/** * Submits a job to the job manager. The job is registered at the libraryCacheManager which * creates the job's class loader. The job graph is appended to the corresponding execution * graph and the execution vertices are queued for scheduling. * * @param jobGraph representing the Flink job * @param jobInfo the job info * @param isRecovery Flag indicating whether this is a recovery or initial submission */ private def submitJob(jobGraph: JobGraph, jobInfo: JobInfo, isRecovery: Boolean = false): Unit = { if (jobGraph == null) { jobInfo.notifyClients( decorateMessage(JobResultFailure( new SerializedThrowable( new JobSubmissionException(null, "JobGraph must not be null."))))) } else { val jobId = jobGraph.getJobID val jobName = jobGraph.getName var executionGraph: ExecutionGraph = null try { // Important: We need to make sure that the library registration is the first action, // because this makes sure that the uploaded jar files are removed in case of // unsuccessful try { libraryCacheManager.registerJob(jobGraph.getJobID, jobGraph.getUserJarBlobKeys, jobGraph.getClasspaths) } var userCodeLoader = libraryCacheManager.getClassLoader(jobGraph.getJobID) //加载Jar val restartStrategy = //加载重启策略 Option(jobGraph.getSerializedExecutionConfig() .deserializeValue(userCodeLoader) .getRestartStrategy()) .map(RestartStrategyFactory.createRestartStrategy) .filter(p => p != null) match { case Some(strategy) => strategy case None => restartStrategyFactory.createRestartStrategy() } val jobMetrics = jobManagerMetricGroup match { //生成job manager metric group case Some(group) => group.addJob(jobGraph) match { case (jobGroup:Any) => jobGroup case null => new UnregisteredMetricsGroup() } case None => new UnregisteredMetricsGroup() } val numSlots = scheduler.getTotalNumberOfSlots() //现有的slots数目 // see if there already exists an ExecutionGraph for the corresponding job ID val registerNewGraph = currentJobs.get(jobGraph.getJobID) match { case Some((graph, currentJobInfo)) => executionGraph = graph currentJobInfo.setLastActive() false case None => true } executionGraph = ExecutionGraphBuilder.buildGraph( //build ExecutionGraph executionGraph, jobGraph, flinkConfiguration, futureExecutor, ioExecutor, userCodeLoader, checkpointRecoveryFactory, Time.of(timeout.length, timeout.unit), restartStrategy, jobMetrics, numSlots, log.logger) if (registerNewGraph) { //如果是新的JobGraph,注册到currentJobs currentJobs.put(jobGraph.getJobID, (executionGraph, jobInfo)) } // get notified about job status changes executionGraph.registerJobStatusListener( //jobmananger加到通知listeners new StatusListenerMessenger(self, leaderSessionID.orNull)) jobInfo.clients foreach { //client加到通知listeners // the sender wants to be notified about state changes case (client, ListeningBehaviour.EXECUTION_RESULT_AND_STATE_CHANGES) => val listener = new StatusListenerMessenger(client, leaderSessionID.orNull) executionGraph.registerExecutionListener(listener) executionGraph.registerJobStatusListener(listener) case _ => // do nothing } } catch { //失败 case t: Throwable => log.error(s"Failed to submit job $jobId ($jobName)", t) libraryCacheManager.unregisterJob(jobId) currentJobs.remove(jobId) if (executionGraph != null) { //fail executionGraph } val rt: Throwable = if (t.isInstanceOf[JobExecutionException]) { t } else { new JobExecutionException(jobId, s"Failed to submit job $jobId ($jobName)", t) } jobInfo.notifyClients( decorateMessage(JobResultFailure(new SerializedThrowable(rt)))) //通知提交失败 return } //上面是准备executionGraph,下面是异步提交 // execute the recovery/writing the jobGraph into the SubmittedJobGraphStore asynchronously // because it is a blocking operation future { try { if (isRecovery) { // this is a recovery of a master failure (this master takes over) executionGraph.restoreLatestCheckpointedState(false, false) //加载checkpoint状态 } else { // load a savepoint only if this is not starting from a newer checkpoint // as part of an master failure recovery val savepointSettings = jobGraph.getSavepointRestoreSettings if (savepointSettings.restoreSavepoint()) { //处理savePoint try { val savepointPath = savepointSettings.getRestorePath() val allowNonRestored = savepointSettings.allowNonRestoredState()"Starting job from savepoint '$savepointPath'" + (if (allowNonRestored) " (allowing non restored state)" else "") + ".") // load the savepoint as a checkpoint into the system val savepoint: CompletedCheckpoint = SavepointLoader.loadAndValidateSavepoint( jobId, executionGraph.getAllVertices, savepointPath, executionGraph.getUserClassLoader, allowNonRestored) executionGraph.getCheckpointCoordinator.getCheckpointStore .addCheckpoint(savepoint) // Reset the checkpoint ID counter val nextCheckpointId: Long = savepoint.getCheckpointID + 1"Reset the checkpoint ID to $nextCheckpointId") executionGraph.getCheckpointCoordinator.getCheckpointIdCounter .setCount(nextCheckpointId) executionGraph.restoreLatestCheckpointedState(true, allowNonRestored) } catch { case e: Exception => jobInfo.notifyClients( decorateMessage(JobResultFailure(new SerializedThrowable(e)))) throw new SuppressRestartsException(e) } } try { submittedJobGraphs.putJobGraph(new SubmittedJobGraph(jobGraph, jobInfo)) //存储该JobGraph到zk,ZooKeeperSubmittedJobGraphStore } catch { case t: Throwable => // Don't restart the execution if this fails. Otherwise, the // job graph will skip ZooKeeper in case of HA. jobInfo.notifyClients( decorateMessage(JobResultFailure(new SerializedThrowable(t)))) throw new SuppressRestartsException(t) } } jobInfo.notifyClients( decorateMessage(JobSubmitSuccess(jobGraph.getJobID))) //通知clients提交成功 