A Tour of C++笔记




但是不知自己是头脑进水还是怎么的,无法追随自己的内心。本科毕业去读研究生,专业又是和程序设计没啥关系。但是自己还是强扭着要在自己的研究领域里做程序设计,此时的主要工具变成了Matlab和C++。C++变的有些生疏了,好些新的特性都不知道,也没有再系统的学习了,用到哪stack overflow到哪。毕业论文就是这样硬生生磨出了几万行C++程序。






于是又开始重新学习,补充C++的知识,练习新的技巧,学习CS的专业课程,一点一点的提高。前日在youtube上看了Bjarne的CPPCON的演讲,推荐他自己写的新书。于是我又一次,自己掏钱买下了这本《A Tour of C++》,虽然电脑上有这本书的PDF,但是我感觉自己不再是那个没有收入的学生了,不能这样随意获取别人的劳动成果,更何况这是创造了我所知道的这一切的人,没有道理不表达我的感激和支持。



2 User-Defined Types

构造函数的Member initializer list 可以用花括号代替圆括号。

enum class:

enum class Color { red, blue, green }; 
enum class Traffic_light { green, yellow, red }; 
Color color = Color::red;
Color redColor = Traffic_light::red; // Error;
int i = Color::red; // Error.
color = 1; // Error.
Color otherColor {0}; // OK.
Color anotherColor = Color{0}; // OK.

这样red就有了一个scope,不会和其他red名称混淆。于此同时,enum class是具有类型约束的,不再与整型变量实现自动转换。

3 Modularity

Translation unit: A .cpp file that is compiled by itself (including the h files it #includes) is called a translation unit. A program can consist of many thousand translation units.

C++20: module
目前尚没有变成ISO C++,但是貌似已经可以使用了。

module不同于#include,module只编译一次,存在于一个translation unit。在cpp中import module的次序不影响被import的module之间的实现。在import 一个module时,不会隐式import module的import。


using namespace std;


using std::swap;




如何界定一个expected error和一个failure that needs throwing an exception是有些模糊的,作者推荐了一些思路:


  • 非常少见的错误,例如printf()函数的错误。
  • Immediate caller难以处理的错误,或者是系统级的错误,例如网络异常,内存异常。
  • 某些实现转移到了子module,自module中可抛出异常?
  • 构造函数发生错误。
  • 没有返回值可以用做error code, 或者修改函数接口过于困难。
  • 软件设计为有一个集中处理error的结构。此时其他函数都不需要一直检查函数的执行状态。
  • recover 依赖于其他函数的执行情况?
  • callback函数,原因是调用点只有function abstraction,所以要求调用点对异常进行处理不合适。
  • 错误需要“undo”?


assert()只在debug mode下起作用。

3.6.2 Value Return

Default move constructor 是怎样工作的?
Default move assignment operator 是怎样工作的?

3.6.3 Structured Binding

struct Entry {
	string name;
	int value; 
Entry read_entry(istream& is) {
	string s;
	int i;
	is >> s >> i;
	return {s,i}; 
auto [n,v] = read_entry(is);

上述代码中利用return {s, i};来完成返回值的构造。从函数返回的值可以通过auto [ n, v ]进行unpack。这种binding也可以用在一些container上

void incr(map<string,int>& m) {
	for (auto& [key,value] : m)

3.7 Advice

Don’t put a using-directive in a header file.

4 Classes

4.2.1 An Arithmetic Type

Simple operations must be inlined.

4.2.3 Initializing Containers

可以使用initializer-list constructor来创建container。

4.3 Abstract Types

class Container { 
	virtual double& operator[](int) = 0;     // pure virtual functionvirtual 
	int size() const = 0; 
	virtual ~Container() {}

对于所有pure virtual function,子class必须实现这些接口。

Abstract class可以没有构造函数,因为可能没有东西需要初始化。


4.5.2 Hierarchy Navigation

一般使用dynamic_cast的场合是,函数接口接收一个base class的指针,传入函数的object又会被该函数返回回来,此时,需要用dynamic_cast来恢复。

4.5.3 Avoiding Resource Leaks

The code using unique_ptr will be exactly as efficient as code using the raw pointers correctly.

5. Essential Operations

5.1.1 Essential Operations

如果一个class需要一个non-trivial的析构函数,那么这个类很可能需要定义一整套构造函数和assignment operator。

class X { 
	X(Sometype);            // "ordinary constructor": create an object
	X();                    // default constructorX(const X&);            // copy constructor
	X(X&&);                 // move constructor
	X& operator=(const X&); // copy assignment: clean up target and copy
	X& operator=(X&&);      // move assignment: clean up target and move
	~X();                   // destructor: clean up
	// ... 


