Thrust快速入门教程(三)——算法 1

Thrust提供了丰富的常用并行算法。算法的功能与STL中的非常相似,于是我使用了相同的名称(例如thrust::sort std::sort)。







# include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include int main ( void ) { // allocate three device_vectors with 10 elements thrust :: device_vector X (10) ; thrust :: device_vector Y (10) ; thrust :: device_vector Z (10) ; // initialize X to 0,1,2,3, .... thrust :: sequence (X. begin () , X. end ()); // compute Y = -X thrust :: transform (X. begin () , X.end () , Y. begin () , thrust :: negate () ); // fill Z with twos thrust :: fill (Z. begin () , Z. end () , 2); // compute Y = X mod 2 thrust :: transform (X. begin () , X.end () , Z. begin () , Y. begin () , thrust :: modulus () ); // replace all the ones in Y with tens thrust :: replace (Y. begin () , Y. end () , 1, 10) ; // print Y thrust :: copy (Y. begin () , Y. end () , std :: ostream_iterator ( std :: cout , "/n")); return 0; }  

thrust/fuctuional.h中的函数提供了大部分内置代数和比较运算,但是我们想提供更多出色的功能。比如,运算y < - a * x + yxy为向量,a为常数标量。这其实就是我们所熟知的由BLAS提供的SAXPY运算。


struct saxpy_functor { const float a; saxpy_functor ( float _a) : a(_a) {} __host__ __device__ float operator ()( const float & x, const float & y) const { return a * x + y; } }; void saxpy_fast ( float A, thrust :: device_vector & X, thrust :: device_vector < - float >& Y) { // Y <- A * X + Y thrust :: transform (X. begin () , X.end () , Y. begin () , Y. begin () , saxpy_functor (A)); } void saxpy_slow ( float A, thrust :: device_vector & X, thrust :: device_vector < - float >& Y) { thrust :: device_vector temp (X. size ()); // temp <- A thrust :: fill ( temp . begin () , temp . end () , A); // temp <- A * X thrust :: transform (X. begin () , X.end () , temp . begin () , temp . begin () , thrust :: - multiplies () ); // Y <- A * X + Y thrust :: transform ( temp . begin () , temp . end () , Y. begin () , Y. begin () , thrust :: plus < - float >() ); }  





Thrust::transform只支持一个或者两个输入参数的transformations(例如f(x) -> y f(x; y) -> z)。当transformation使用多于两个输入参数的时候需要使用其他方法了。例子arbitrary_transformation展示了使用thrust::zip_interatorthrust::for_each的解决方案。


