
// Upgrade NOTE: replaced 'mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP,*)' with 'UnityObjectToClipPos(*)'

Shader "Unity Shaders Book/Chapter 13/Edge Detection Normals And Depth" {
    Properties {
        _MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
        _EdgeOnly ("Edge Only", Float) = 1.0
        _EdgeColor ("Edge Color", Color) = (0, 0, 0, 1)
        _BackgroundColor ("Background Color", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
        _SampleDistance ("Sample Distance", Float) = 1.0
        _Sensitivity ("Sensitivity", Vector) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
    SubShader {
        #include "UnityCG.cginc"
        sampler2D _MainTex;
        half4 _MainTex_TexelSize;
        fixed _EdgeOnly;
        fixed4 _EdgeColor;
        fixed4 _BackgroundColor;
        float _SampleDistance;
        half4 _Sensitivity;
        sampler2D _CameraDepthNormalsTexture;
        struct v2f {
            float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
            half2 uv[5]: TEXCOORD0;
        v2f vert(appdata_img v) {
            v2f o;
            o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
            half2 uv = v.texcoord;
            o.uv[0] = uv;
            #if UNITY_UV_STARTS_AT_TOP
            if (_MainTex_TexelSize.y < 0)
                uv.y = 1 - uv.y;
            o.uv[1] = uv + _MainTex_TexelSize.xy * half2(1,1) * _SampleDistance;
            o.uv[2] = uv + _MainTex_TexelSize.xy * half2(-1,-1) * _SampleDistance;
            o.uv[3] = uv + _MainTex_TexelSize.xy * half2(-1,1) * _SampleDistance;
            o.uv[4] = uv + _MainTex_TexelSize.xy * half2(1,-1) * _SampleDistance;
            return o;
        half CheckSame(half4 center, half4 sample) {
            half2 centerNormal = center.xy;
            float centerDepth = DecodeFloatRG(center.zw);
            half2 sampleNormal = sample.xy;
            float sampleDepth = DecodeFloatRG(sample.zw);
            // difference in normals
            // do not bother decoding normals - there's no need here
            half2 diffNormal = abs(centerNormal - sampleNormal) * _Sensitivity.x;
            int isSameNormal = (diffNormal.x + diffNormal.y) < 0.1;
            // difference in depth
            float diffDepth = abs(centerDepth - sampleDepth) * _Sensitivity.y;
            // scale the required threshold by the distance
            int isSameDepth = diffDepth < 0.1 * centerDepth;
            // return:
            // 1 - if normals and depth are similar enough
            // 0 - otherwise
            return isSameNormal * isSameDepth ? 1.0 : 0.0;
        fixed4 fragRobertsCrossDepthAndNormal(v2f i) : SV_Target {
            half4 sample1 = tex2D(_CameraDepthNormalsTexture, i.uv[1]);
            half4 sample2 = tex2D(_CameraDepthNormalsTexture, i.uv[2]);
            half4 sample3 = tex2D(_CameraDepthNormalsTexture, i.uv[3]);
            half4 sample4 = tex2D(_CameraDepthNormalsTexture, i.uv[4]);
            half edge = 1.0;
            edge *= CheckSame(sample1, sample2);
            edge *= CheckSame(sample3, sample4);
            fixed4 withEdgeColor = lerp(_EdgeColor, tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv[0]), edge);
            fixed4 onlyEdgeColor = lerp(_EdgeColor, _BackgroundColor, edge);
            return lerp(withEdgeColor, onlyEdgeColor, _EdgeOnly);
        Pass { 
            ZTest Always Cull Off ZWrite Off
            #pragma vertex vert  
            #pragma fragment fragRobertsCrossDepthAndNormal
    FallBack Off

取自《Unity Shader 入门精要》