if (leaderElectionService.hasLeadership) { // There is a small chance that multiple job managers schedule the same job after if // they try to recover at the same time. This will eventually be noticed, but can not be // ruled out from the beginning. // NOTE: Scheduling the job for execution is a separate action from the job submission. // The success of submitting the job must be independent from the success of scheduling // the job."Scheduling job $jobId ($jobName).") executionGraph.scheduleForExecution(scheduler) //开始调度 } else { // Remove the job graph. Otherwise it will be lingering around and possibly removed from // ZooKeeper by this JM. self ! decorateMessage(RemoveJob(jobId, removeJobFromStateBackend = false)) log.warn(s"Submitted job $jobId, but not leader. The other leader needs to recover " + "this. I am not scheduling the job for execution.") } } catch { case t: Throwable => try { } catch { case tt: Throwable => log.error("Error while marking ExecutionGraph as failed.", tt) } } }(context.dispatcher) } }
private boolean tryRestartOrFail() { JobStatus currentState = state; if (currentState == JobStatus.FAILING || currentState == JobStatus.RESTARTING) { synchronized (progressLock) { //锁 final boolean isFailureCauseAllowingRestart = !(failureCause instanceof SuppressRestartsException); final boolean isRestartStrategyAllowingRestart = restartStrategy.canRestart(); //重启策略是否允许重启 boolean isRestartable = isFailureCauseAllowingRestart && isRestartStrategyAllowingRestart; if (isRestartable && transitionState(currentState, JobStatus.RESTARTING)) { restartStrategy.restart(this); return true; } else if (!isRestartable && transitionState(currentState, JobStatus.FAILED, failureCause)) { //如果不允许重启,就failed final ListreasonsForNoRestart = new ArrayList<>(2); if (!isFailureCauseAllowingRestart) { reasonsForNoRestart.add("a type of SuppressRestartsException was thrown"); } if (!isRestartStrategyAllowingRestart) { reasonsForNoRestart.add("the restart strategy prevented it"); }"Could not restart the job {} ({}) because {}.", getJobName(), getJobID(), StringUtils.join(reasonsForNoRestart, " and "), failureCause); postRunCleanup(); return true; } else { // we must have changed the state concurrently, thus we cannot complete this operation return false; } } } else { // this operation is only allowed in the state FAILING or RESTARTING return false; } }
1. ExecutionGraph.jobVertexInFinalState
void jobVertexInFinalState() { synchronized (progressLock) { if (numFinishedJobVertices >= verticesInCreationOrder.size()) { throw new IllegalStateException("All vertices are already finished, cannot transition vertex to finished."); } numFinishedJobVertices++; if (numFinishedJobVertices == verticesInCreationOrder.size()) { //当所有的vertices都已经finished // we are done, transition to the final state JobStatus current; while (true) { current = this.state; if (current == JobStatus.RUNNING) { if (transitionState(current, JobStatus.FINISHED)) { postRunCleanup(); break; } } else if (current == JobStatus.CANCELLING) { if (transitionState(current, JobStatus.CANCELED)) { postRunCleanup(); break; } } else if (current == JobStatus.FAILING) { if (tryRestartOrFail()) { //如果failing,调用tryRestartOrFail break; } // concurrent job status change, let's check again }
2. 显式的调用到
} else if (current == JobStatus.RESTARTING) { this.failureCause = t; if (tryRestartOrFail()) { return; } // concurrent job status change, let's check again }
@Override public void restart(final ExecutionGraph executionGraph) { currentRestartAttempt++; FlinkFuture.supplyAsync(ExecutionGraphRestarter.restartWithDelay(executionGraph, delayBetweenRestartAttempts), executionGraph.getFutureExecutor()); }
public void restart() { try { synchronized (progressLock) { this.currentExecutions.clear(); CollectioncolGroups = new HashSet<>(); for (ExecutionJobVertex jv : this.verticesInCreationOrder) { CoLocationGroup cgroup = jv.getCoLocationGroup(); if(cgroup != null && !colGroups.contains(cgroup)){ cgroup.resetConstraints(); colGroups.add(cgroup); } jv.resetForNewExecution(); } for (int i = 0; i < stateTimestamps.length; i++) { if (i != JobStatus.RESTARTING.ordinal()) { // Only clear the non restarting state in order to preserve when the job was // restarted. This is needed for the restarting time gauge stateTimestamps[i] = 0; } } numFinishedJobVertices = 0; transitionState(JobStatus.RESTARTING, JobStatus.CREATED); // if we have checkpointed state, reload it into the executions if (checkpointCoordinator != null) { checkpointCoordinator.restoreLatestCheckpointedState(getAllVertices(), false, false); } } scheduleForExecution(slotProvider); //加入schedule } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.warn("Failed to restart the job.", t); fail(t); } }
If checkpointing is not enabled, the “no restart” strategy is used. If checkpointing is activated and the restart strategy has not been configured, the fixed-delay strategy is used with Integer.MAX_VALUE
restart attempts.
private void configureCheckpointing() { CheckpointConfig cfg = streamGraph.getCheckpointConfig(); long interval = cfg.getCheckpointInterval(); if (interval > 0) { // check if a restart strategy has been set, if not then set the FixedDelayRestartStrategy if (streamGraph.getExecutionConfig().getRestartStrategy() == null) { // if the user enabled checkpointing, the default number of exec retries is infinite. streamGraph.getExecutionConfig().setRestartStrategy( RestartStrategies.fixedDelayRestart(Integer.MAX_VALUE, DEFAULT_RESTART_DELAY)); } }