extend webkit javaScript objects

1 为什么要做?



• Port desktop applications to the web

  – Zero install

  – Native performance

• Enhance web apps with...

  – Existing C/C++ libraries (libcrypt, CGAL, etc)

  – New high-performance compiled code

• Sandbox existing plugin code

  – Stop asking users to trust your code

• Native performance

• Platform-independent multimedia

• Your choice of language

• Low-level system services

• Must compile verifiable code
  – Minor performance penalty
  – Generally larger executables
• Some *nix syscalls are unavailable
  – Process creation
  – Direct network/file access
• Still some rough edges


2 怎么做?


ref: http://old.nabble.com/Extending-webkit-javascript-td21517784.html






你可能感兴趣的:(extend webkit javaScript objects)