5.1.2 Convertions

A constructor taking a single argument defines a conversion from its argument type.

complex z1 = 3.14;  // z1 becomes {3.14,0.0}
Vector v1 = 7; // OK: v1 has 7 elements 


class Vector { 
	explicit Vector(int s);    // no implicit conversion from int to Vector
	// ... 

此时Vector v1 = 7; 将会报错。
Use explicit for constructors that take a single argument unless there is a good reason not to.

5.1.3 Member Initializer

Default member initializer.

class complex {
	double re = 0;
	double im = 0; // representation: two doubles with default value 0.0

5.3 Resource Management

对于vector,可使用vector.push_back(std::move(object))来避免出现argument copy。在push_back内部,object不会被再次复制。

5.4.1 Comparisons

To give identical treatment to both operands of a binary operator, such as ==, it is best defined as a free-standing function in the namespace of its class.

5.4.4 User-Defined Literals

literal operator ""

constexpr complex<double> operator""i(long double arg)     // imaginary literal 
	return {0, arg}; 


complex<double> z = 2.7182818+6.283185i; 

5.5 Advice

Return containers by value (relying on move for efficiency).

6 Templates

6.2.2 Value Template Arguments

Value arguments are useful in many contexts. For example, Buffer allows us to create arbitrarily sized buffers with no use of the free store (dynamic memory):

Buffer<char,1024> glob;  // global buffer of characters (statically allocated) 
void fct() {
	Buffer<int,10> buf; // local buffer of integers (on the stack)
	// ... 

A template value argument must be a constant expression.

6.3.1 Function Templates

A function template can be a member function, but not a virtual member.

6.3.2 Function Objects

Or called functor.

template<typename T> class Less_than {
	const T val;   // value to compare against 
	Less_than(const T& v) :val{v} { }
	bool operator()(const T& x) const { return x<val; } // call operator

template<typename C, typename P>
	// requires Sequence && Callable> 
int count(const C& c, P pred) {
	int cnt = 0;
	for (const auto& x : c)
		if (pred(x))++cnt;
	return cnt; 

void f(const Vector<int>& vec, const list<string>& lst, int x, const string& s) {
	cout << "number of values less than " << x << ": " << count(vec,Less_than{x}) << '\n';
	cout << "number of values less than " << s << ": " << count(lst,Less_than{s}) << '\n'; 

A predicate is something that we can invoke to return true or false. Also, for a simple function object like Less_than, inlining is simple, so a call of Less_than is far more efficient than an indirect function call. The ability to carry data plus their efficiency makes function objects particularly useful as arguments to algorithms

6.3.3 Lambda Expressions

“Using lambdas can be convenient and terse, but also obscure. For nontrivial actions (say, more than a simple expression), I prefer to name the operation so as to more clearly state its purpose and to make it available for use in several places in a program."

6.4 Template Mechanisms

6.4.2 Aliases

template<typename T> class Vector { 
	using value_type = T;// ... 

template<typename C> 
using Value_type = typename C::value_type;     // the type of C's elements 

template<typename Container> 
void algo(Container& c) {
	Vector<Value_type<Container>> vec;        // keep results here
	// ... 


6.5 Adivce

Use a lambda if you need a simple function object in one place only.
Use template aliases to simplify notation and hide implementation details.

7. Concepts


8. Library Overview


9. Strings and Regular Expressions

9.2 Strings

Returning even long strings by value is efficient.

void m2(string& s1, string& s2) {
	s1 = s1 + '\n';  // append newline
	s2 += '\n';      // append newline, may be more efficient

String literal and auto.

auto s = "Cat"s;   // a std::string 
auto p = "Dog";    // a C-style string: a const char* 

9.2.1 string Implementation

Short string optimization, how many characters can a “short” string have? That’s implementation defined, but “about 14 characters” isn’t a bad guess.

9.4 Rgular Expressions

写pattern时,使用raw string literal R"()",此时可以直接书写\而不需要escape。

9.5 Advice

推荐使用stringstream进行generic value extraction。

10 Input and Output

10.5 I/O of User-Defined Types

The is>>c skips whitespace by default, but is.get(c) . 这里is是一个istream 对象。

10.7 File Streams


ofstream ofs {"target"};               // "o" for "output" 
if (!ofs)
	error("couldn't open 'target' for writing"); 

10.10 File System

C++目前已经提供了很多新的standard library. 就是其中一个,和boost的filesystem package很像。boost和c++的标准库是不是有什么内在联系?

path p {"abc/def/ghi.jkl"};
ofstream f {p};



10.11 Advice

Use cout for normal output and cerr for errors.

