



The police said that when the case occurred, Uber was involved in the automatic driving mode, but a tester was sitting in the car. Unfortunately, at the time of the incident, the automatic driving function did not detect the pedestrians crossing the road in time, nor did the on-board testers see the passerby.

警方介绍,案件发生时,涉案 Uber 正以自动驾驶模式运行,但车上坐着一名测试人员。不幸的是,在案发路口时,自动驾驶功能并没有及时检测到正在过马路的路人,车上测试员也没有看到这名路人。

The Tempe police said that when the woman was knocked down by a self-driving car, she was walking outside the pedestrian crossing. According to the police, the woman died after being taken to a nearby hospital.


A spokesman for Uber stated that he apologized to the family of the victim and the company was fully cooperating with the police in the accident investigation and related matters. They also will stop all automatic driving test activities in Tempe, Pittsburgh, San Francisco and Toronto four cities. But accidents that killed pedestrians cast a shadow on Uber's research and development of autonomous vehicles, and it also made the outside world question the safety of autonomous vehicles. 

Uber 发言人表示,向受害人家属致歉,公司正在全力配合警方进行事故调查以及相关事宜,同时全面暂停在坦佩、匹兹堡、旧金山和加拿大多伦多北美四座城市的自动驾驶测试活动。但这次撞死行人的事故给 Uber 的自动驾驶研发蒙上了重重的阴影,也会令外界质疑自动驾驶车辆的安全性。



The National Transportation Safety Board of the United States stated that it is sending a team to investigate the accident. The focus of the next step will be on how to identify responsibilities. At present, Volvo confirmed that the SUV in this accident is the brand's XC90 model, but Uber uses its version dedicated to autopilot testing. Volvo spokesman Russell Datz said that this autopilot technology was not developed by Volvo.

美国国家运输安全委员会表示正派遣一个小组来调查这起事故。下一步的焦点将是如何认定责任。目前,沃尔沃确认了该事故中的 SUV 是该品牌旗下的 XC90 型号,不过 Uber 使用的是其专门用于自动驾驶测试的版本。沃尔沃发言人 Russell Datz 表示这一自动驾驶技术并不是由沃尔沃开发的。



This is the first fatal accident caused by a self-driving car. This accident will not only affect Uber’s plans for autonomous driving, but will also affect the entire auto-pilot industry’s plans to eventually launch a self-driving car that can travel on public roads.

这是由自动驾驶汽车导致的首起致人死亡事故。这起意外事故将不仅影响 Uber 的自动驾驶的计划,还将影响到整个自动驾驶行业最终发布能在公共道路上行驶的自动驾驶汽车的计划。

Uber has stated that its ability to develop auto-driving automotive technology is important for its success in the rapidly growing transportation industry. Uber has more than 100 autopilot test vehicles in the Phoenix area of Arizona. But this is the first incident in the world that caused deaths from self-driving vehicles, or impact on the introduction of autonomous driving technology.

Uber 曾表示,其研发自动驾驶汽车技术的能力对于其在快速发展的交通运输产业中取得成功是相当重要的。Uber在亚利桑那州的凤凰城地区已拥有超过 100 辆自动驾驶测试车。但这起全球首例自动驾驶车辆致人死亡的事件,或对自动驾驶技术的引入形成冲击。

