


系统频率:32M (外部晶振8M,4倍频得到)



*                            Includes 
#include "bsp.h"

*                             Defines 
 // ECAN bitrate define, only can choose one rate
#define F_ECAN_100    0                 // 1 set ECAN module on 100Kbps
#define F_ECAN_125    0                 // 1 set ECAN module on 125Kbps
#define F_ECAN_500    1                 // 1 set ECAN module on 500Kbps
#define F_ECAN_1000   0                 // 1 set ECAN module on 1Mbps

*                            Global Variables 
/* 定义全局变量 */
CanTxMsg g_tCanTxMsg;	/* 用于发送 */
CanRxMsg g_tCanRxMsg;	/* 用于接收 */

*     Function: Initialize the CAN Module
void ECAN_Init(void)
    // Place CAN module in configuration mode, see CANCON register data
    CANCON = 0x80;    //REQOP bits <2:0> = 0b100
//    while(!(CANSTATbits.OPMODE ==0x04));    //Wait for op-mode bits in the
    while(CANSTAT != 0X80);                  //CANSTAT register to = 0b100
                                            //to indicate config mode OK

    // Enter CAN module into Mode 0, standard legacy mode; see ECANCON register
    ECANCON = 0x00;
    // See Microchip application note AN754, Understanding Microchip's
    // CAN Module Bit Timing."  See also: Microchip Controller Area Network
    //(CAN) Bit Timing Calculator, available at Intrepid Control Systems:
    // Initialize CAN Bus bit rate timing. Assumes only four standard rates.  
    // Initialize CAN Timing  
    if (F_ECAN_100==1)
        //  100 Kbps @ 32MHz  
        BRGCON1 = 0x13; //SJW=1TQ     BRP  19
        BRGCON2 = 0x90; //SEG2PHTS 1    sampled once  PS1=3TQ  PropagationT 1TQ  
        BRGCON3 = 0x02; //PS2  3TQ
    else if (F_ECAN_125==1)
        //  125 Kbps @ 32MHz 
        BRGCON1 = 0x0F; //SJW=1TQ     BRP  15
        BRGCON2 = 0x90; //SEG2PHTS 1    sampled once  PS1=3TQ  PropagationT 1TQ  
        BRGCON3 = 0x02; //PS2  3TQ
    else if (F_ECAN_500==1)
       //  125 Kbps @ 32MHz 
        BRGCON1 = 0x03; //SJW=1TQ     BRP  3
        BRGCON2 = 0x90; //SEG2PHTS 1    sampled once  PS1=3TQ  PropagationT 1TQ  
        BRGCON3 = 0x02; //PS2  3TQ
    else if (F_ECAN_1000==1)
        //  1000 Kbps @ 32MHz 
        BRGCON1 = 0x01; //SJW=1TQ     BRP  1
        BRGCON2 = 0x90; //SEG2PHTS 1    sampled once  PS1=3TQ  PropagationT 1TQ  
        BRGCON3 = 0x02; //PS2  3TQ

    // Initialize Receive Masks, see registers RXMxEIDH, RXMxEIDL, etc...
    // Mask 0 (M0) will accept NO extended addresses, but any standard address
    RXM0EIDH = 0x00;    // Extended Address receive acceptance mask, high byte 
    RXM0EIDL = 0x00;    // Extended Address receive acceptance mask, low byte
    RXM0SIDH = 0xFF;    // Standard Address receive acceptance mask, high byte
    RXM0SIDL = 0xE0;    // Standard Address receive acceptance mask, low byte
    // Mode 0 allows use of receiver filters RXF0 through RXF5. Enable filters
    // RXF0 and RXF1, all others disabled. See register RXFCONn.
    //  Only using two filters
    RXFCON0 = 0x01;     //Enable Filter-0; disable others 
    RXFCON1 = 0x00;     //Disable Filters 8 through 15
    // Initialize Receive Filters
    //  Filter 0 = 0x312
    RXF0EIDH = 0x00;    //Extended Address Filter-0 unused, set high byte to 0
    RXF0EIDL = 0x00;    //Extended Address Filter-0 unused, set low byte to 0
    RXF0SIDH = (uint8_t)(0x312>>3);    //Standard Address Filter-0 high byte set to xx 
    RXF0SIDL = (uint8_t)(0x312<<5)&0xE0;    //Standard Address Filter-0 low byte set to xx 
    // After configuring CAN module with above settings, return it
    // to Normal mode
    CANCON = 0x00;
//    while(CANSTATbits.OPMODE!=0x00);        //Wait for op-mode bits in the
    while(CANSTAT != 0X00);                  //CANSTAT register to = 0b000
                                            //to indicate Normal mode OK
    RXB0CON = 0x20;//只接收有效的标准标识符信息
    /* 初始化CAN的中断,PIR5为CAN的外围中断标志寄存器 */  
    PIR5=0X00;               // 清所有CAN中断标志   
    PIE5bits.RXB0IE = 1;     //使能接收缓冲器0的接收中断
    IPR5bits.RXB0IP = 1;     // 接收缓冲器0的接收中断为高优先级   
//    PIR5bits.WAKIF = 0;     //清除CAN总线活动唤醒中断标志
//    PIE5bits.WAKIE = 1;      //允许CAN总线活动唤醒中断
//    IPR5bits.WAKIP = 1;     //CAN总线活动唤醒中断为高优先级

