

In this week's roundup, make VLOOKUP faster, use keyboard shortcuts, run macros when Excel is closed, and many more tips.


If you read or wrote any other interesting Excel articles recently, or have upcoming Excel events, please let me know. Thanks!

如果您最近阅读或撰写了其他有趣的Excel文章,或者即将举行Excel活动,请告诉我。 谢谢!


1.上下文帖子 (1. Contextures Posts)

In case you missed them, here are the articles that I posted recently:


  • Upcoming free online events for Excel fans -- catch these before their deadlines!

    Excel粉丝即将进行的免费在线活动 -在截止日期前赶上这些活动 !

  • For a humorous peek at what other people are saying about spreadsheets, read the latest collection of Excel tweets, on my Excel Theatre blog.

    要幽默地窥视其他人对电子表格的看法,请在我的Excel Theater博客上阅读最新的Excel推文集 。

2. Excel仪表板课程 (2. Excel Dashboard Course)

Registration is open for Mynda Treacy's Excel Dashboard Course, and the deadline is this Thursday (April 30th).

Mynda Treacy的Excel仪表板课程现已开放注册, 截止日期为本 星期四 (4月30日)。

The course is a great investment, and you can read my review for the highlights, and more information.



On the Daily Dose of Excel blog, Jeff Weir checks the speed of the double VLOOKUP trick, that he learned from Charles Williams. This only works on sorted data, so are the faster calculations worth the the extra effort of sorting? Read the comments too -- it's an interesting discussion.

在Excel的Daily Dose博客上,Jeff Weir检查了他从Charles Williams中学到的双重VLOOKUP技巧的速度 。 这仅适用于排序的数据,因此更快的计算值得进行额外的整理工作吗? 也请阅读评论-这是一个有趣的讨论。

Meanwhile, did Rob Collie actually admit that VLOOKUP can be more flexible than Pivot Power relationships?

同时,Rob Collie是否真的承认VLOOKUP可以比Pivot Power关系更灵活 ?

4.突出显示空白单元格 (4. Highlight Blank Cells)

Even when he is sitting in airport lounges, Chandoo is still helping people with Excel problems. Read his tips for highlighting blank cells – he shares 3 ways to do that.

即使当他坐在机场候机室时,Chandoo仍然可以帮助遇到Excel问题的人。 阅读他的突出显示空白单元格的技巧 -他分享了3种方法。

5.安排时间 (5. Schedule It)

Have you ever wanted to run an Excel macro, even when Excel is closed? No problem! Zack Barresse shows how you can schedule it to run automatically, if your IT department allows this kind of activity.

您是否曾经想在关闭Excel的情况下运行Excel宏 ? 没问题! Zack Barresse显示了如果IT部门允许这种活动,如何安排它自动运行。

6.使用菜单键 (6. Use the Menu Key)

Do you ever use the Menu key, in the bottom row of your keyboard? MF Wong shows how to save time, by entering shortcuts with that key. In his example, he use our old friend, the Filter By Selection command.

您是否曾经使用过键盘底部的菜单键 ? Wong Wong展示了如何通过使用该键输入快捷方式来节省时间。 在他的示例中,他使用了我们的老朋友“按选择过滤”命令。

7.保存一些树 (7. Save Some Trees)

Ben J. Kusmin shows how to shorten a long text document, by pasting it into Excel, and cleaning it up there, before printing. He uses a transcript as the example, but I've done similar cleanup on other types of documents.

Ben J. Kusmin演示了如何缩短长文本文档的方法 ,方法是将其粘贴到Excel中并在打印之前在其中进行清理。 他以抄写本为例,但是我对其他类型的文档也做了类似的清理工作。

8.看不成比例 (8. Look at Disproportionality)

The Science Goddess uses Excel to look at gender disproportionality in sports, and you can download her sample file.

《科学女神》使用Excel 查看运动中的性别比例失调 ,您可以下载她的样本文件。

She based the data entry form on my example, and you can learn more about how that is set up.

她根据我的示例创建了数据输入表单,您可以了解更多有关如何设置的信息 。

9.向Microsoft MVP学习 (9. Learn from Microsoft MVPs)

Earlier this month, Gašper Kamenšek attended the Amsterdam Summit, and has written a review of the event. Were his expectations too high? Which presentation had the greatest NTLpH (new things learned per hour) rate that he'd ever seen?

本月初,GašperKamenšek 参加了阿姆斯特丹峰会 ,并对该活动进行了评论。 他的期望太高了吗? 哪个演示文稿具有他见过的最高NTLpH(每小时学到的新事物)速率?

And, if you didn't make it to the Amsterdam Summit, you can still register for the free, first ever, Microsoft Americas MVP Virtual Conference. It will be held online, May 14-15, 2015, with sessions from 8 AM to 6 PM (Pacific Time), both days.

而且,如果您没有参加阿姆斯特丹峰会,您仍然可以注册免费的,有史以来第一次免费的Microsoft Americas MVP虚拟会议 。 会议将于2015年5月14日至15日在网上举行,会议期间为太平洋时间上午8点至下午6点(太平洋时间)。

10. OpenVis演示视频 (10. OpenVis Presentation Videos)

The videos from the recent OpenVis conference are available online, and I love the Table of Contents that's used to access them. Click on a topic or word at the top, and see a marker, where that occurs in the video. Unfortunately, Excel isn't one of the available words, but I found a reference to it at the 2:00 mark in the video on Scrolling. Did you find Excel mentioned any any of the other videos?

最近的OpenVis会议的视频可以在线获得,我喜欢用于访问它们的目录。 点击顶部的主题或单词,然后在视频中看到标记。 不幸的是,Excel不是可用的单词之一,但是我在Scrolling视频中的2:00标记处找到了对它的引用。 您是否发现Excel提到了其他任何视频?

I found this link in Nathan Yau's Flowing Data blog, where he talked about Danyel Fisher's presentation on cleaning up big data, that was stored in CSV files (Why Exploring Big Data Is Hard (and What We Can Do About It)).

我在Nathan Yau的Flowing Data博客中找到了此链接,他在该博客上讨论了Danyel Fisher关于清理大数据的演示文稿,该演示文稿存储在CSV文件中(为什么探索大数据很难(以及我们能对此做些什么))。


翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2015/04/27/excel-roundup-20150427/

