

MySQL 5.7对半同步复制做了一个增强,增加了一个rpl_semi_sync_master_wait_point参数控制master什么时候等待slave的应答。
1. InnoDB prepare
2. 写事务到binlog以及发送到slave
3. binlog刷盘
4. 等待slave的接受应答
5. InnoDB commit
6. 返回客户端

rpl_semi_sync_master_wait_point的另外一个取值是AFTER_COMMIT,这也是MySQL 5.6及之前版本的行为
1. InnoDB prepare
2. 写事务到binlog以及发送到slave
3. binlog刷盘
4. InnoDB commit
5. 等待slave的接受应答
6. 返回客户端

这么做主要可以回避MySQL5.6 及以前的版本中存在的这样一个问题:



1. 写WAL记录到本地WAL文件和slave
2. 刷WAL记录到本地WAL文件
3. 更新CLOG
4. 等待slave的接受应答
5. 返回客户端




1. 配置基于Pacemaker+Corosync的1主2从集群

步骤参考 http://clusterlabs.org/wiki/PgSQL_Replicated_Cluster

2. 同时执行下面2个测试脚本,验证主从切换时有没有数据丢失



  1. #!/usr/bin/python
  2. import psycopg2
  3. import time

  4. url="host= dbname=postgres user=postgres"
  5. conn = psycopg2.connect(url)
  6. conn.autocommit=True

  7. cur = conn.cursor()
  8. cur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pgsql_ha_test(id serial PRIMARY KEY, num integer);")
  9. cur.execute("truncate pgsql_ha_test;")
  10. cur.execute("insert into pgsql_ha_test values(1,0);")

  11. print "Update process had started,please kill the master..."
  12. i=0
  13. num=-1
  14. try:
  15.     while True:
  16.         i+=1
  17.         cur.execute("UPDATE pgsql_ha_test set num = %s where id=1",(i,))
  18.         num=i
  19.         if i % 1000 == 0:
  20.             print time.time()," current num=",num

  21. except psycopg2.Error as e:
  22.     print time.time(),"The master has down, last num:",num
  23.     print e.pgerror
  24.     conn.close()

  25. time1= time.time()
  26. connect_success = False
  27. while connect_success == False:
  28.     try:
  29.         conn = psycopg2.connect(url)
  30.         conn.autocommit=True
  31.         connect_success=True
  32.     except psycopg2.Error as e:
  33.         pass

  34. time2= time.time()
  35. print time.time()," connect success after %f second"%(time2-time1)

  36. cur = conn.cursor()
  37. cur.execute("select num from pgsql_ha_test where id=1;")
  38. newnum = cur.fetchone()[0]
  39. print "current num:",newnum

  40. if not (newnum==num or newnum==num+1):
  41.     print "NG"
  42.     exit(1)

  43. cur.close()
  44. conn.close()
  45. print "OK"



  1. #!/usr/bin/python
  2. import psycopg2
  3. import time

  4. url="host= dbname=postgres user=postgres"
  5. conn = psycopg2.connect(url)
  6. conn.autocommit=True

  7. cur = conn.cursor()

  8. print "Read process had started..."
  9. i=0
  10. num=-1
  11. try:
  12.     while True:
  13.         i+=1
  14.         cur.execute("select num from pgsql_ha_test where id=1;")
  15.         num = cur.fetchone()[0]
  16.         if i % 10000 == 0:
  17.             print time.time()," current num=",num

  18. except psycopg2.Error as e:
  19.     print time.time()," The master has down, last num=",num
  20.     print e.pgerror
  21.     conn.close()

  22. time1= time.time()
  23. connect_success = False
  24. while connect_success == False:
  25.     try:
  26.         conn = psycopg2.connect(url)
  27.         conn.autocommit=True
  28.         connect_success=True
  29.     except psycopg2.Error as e:
  30.         time.sleep(1)

  31. time2= time.time()
  32. print time.time()," connect success after %f second"%(time2-time1)

  33. cur = conn.cursor()
  34. cur.execute("select num from pgsql_ha_test where id=1;")
  35. newnum = cur.fetchone()[0]
  36. print time.time()," current num:",newnum

  37. if newnum num:
  38.     print "NG: Data Lost!"
  39.     exit(1)

  40. cur.close()
  41. conn.close()
  42. print "OK"

