setValue: forKeyPath: 与 setValue: forKey: 区别


KVC是Key Value Coding的缩写,意思是键值编码。在iOS中,提供了一种方法通过使用属性的名称(也就是Key)来间接访问对象的属性方法。


相信有人肯定对  setValue: forKeyPath: 与 setValue: forKey: 这两个方法有所不解,这两个方法同属于nsobject(Key Value Coding) 的类扩展方法  根据苹果官网的说的是:


The default implementation of this method gets the destination object for each relationship using valueForKey:, and sends the final object a setValue:forKey: message.

Special Considerations

When using this method, and the destination object does not implement an accessor for the value, the default behavior is for that object to retain value rather than copy or assign value.


Available in OS X v10.3 and later.

意思是:setValue: forKeyPath: 的底层实现还是使用的了 setValue: forKey: 方法。

setValue: forKeyPath:方法是 the default behavior is for that object to retain value rather than copy or assign value. 区别是保留值而不是复制或赋值




