2)monit可以监控到各种服务器的网络链接,本地或者远程,TCP还是UDP,Unix DomainSockets 都支持
4)Monit可以用来监控一般的系统资源,比如CPU使用,内存,以及负载均值(Load Acerage)
## Monit control file
# 检查周期,默认为2分钟,可以根据需要自行调节,这里把它改成30秒。
set daemon 30
# 日志文件
set logfile /var/log/monit.log
# 邮件通知服务器
#set mailserver mail.example.com
set mailserver localhost
# 通知邮件的格式设置,下面是默认格式供参考
set mail-format { from:[email protected] }
# 设置邮件通知接收者。建议发到gmail,方便邮件过滤。
set alert [email protected]
set httpd port 2812 and # 设置http监控页面的端口
use address www.example.com #http监控页面的IP或域名
allow localhost # 允许本地访问
allow # 允许此IP段访问
##allow # 允许任何IP段,不建议这样干
allow userxxx:passwordxxx # 访问用户名密码
# 系统整体运行状况监控,默认的就可以,可以自己去微调
# 系统名称,可以是IP或域名
check system www.example.com
if loadavg (1min) > 4 then alert
if loadavg (5min) > 2 then alert
if memory usage > 75% then alert
if cpu usage (user) > 70% then alert
if cpu usage (system) > 30% then alert
if cpu usage(wait) > 20% then alert
# 监控nginx
# 需要提供进程pid文件信息
check process nginx with pidfile/var/run/nginx.pid
start program = "/etc/init.d/nginx start"
stop program ="/etc/init.d/nginx stop"
if failed host www.example.com port 80 protocol http then restart
if 3 restartswithin 5 cycles then timeout
# 如果程序使用cpu和内存比较厉害,额外添加一些关于这方面的监控设置
if cpu > 50% for 2 cycles then alert
if cpu > 70% for 5 cycles then restart
if totalmem > 1500 MB for 10 cycles thenrestart
if children > 250 then restart
if loadavg(5min) greater than 10 for 20cycles then stop
if failed host www.example.com port 8080protocol http then restart
if 3 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout
group server
include /etc/monit.d/* # 可以将其他配置放到这个目录里包含进来
# monit -t -c /etc/monitrc
Control file syntax OK
2)对于spawn-fcgi,很多人会用它来管理PHP的fast-cgi进程,但spawn-fcgi本身也是有可能挂掉的,所以还是需要用 monit来监控spawn-fcgi。spawn-fcgi必须带-P参数才会有pid文件,而且fast-cgi走的不是http协议,monit的 protocol参数也没有cgi对应的设置,一定要去掉protocol http这项设置才管用。
# monit -c /etc/monitrc
其中:-c选项也可以不加,不加monit默认会从~/monitrc、/etc/monitrc两个位置去找配置文件。其他相关参数可通过 monit -h查看。启动完成后,可以通过http://IP:2812(端口可以在配置文件中进行更改)查看具体监控信息(默认用户名和密码是admin /monit)。
# monit -h
Usage: monit [options] {arguments}
Options are as follows:
-cfile Use this control file
-dn Run as a daemon once per nseconds
-gname Set group name for start,stop, restart, monitor and unmonitor
-llogfile Print log information to thisfile
-ppidfile Use this lock file in daemonmode
-sstatefile Set the file monit shouldwrite state information to
-I Do not run in background (needed for run from init)
-t Run syntax check for the control file
-v Verbose mode, work noisy (diagnostic output)
-H[filename] Print SHA1 and MD5 hashes of the file or of stdin if the
filename is omited; monit willexit afterwards
-V Print version number and patchlevel
-h Print this text
Optional action arguments for non-daemonmode are as follows:
start all - Start all services
start name - Only start the named service
stopall - Stop all services
stopname - Only stop the named service
restart all - Stop and start all services
restart name - Only restart the named service
monitorall - Enable monitoring of allservices
monitor name - Only enable monitoring of the named service
unmonitor all - Disable monitoring of all services
unmonitor name - Only disable monitoring ofthe named service
reload - Reinitialize monit
status - Print full status information for each service
summary - Print short status information for each service
quit - Kill monit daemon process
validate - Check all services and start if not running
(Action arguments operate on servicesdefined in the control file)
注:详细帮忙文件可以通过less monit-5.5/man/man1/monit.1 查看man手册。也可以查看官方wiki页面上的帮助文档。
Monit使用C语言编写而成,处理效率非常的高,占用资源非常少(几乎不占用资源),配置参数十分的简单,只使用几个if … then…语句就可以完成监控任务。尤其适用于对某些进程进行守护。例如:在检测到http服务不正常时,自动重启apache或nginx 。但监控功能上相对于nagios略显简单。