2/E controller via the System Configuration Utility if a SMART-2/E is not the primary (boot) controller.
1766 Slot x drive array requires System ROM upgrade. Run System ROMPaq Utility. Run the latest version of System ROMPaq. See Chapter 4 for details.
1767 Slot x drive array option ROM is not programmed correctly or may conflict with the memory address range of an ISA card. Check the memory address configuration of installed ISA card(s) or Run Option ROMPaq Utility to attempt SMART-2/E Option ROM reprogramming. Check the memory address range of any ISA cards that may be installed, and verify that they do not conflict with the address of the SMART-2/E Option ROM as shown via the System Configuration Utility. If there is no conflict, run Option ROMPaq and attempt to reprogram the SMART-2/E Option ROM 
1768 Slot x drive array – resuming logical drive expansion process. No action required. This message appears whenever a controller reset or power cycle occurs while array expansion is in progress.
1769 Slot x drive array – drive(s) disabled due to failure during expansion (possibly followed by additional details). Data has been lost while expanding the array; therefore, the drives have been temporarily disabled. Press F2 to acknowledge the data loss and re-enable the logical drives. Restore data from backup. If the Array Accelerator has failed, replace the Array Accelerator board after the capacity expansion process has terminated. 
NEVER turn off the system and replace the Array Accelerator board if capacity expansion is in progress.
1770 Slot x Drive Array – Critical Drive Firmware Problem Detected – Please upgrade firmware on the following drive(s) using Options ROMPaq (available from [url][/url]): SCSI Port (y) SCSI ID (x)  (RESUME = F1 OR F2 KEY) The indicated drives are running firmware that may cause intermittent problems. Please use the Compaq “Options ROMPaq” utility to upgrade firmware on all drives to the latest revision.
1774 Slot x drive array – obsolete data found in Array Accelerator. Data found in  accelerator was older than data found in drives. Obsolete data has been discarded. Data found in Accelerator is older than data found on drives due to drives having been disconnected, used on another controller, then reconnected. Press F1 to discard older data.
1775 Slot x Drive Array – ProLiant Storage System Not Responding SCSI Port (y): Check storage system power switch and cables. Turn the system power off while checking the ProLiant power and cable connections, then turn the system power back ON to retry. (RESUME = F1 KEY) Turn off power to system. Check external ProLiant power switch – external drives must all be powered up before or at the same time as the main system. Check cables. If retry does not help, try updating the ProLiant System firmware, or try replacing the cable, ProLiant storage backplane, or the array controller.
1776 Slot x Drive Array – SCSI Bus Termination Error – Internal and external drives cannot both be attached to the same SCSI port. SCSI port (y): Check cables (RESUME = F1 KEY) The internal and external connectors of the specified SCSI port(s) are both attached to drives. The SCSI bus is not properly terminated when internal and external drives are attached concurrently to the same SCSI bus. The indicated SCSI bus is disabled until this problem is resolved. Turn off the server power and check the cabling to the specified SCSI port
1777 Slot x Drive Array – ProLiant Drive Storage Enclosure Problem Detected (followed by one or more of the following): 
  • SCSI Port (y): Cooling Fan Malfunction Detected
  • SCSI Port (y): Overheated Condition Detected
  • SCSI Port (y): Side-Panel must be Closed to Prevent Overheating
  • SCSI Port (y): Redundant Power Supply Malfunction Detected
  • SCSI Port (y): Wide SCSI Transfer Failed
  • SCSI Port (y): Interrupt Signal Inoperative
Check cooling fan operation by placing hand over fan. Check internal plenum cooling fan in tower servers or storage systems. If fan is not operating, check for obstructions and check all internal connectors. Replace unit side panel if removed. If the ProLiant Storage System power LED is amber instead of green, this can indicate a fan failure, redundant power supply failure, or thermal problem. Check SCSI cables. If the message indicates to check SCSI cables, please verify the cabling against the diagrams in the User Guide. If the routing is correct, replace cables on the specified port until the POST message is eliminated.
1778 Slot x Drive Array resuming Automatic Data Recovery process. No action required. This message appears whenever a controller reset or power cycle occurs while Automatic Data Recovery is in progress.
1779 Slot x Drive Array - Replacement drive(s) detected OR previously failed drive(s) now appear to be operational: Port (y): SCSI ID (x): 
  • Restore data from backup if replacement drive x has been installed.
  • If this message appears and drive x (identified by its SCSI ID) has not been replaced, this indicates an intermittent drive failure. 
 This message also appears once immediately following drive replacement before data is restored from backup.
1783 Slot x Drive Array Controller Failure. If this message appears immediately following a ROM installation, the ROM is defective or not installed properly. Check that the controller is firmly inserted in its slot. Check for improper cabling or SCSI ID conflicts. Try upgrading the System ROMs. Otherwise, replace the array controller.
1784 Slot x Drive Array Drive Failure. The following
SCSI drive(s) should be replaced: SCSI port (y)
Check for loose cables. Replace defective drive x and/or cable(s).
1785 Slot 1 Drive Array not Configured (may be followed by one of the following): 
  1. No drives detected
  2. Drive positions appear to have changed – Run Drive Array Advanced Diagnostics if previous positions are unknown. Then turn system power OFF and move drives to their original positions.
  3. Configuration information indicates drive positions beyond the capability of this controller. This may be due to drive movement from a controller that supports more drives than the current controller.