11 Containers


vector<double> v ( 32, 9.9 ); // size is 32, initial value is 9.9
vector<double> v { 32, 9.9 }; // size is 2, initial values are 32 and 9.9


11.2.1 Elements

当使用vector存储具有继承关系,并利用了virtual function实现多态的对象时,应当存储对象的指针,也可存储对象的unique_ptr<>。

11.2.2 Range Checking


11.4 map

标准库里map是一个binary search tree。unordered_map是一个hash table。

11.7 Advice

  • When it comes to performance, don’t trust your intuition: measure;
  • Pass a container by reference and return a container by value;
  • For a container, use the ()-initializer syntax for sizes and the {}-initializer syntax for lists of element

12 Algorithms

12.1 Introduction


void f(vector<Entry>& vec, list<Entry>& lst) 
	sort(vec.begin(),vec.end());                      // use < for order
	unique_copy(vec.begin(),vec.end(),lst.begin());   // don't copy adjacent equal elements 

上述代码要求Entry定义了<== operator。对于复制到新的container的情况

list<Entry> f(vector<Entry>& vec) {
	list<Entry> res;
	unique_copy(vec.begin(),vec.end(),back_inserter(res));     // append to resreturn res; 

12.2 Use of Iterators

有iterator的场合适合使用template alias

template < typename T >
usiing Iterator = typename T::iterator; // T's iterator.

template<typename C, typename V> 
vector<Iterator<C>> find_all(C& c, V v)        // find all occurrences of v in c {
	vector<Iterator<C>> res;
	for (auto p = c.begin(); p!=c.end(); ++p)
		if (*p==v)
	return res;

Iterators are used to separate algorithms and containers.

12. 6 Algorithm Overview

作者给algorithm的简单定义是” an algorithm is a function template operating on sequences of elements. “

12.10 Advice

When writing a loop, consider whether it could be expressed as a general algorithm. 这条很有意思,loop的情况符合上面作者给algorithm下的定义。

13 Utilities

13.2.1 unique_ptr and shared_ptr


struct S {
	int i;
	string s;
	double d;
	// ... 

auto p1 = make_shared<S>(1,"Ankh Morpork",4.65);    // p1 is a shared_ptr 
auto p2 = make_unique<S>(2,"Oz",7.62);              // p2 is a unique_ptr 

unique_ptr 和move

void f1() {
	auto p = make_unique<int>(2);
	auto q = move(p);       // p now holds nullptr// ... 

13.4 Specialized Containers


  • tuple: A sequence of an arbitrary number of elements of arbitrary types.
  • valarray: An array of numeric values of type T; provides numeric operations.

13.4.1 array
compile time需要知道array的大小。

array<int> ax = {1,2,3};     // error size not specified


void h() {
	Circle a1[10];
	array<Circle,10> a2;// ...
	Shape* p1 = a1;    // OK: disaster waiting to happen
	Shape* p2 = a2;    // error: no conversion of array to Shape*
	p1[3].draw();      // disaster 


13.4.3 pairand tuple

tuple<string,int,double> t1 {"Shark",123,3.14};    // the type is explicitly specified 
auto t2 = make_tuple(string{"Herring"},10,1.23);   // the type is deduced to tuple 
tuple t3 {"Cod"s,20,9.99};                         // the type is deduced to tuple 


string s = get<0>(t1);      // get the first element: "Shark" 
int x = get<1>(t1);         // get the second element: 123 
double d = get<2>(t1);      // get the third element: 3.14 


auto s = get<string>(t1);     // get the string: "Shark" 
auto x = get<int>(t1);        // get the int: 123 
auto d = get<double>(t1);     // get the double: 3.14 

// Can also be used to write values.
get<string>(t1) = "Tuna";    // write to the string 
get<int>(t1) = 7;            // write to the int 
get<double>(t1) = 312;       // write to the double

14 Numerics

14.3.1 Parallel Algorithms


vector<double> v {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9999.99999}; 
auto s = reduce(v.begin(),v.end());      // calculate the sum using a double as the accumulator 
vector<double> large; 
// ... fill large with lots of values ... 
auto s2 = reduce(par_unseq,large.begin(),large.end()); // calculate the sum using available parallelism

15 Concurrency

15.5 Sharing Data

void f() {
	scoped_lock lck {mutex1,mutex2,mutex3};   // acquire all three locks// ... manipulate shared data ... 
}// implicitly release all mutexes 

This scoped_lockwill proceed only after acquiring all its mutexes arguments and will never block (“go to sleep”) while holding a mutex. The destructor for scoped_lock ensures that the mutexes are released when a thread leaves the scope.

Shared mutex,在单一写,多读取的结构中可以使用。

shared_mutex mx;          // a mutex that can be shared 
void reader() {
	shared_lock lck {mx};       // willing to share access with other readers
	// ... read ... 

void writer() {
	unique_lock lck {mx};       // needs exclusive (unique) access
	// ... write ...

16 History and Compatibility Style Problems

Don’t declare a variable before you need it and initialize it immediately.
