

 * @fn      HalLedBlink
 * @brief   Blink the leds
 * @param   leds       - bit mask value of leds to be blinked
 *          numBlinks  - number of blinks
 *          percent    - the percentage in each period where the led
 *                       will be on
 *          period     - length of each cycle in milliseconds
 * @return  None
void HalLedBlink (uint8 leds, uint8 numBlinks, uint8 percent, uint16 period)
#if (defined (BLINK_LEDS)) && (HAL_LED == TRUE)
  uint8 led;
  HalLedControl_t *sts;

  if (leds && percent && period)
    if (percent < 100)
      led = HAL_LED_1;
      leds &= HAL_LED_ALL;
      sts = HalLedStatusControl.HalLedControlTable;

      while (leds)
        if (leds & led)
          /* Store the current state of the led before going to blinking if not already blinking */
          if(sts->mode < HAL_LED_MODE_BLINK )
           preBlinkState |= (led & HalLedState);

          sts->mode  = HAL_LED_MODE_OFF;                    /* Stop previous blink */
          sts->time  = period;                              /* Time for one on/off cycle */
          sts->onPct = percent;                             /* % of cycle LED is on */
          sts->todo  = numBlinks;                           /* Number of blink cycles */
          if (!numBlinks) sts->mode |= HAL_LED_MODE_FLASH;  /* Continuous */
          sts->next = osal_GetSystemClock();                /* Start now */
          sts->mode |= HAL_LED_MODE_BLINK;                  /* Enable blinking */
          leds ^= led;
        led <<= 1;
      // Cancel any overlapping timer for blink events
      osal_stop_timerEx(Hal_TaskID, HAL_LED_BLINK_EVENT);
      osal_set_event (Hal_TaskID, HAL_LED_BLINK_EVENT);
      HalLedSet (leds, HAL_LED_MODE_ON);                    /* >= 100%, turn on */
    HalLedSet (leds, HAL_LED_MODE_OFF);                     /* No on time, turn off */
#elif (HAL_LED == TRUE)
  percent = (leds & HalLedState) ? HAL_LED_MODE_OFF : HAL_LED_MODE_ON;
  HalLedOnOff (leds, percent);                              /* Toggle */
  // HAL LED is disabled, suppress unused argument warnings
  (void) leds;
  (void) numBlinks;
  (void) percent;
  (void) period;
#endif /* BLINK_LEDS && HAL_LED */


leds     - bit mask value of leds to be blinked(表示要闪烁的led)
numBlinks  - number of blinks(闪烁的次数)
percent    - the percentage in each period where the ledwill be on(每个闪烁周期内led亮占得百分比,一般取50%,如果大于等于100%就等于点亮该led,而不是闪烁)
period     - length of each cycle in milliseconds(每次闪烁周期长度)
