

Friends is an American television sitcom widely known to be one of greatest sitcoms of all time.It lasted ten seasons in a total of 236 episodes.Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Ross, Chandler and Joe are the main characters in Friends differing in personalites and minds.


It's been more than 2 decades since Friends was originally aired on.How were a ordinary Cafe and apartments supposed to create an atmosphere.of warmth.Everytime when I watched Friends I was involuntarily moved to tears.

It is a rarely incredible film that accompanied you guys for ten years,which is really memorable and meant a lot to those who has extraordinarily deep affection for it. So much have i felt this…

Retrospect the Chrismas they went through.

SEASON 1:They made a pact to one another that "just the six of us-dinner" cause they 're hoping for a little more enthusiasm. Nevertheless, the fact was that they broke the pact and it isn't a happy ending eventually.

Chrismas in Season 1

SEASON 2:The focus of the Chrismas was the frame of sending somewhat weird gifts to each other. The most important thing is they kept a harmonious atmosphere all the time and promoted friendship.And by the way they caught sight of the ugly naked guy decorating his tree.

Chrismas in Season 2

SEASON 3: What impressed me most is the plot that Phoebe saved the trees. Phoebe against Joey to cut the trees and Joey told her that those trees were born to be Chrismas trees which were fulfilling their life purposes by making people happy. And phoebe thought that it's cure to cut off the old trees cause they cant fulfil its Chrismas destiny.Rachel quit her job in cafe house and unexpectedly got the new job later. And the way that Ross helped the litte poor girl realize her dream to go into "Space" touched me deeply.

Chrismas in Season 3

SEASON 4: The Chrismas in this season is a little bit insipider than ever before.But honestly the way that Joey gave a hand to Monica who was getting into trouble was well to be reminded.Cherish every sincere relationship you have and appreciate the friends who's kind-hearted like Joey around you.

Chrismas in Season 4

SEASON 5: Phoebe was out there spreading joy to people by being a volunteer to collect donations.Even though it's not much of importance but meaningful and to some extend it can make a world of different.

Chrismas in Season 5

SEASON 6: Something had changed a lot they started to think abt what to get others for Chrismas. And Ross and Monica performed The routine for getting up on the platform making the atmosphere of Chrismas come alive.

Chrismas in Season 6

SEASON 7: Ross wanted Ben to know more about Hanukkah dressing like a big monster. And Chandler played a role of Santa Claus distracting Ben's attention successfully. The appearance of Superman drew everyone's eyes "Big surprise" lol!

Chrismas in Season 7

SEASON 8: True confession:we will grow old together be with each other for the rest of our lives. The relation between Chandler and Monica, mutual tolerance and mutual support was valuable.

Chrismas in Season 8

SEASON 9: No more anxiety for the absence of Chandler, he came back in the end.The most precious gift for friends.

Chrismas in Season 9