*	函 数 名: CAN_SetMode
*	功能说明: 配置CAN收发器模式
*	形    参:mode 0,正常模式 1,待机模式
*	返 回 值: 无
void CAN_SetMode(uint8_t mode)
    if(mode == 0)

*     Function: Check the buffers to determine if they have messages
*               if so, transfer the info to the temporary-storage
*               variables. Note: Messages to receiver 0 or 1 get saved in
*               the same variables.  This id done for simplicity in
*               this example. You could save messages to separate
*               variables, or in separate arrays, if you wish. 
void ECAN_Receive(CanRxMsg* RxMessage)
    if (RXB0CONbits.RXFUL)      // Check RXB0CON bit RXFUL to see if RX Buffer 0
                                // has received a message, if so, get the
                                // associated data from the buffer and save it.
        /* Get the Id */
        RxMessage->IDE = RXB0SIDLbits.EXID;
        if (RxMessage->IDE == CAN_Id_Standard)
          RxMessage->StdId = (uint16_t)RXB0SIDH<<3 | (RXB0SIDL>>5);

        RxMessage->RTR = RXB0DLCbits.RXRTR;
        /* Get the DLC */
        RxMessage->DLC = RXB0DLC&0x0F;
        /* Get the FMI */
//        RxMessage->FMI = 0x00;
        /* Get the data field */
        RxMessage->Data[0] = RXB0D0;
        RxMessage->Data[1] = RXB0D1;
        RxMessage->Data[2] = RXB0D2;
        RxMessage->Data[3] = RXB0D3;
        RxMessage->Data[4] = RXB0D4;
        RxMessage->Data[5] = RXB0D5;
        RxMessage->Data[6] = RXB0D6;
        RxMessage->Data[7] = RXB0D7;
        RXB0CONbits.RXFUL = 0;      // Reset buffer-0-full bit to show "empty"

*	函 数 名: ECAN_Transmit
*	功能说明: CAN发送报文消息
*	形    参: 无
*	返 回 值: 无
void ECAN_Transmit(CanTxMsg* TxMessage)
    TXB0CONbits.TXREQ = 0;       /* 关发送 ,该位发送成功则自动清零*/   
    if (TxMessage->IDE == CAN_Id_Standard)
        TXB0SIDH = (uint8_t)(TxMessage->StdId>>3);
        TXB0SIDL = (uint8_t)(TxMessage->StdId<<5)&0xE0;
        TXB0SIDLbits.EXIDE = TxMessage->IDE;
        TXB0DLCbits.TXRTR = TxMessage->RTR;
//        TXB0EIDH = TxMessage->ExtId>>8;
//        TXB0EIDL = TxMessage->ExtId;
    TXB0DLC = TxMessage->DLC;
    TXB0D0 = TxMessage->Data[0];
    TXB0D1 = TxMessage->Data[1];
    TXB0D2 = TxMessage->Data[2];
    TXB0D3 = TxMessage->Data[3];
    TXB0D4 = TxMessage->Data[4];
    TXB0D5 = TxMessage->Data[5];
    TXB0D6 = TxMessage->Data[6];
    TXB0D7 = TxMessage->Data[7];
    TXB0CONbits.TXREQ = 1; //Set the buffer to transmit
    //while(TXB0CONbits.TXREQ==1);           //等待发送 完成   

void interrupt high_priority High_ISR(void)
        PIR5bits.WAKIF = 0; 
        PIR5bits.RXB0IF=0;      // 清接收中断标志     

    	if ((g_tCanRxMsg.StdId == 0x312) && (g_tCanRxMsg.IDE == CAN_ID_STD) && (g_tCanRxMsg.DLC == 0x08))
            //	用户自定义	


