
 * @fn      osal_start_system
 * @brief
 *   This function is the main loop function of the task system.  It
 *   will look through all task events and call the task_event_processor()
 *   function for the task with the event.  If there are no events (for
 *   all tasks), this function puts the processor into Sleep.
 *   This Function doesn't return.
 * @param   void
 * @return  none



void osal_start_system( void )
#if !defined ( ZBIT ) && !defined ( UBIT )
  for(;;)  // Forever Loop
    uint8 idx = 0;
    osalTimeUpdate();  //扫描哪个事件被触发了,然后置相应的标志位
    Hal_ProcessPoll();  // This replaces MT_SerialPoll() and osal_check_timer().
    do {
      if (tasksEvents[idx])  // Task is highest priority that is ready.
        break;           //得到待处理的最高优先级任务索引号  idx
    } while (++idx < tasksCnt);

    if (idx < tasksCnt)
      uint16 events;
      halIntState_t intState;

      HAL_ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION(intState);  //进入临界区,保护
      events = tasksEvents[idx];            //提取需要处理的任务中的事件
      tasksEvents[idx] = 0;  // Clear the Events for this task.清除本次任务的事件
      HAL_EXIT_CRITICAL_SECTION(intState);   //退出临界区

      events = (tasksArr[idx])( idx, events );  ///通过指针调用任务处理函数,关键

      HAL_ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION(intState);   ///进入临界区
      tasksEvents[idx] |= events;  // Add back unprocessed events to the current task.保存未处理的事件
      HAL_EXIT_CRITICAL_SECTION(intState);   //退出临界区
#if defined( POWER_SAVING )
    else  // Complete pass through all task events with no activity?
      osal_pwrmgr_powerconserve();  // Put the processor/system into sleep
