Problem 39. Which values occur exactly three times?

Cody 上的Problem 39:

function y = threeTimes(x)
  [m,n] = hist(x,unique(x));
  y = n(find(m == 3));



unique函数 去掉矩阵中重复的元素

  • C = unique (A) 获取矩阵A的不同元素构成的向量
    returns the same data as in A, but with no repetitions.

    >> >> A = [9 2 9 5];
    >> >> C = unique (A)
    C =
              2     5     9

  • C = unique (A, 'rows') 获取矩阵A的不同行向量构成的矩阵
    treats each row of A as a single entity and returns the unique rows of A. The rows of the array C are in sorted order.
    The ‘rows’ option does not support cell arrays.

  • [C,ia,ic] = unique (A)

    • If A is a numeric array, logical array, character array, categorical array, or a cell array of strings, then C = A(ia) and A = C(ic).

    • if A is a table, then C = A(ia, :) and A = C(ic, :).

  • [C,ia,ic] = unique (A, 'rows')
    also returns index vectors ia and ic, such that C = A(ia, :) and A = C(ic, :).

    >> >> A = [1 2;6 1;1 2];
    >> >> [C, ia, ic] = unique (A, ‘rows’)
    C =
              1           2
              6           1
    ia =
    ic =

hist函数 用来画直方图

[m, n] = hist (y, x)

y = [1 3 2 2 1 5];
x = [1 3 4 5];
[m, n] = hist (y, x)
m =
         4   1   0   1
n =
         1   3   4   5

Problem 39. Which values occur exactly three times?_第1张图片

y = [1 3 2 2 1 5];
x = [1 2 3 5];
[m, n] = hist (y, x)
m =
         2    2    1    1
n =
         1    2    3    5

Problem 39. Which values occur exactly three times?_第2张图片


会设置图片大小了T T,开心。