 * File:   eacn.h
 * Author: Administrator
 * Created on 2017年7月11日, 下午4:33

#ifndef ECAN_H
#define	ECAN_H

#ifdef	__cplusplus
extern "C" {

  * @brief  CAN Tx message structure definition  
#define CAN_Id_Standard             0X00  /*!< Standard Id */
#define CAN_Id_Extended             0X01  /*!< Extended Id */    
#define CAN_RTR_Data                0X00  /*!< Data frame */
#define CAN_RTR_Remote              0X01  /*!< Remote frame */
#define CAN_ID_STD                  CAN_Id_Standard           
#define CAN_ID_EXT                  CAN_Id_Extended
#define CAN_RTR_DATA                CAN_RTR_Data         
#define CAN_RTR_REMOTE              CAN_RTR_Remote
#define CAN_MODE_NORMAL  0  //CAN收发器正常模式
#define CAN_MODE_STANDBY 1  //CAN收发器待机模式
typedef struct
  uint16_t StdId;  /*!< Specifies the standard identifier.
                        This parameter can be a value between 0 to 0x7FF. */

  uint16_t ExtId;  /*!< Specifies the extended identifier.
                        This parameter can be a value between 0 to 0x1FFFFFFF. */

  uint8_t IDE;     /*!< Specifies the type of identifier for the message that 
                        will be transmitted. This parameter can be a value 
                        of @ref CAN_identifier_type */

  uint8_t RTR;     /*!< Specifies the type of frame for the message that will 
                        be transmitted. This parameter can be a value of 
                        @ref CAN_remote_transmission_request */

  uint8_t DLC;     /*!< Specifies the length of the frame that will be 
                        transmitted. This parameter can be a value between 
                        0 to 8 */

  uint8_t Data[8]; /*!< Contains the data to be transmitted. It ranges from 0 
                        to 0xFF. */
} CanTxMsg;

  * @brief  CAN Rx message structure definition  

typedef struct
  uint16_t StdId;  /*!< Specifies the standard identifier.
                        This parameter can be a value between 0 to 0x7FF. */

  uint16_t ExtId;  /*!< Specifies the extended identifier.
                        This parameter can be a value between 0 to 0x1FFFFFFF. */

  uint8_t IDE;     /*!< Specifies the type of identifier for the message that 
                        will be received. This parameter can be a value of 
                        @ref CAN_identifier_type */

  uint8_t RTR;     /*!< Specifies the type of frame for the received message.
                        This parameter can be a value of 
                        @ref CAN_remote_transmission_request */

  uint8_t DLC;     /*!< Specifies the length of the frame that will be received.
                        This parameter can be a value between 0 to 8 */

  uint8_t Data[8]; /*!< Contains the data to be received. It ranges from 0 to 
                        0xFF. */

  uint8_t FMI;     /*!< Specifies the index of the filter the message stored in 
                        the mailbox passes through. This parameter can be a 
                        value between 0 to 0xFF */
} CanRxMsg;

*                        Function Prototypes 
void ECAN_Init(void);
void CAN_SetMode(uint8_t mode);

#ifdef	__cplusplus

#endif	/* ECAN_H */

#define WAKEUP_US_DELAY 200

唤醒后振荡器起振定时时间要大于1024TOSC,TOSC = OSC1周期

*	函 数 名: SysEnterSleep
*	功能说明: 系统进入休眠模式
*	形    参: 无
*	返 回 值: 无
 void SysEnterSleep(void)

    PIR5bits.WAKIF = 0;     //清除CAN总线活动唤醒中断标志
    PIE5bits.WAKIE = 1;     //允许CAN总线活动唤醒中断
    IPR5bits.WAKIP = 1;     //CAN总线活动唤醒中断为高优先级
    CANCON = 0x20;//禁止/休眠模式  
    while(CANSTATbits.OPMODE !=0x01); 

    OSCCONbits.IDLEN = 0;//配置休眠模式
