codeforces #625 div.2 C. Remove Adjacent

C. Remove Adjacent

You are given a string s consisting of lowercase Latin letters. Let the length of s be |s|. You may perform several operations on this string.

In one operation, you can choose some index i and remove the i-th character of s (si) if at least one of its adjacent characters is the previous letter in the Latin alphabet for si. For example, the previous letter for b is a, the previous letter for s is r, the letter a has no previous letters. Note that after each removal the length of the string decreases by one. So, the index i should satisfy the condition 1≤i≤|s| during each operation.

For the character si adjacent characters are si−1 and si+1. The first and the last characters of s both have only one adjacent character (unless |s|=1).

Consider the following example. Let s= bacabcab.

During the first move, you can remove the first character s1= b because s2= a. Then the string becomes s= acabcab.
During the second move, you can remove the fifth character s5= c because s4= b. Then the string becomes s= acabab.
During the third move, you can remove the sixth character s6=‘b’ because s5= a. Then the string becomes s= acaba.
During the fourth move, the only character you can remove is s4= b, because s3= a (or s5= a). The string becomes s= acaa and you cannot do anything with it.
Your task is to find the maximum possible number of characters you can remove if you choose the sequence of operations optimally.

The first line of the input contains one integer |s| (1≤|s|≤100) — the length of s.

The second line of the input contains one string s consisting of |s| lowercase Latin letters.

Print one integer — the maximum possible number of characters you can remove if you choose the sequence of moves optimally.


using namespace std;
int main()
   int n;
   string s;
   int sum=0;
   bool vst[205];
   for(int j=25;j>0;j--)//因为a是不可能删除的,所以从z到b即可
       bool ok=false;//判断是否有删除操作
	   for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
	           int ii=i-1;
	               if(vst[ii])  break;
	                if(s[ii]==s[i]-1)  {sum++;vst[i]=false;ok=true;continue;}
	                if(vst[ii]) break;
	                if(s[ii]==s[i]-1)  {sum++;vst[i]=false;ok=true;}
   if(ok)   j++;


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