3. 杀掉master上的postgres进程,模拟故障触发主从切换


  1. [root@node73 ~]# ps -ef|grep postgres
  2. root 1228 25775 0 14:09 pts/2 00:00:00 su - postgres
  3. postgres 1229 1228 0 14:09 pts/2 00:00:00 -bash
  4. postgres 3339 31673 17 14:10 ? 00:00:07 postgres: postgres postgres UPDATE waiting for 1/FE556260
  5. postgres 4105 31673 41 14:10 ? 00:00:11 postgres: postgres postgres idle
  6. root 5612 25754 0 14:11 pts/1 00:00:00 grep postgres
  7. postgres 9168 31673 0 13:49 ? 00:00:05 postgres: wal sender process postgres streaming 1/FE556260
  8. postgres 24589 31673 0 13:57 ? 00:00:03 postgres: wal sender process postgres streaming 1/FE5562E8
  9. postgres 31673 1 0 13:45 ? 00:00:00 /opt/PostgreSQL/9.4.5/bin/postgres -D /data/pgsql -c config_file=/data/pgsql//postgresql.conf -p 5432
  10. postgres 31694 31673 0 13:45 ? 00:00:00 postgres: logger process
  11. postgres 31706 31673 0 13:45 ? 00:00:00 postgres: checkpointer process
  12. postgres 31707 31673 0 13:45 ? 00:00:00 postgres: writer process
  13. postgres 31708 31673 0 13:45 ? 00:00:00 postgres: wal writer process
  14. postgres 31709 31673 0 13:45 ? 00:00:00 postgres: autovacuum launcher process
  15. postgres 31710 31673 0 13:45 ? 00:00:00 postgres: stats collector process
  16. [root@n73 ~]# kill -9 31673
  17. [root@node73 ~]# ps -ef|grep postgres
  18. root 1228 25775 0 14:09 pts/2 00:00:00 su - postgres
  19. postgres 1229 1228 0 14:09 pts/2 00:00:00 -bash
  20. postgres 4105 1 38 14:10 ? 00:00:18 postgres: postgres postgres idle
  21. root 7017 25754 0 14:11 pts/1 00:00:00 grep postgres
  22. postgres 31694 1 0 13:45 ? 00:00:00 postgres: logger process

kill -9 后可能会有postgres进程残留,这是PostgreSQL的老问题了,使用普通的kill就不会残留了。

4. 检查2个测试脚本的输出

failover_test.py脚本的测试jiego 从执行更新的会话来看,主从切换后没有丢失任何数据。


  1. [postgres@node69 pgsql_ha]$ ./failover_test.py
  2. Update process had started,please kill the master...
  3. 1447049434.72  current num= 1000
  4. 1447049437.25 current num= 2000
  5. 1447049439.38 current num= 3000
  6. 1447049441.58 current num= 4000
  7. 1447049443.71 current num= 5000
  8. 1447049445.76 current num= 6000
  9. 1447049447.7 current num= 7000
  10. 1447049449.69 current num= 8000
  11. 1447049451.42 current num= 9000
  12. 1447049453.41 current num= 10000
  13. 1447049455.31 current num= 11000
  14. 1447049457.32 current num= 12000
  15. 1447049459.04 current num= 13000
  16. 1447049461.02 current num= 14000
  17. 1447049463.05 current num= 15000
  18. 1447049464.82 current num= 16000
  19. 1447049466.71 current num= 17000
  20. 1447049469.49 current num= 18000
  21. 1447049471.5 current num= 19000
  22. 1447049473.68 current num= 20000
  23. 1447049475.87 current num= 21000
  24. 1447049478.19 Tcurrent num= 22000
  25. 1447049480.2 current num= 23000
  26. 1447049482.18 current num= 24000
  27. 1447049484.01 current num= 25000
  28. 1447049485.23 The master has down, last num: 25529
  29. server closed the connection unexpectedly
  30. This probably means the server terminated abnormally
  31. before or while processing the request.
  32. 1447049504.15 connect success after 18.918158 second
  33. current num: 25529
  34. OK



  1. [postgres@node69 pgsql_ha]$ ./failover_test2.py
  2. Read process had started...
  3. 1447049449.34 current num= 7828
  4. 1447049453.46 current num= 10040
  5. 1447049457.62 current num= 12162
  6. 1447049461.85 current num= 14456
  7. 1447049465.87 current num= 16492
  8. 1447049469.8 current num= 18165
  9. 1447049473.84 current num= 20056
  10. 1447049477.83 current num= 21867
  11. 1447049481.9 current num= 23860
  12. 1447049485.89 current num= 25530
  13. 1447049501.8 The master has down, last num= 25530
  14. server closed the connection unexpectedly
  15. This probably means the server terminated abnormally
  16. before or while processing the request.
  17. 1447049501.81 connect success after 0.006506 second
  18. 1447049501.81 current num: 25529
  19. NG: Data Lost!


另外,这个问题发生的概率比较低,测试时以kill -9的方式杀进程出现这个问题的概率要高一些(可能和postgres进程残留有关),实际场景的数据库crash没这么高。