  4. Configuration information indicates drives were configured on a controller with a newer firmware version.
  1. Turn off system and check SCSI cable connections to make sure drives are attached properly.
  2. Run Drive Array Advanced Diagnostics if previous positions are unknown. Then turn system power OFF and move drives to their original positions. 
  3. To avoid data loss, turn system power OFF and reattach drives to the original controller.
  4. To avoid data loss, reattach drives to the original controller or upgrade the controller firmware to the version on the original controller using Option ROMPaq. 
Select F1 key to resume.
1786 Slot 1 Drive Array Recovery Needed. The following SCSI drive(s) need Automatic Data Recovery: SCSI Port (y): SCSI ID (x) 
  • Select F1 to continue with recovery of data to drive(s). 
  • Select F2 to continue without recovery of data to drive(s). 
Or, Slot 1 Drive Array Recovery Needed. Automatic Data Recovery Previously Aborted! The following SCSI drive(s) need Automatic Data Recovery (Rebuild): SCSI Port (y): SCSI ID (x) 
  • Select F1 to retry Automatic Data Recovery to drive. 
  • Select F2 to continue without starting Automatic Data Recovery data to drive.
The message normally appears when a drive was replaced in a fault-tolerant configuration when system power was OFF. In this case, press F1 to start the automatic data recovery process. The “previously aborted” version of the 1786 POST message will appear if the previous rebuild attempt was aborted for any reason. Run the Array Diagnostics Utility (ADU) for more information. If the replacement drive was failed, try using another replacement drive. If rebuild was aborted due to a read error from another physical drive in the array, back up all readable data on the array, run Diagnostics Surface Analysis, and then restore the data.
1787 Slot x Drive Array Operating in Interim Recovery Mode. The following SCSI drive(s) should be replaced: SCSI Port (y): SCSI ID (x) Following a system restart, this message is a reminder that drive x is defective and fault tolerance is being used. Drive x needs replacement as soon as possible. A loose or defective cable may also cause this error.
1788 Slot x Drive Array Reports Incorrect Drive Replacement. The following SCSI drive(s) should have been replaced: SCSI Port (y): SCSI ID (x). The following SCSI drive(s) were incorrectly replaced: SCSI Port (y): SCSI ID (z). 
  • Select F1 to continue - drive array will remain disabled.
  • Select F2 to reset configuration - all data will be lost.
  • Or, Faulty power cable connection to the drive.
  • Or, Defective SCSI cable.
The drives indicated were installed in the wrong place, so they have been disabled. Reinstall the drives correctly. 
Press F1 to restart the computer with the drive array disabled. 
Press F2 to use the drives as configured and lose all the data on them. 
Repair the connection and press F2. If this message is not eliminated by pressing F2, run the Drive Array Advanced Diagnostics Utility.
1789 Slot x Drive Array SCSI Drive(s) Not Responding. Check cables or replace the following SCSI drives: SCSI Port (y): SCSI ID (x) 
Select F1 to continue - drive array will remain disabled. 
Select F2 to failed drives that are not responding - Interim Recovery Mode will be enabled if configured for fault tolerance.
This message indicates that previously operating drives are missing or inoperative following a cold or warm reset. Turn off system and check cable connections. If cables are connected, replace the drive. 
Press F1 to restart the computer with the drive array disabled. 
Press F2 If not wanting to replace the drives now.
1792 Slot x valid data found in Array Accelerator. Data automatically written to drive array. Power was interrupted while the system was in use, or the system was restarted while data was in the Array Accelerator memory. Power was restored within four days.
1793 Slot x drive array – Array Accelerator battery depleted. Data in Array Accelerator has been lost. (Error message 1794 also displays.) While the system was in use, power was interrupted while data was in the Array Accelerator memory. Power was not restored within four days, so the batteries were depleted and data in the Array Accelerator was lost. Check all files for potential data corruption. 
Or, The Array Accelerator batteries have failed.
1794 Slot x drive array – Array Accelerator battery charge low. Array Accelerator is temporarily disabled. Array Accelerator will be re-enabled when battery reaches full charge. The battery charge is below 90%. Posted writes are disabled. When the batteries are fully charged, the Array Accelerator will automatically be re-enabled and this POST message will no longer display. Replace the Array Accelerator or the Smart Array Controller if batteries do not recharge within 36 power-on hours.
1795 Slot x drive array – SMART-2 Controller configuration error. Data does not correspond to this drive array. Array Accelerator is temporarily disabled. The data stored in the Array Accelerator does not correspond to this drive array. Match the Array Accelerator to the correct drive array. 
Or, Run the Compaq System Configuration Utility to clear data in the Array Accelerator.
1796 Slot x drive array – Array Accelerator is not responding. Array Accelerator is temporarily disabled. Replace the Array Accelerator or the Smart Array Controller.
1797 Slot x drive array – Array Accelerator read error occurred. Data in Array Accelerator has been lost. Array Accelerator is disabled. Replace the Array Accelerator or the Smart Array Controller. Restore data from backup.
1798 Slot x drive array – Array Accelerator write error occurred. Array Accelerator is disabled. Replace the Array Accelerator or the Smart Array Controller. Restore data from backup.
1799 Slot x drive array – drive(s) disabled due to Array Accelerator data loss. 
Select F1 to continue with logical drives disabled. 
Select F2 to accept data loss and re-enable logical drives.

Data stored in the Array Accelerator has been lost; therefore, the drives have been temporarily disabled. 
Press F2 to acknowledge the data loss and re-enable the logical drives. Restore data from backup.