【神的儿子耶稣基督:万王之王,万主之主】Son, king of kings, Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ
0182 – 1992.8.6 8:51 (英语,方言)
The time has arrived where you'll have to confront the problem, the situation with the lady that's ill. Be patient, be wise, be strong, be brave. For the hour is at hand when she will call. That will be a sign of a confirmation, a sign of deliverance for what is hard will be broken for what is soft and gentle will be increased. For the Eyes of Jehovah sees what is soft and gentle and loving. For the day of reckoning, the day of accomplishing the will of God is at hand. The Ark is in place. The Ark will be the beginning of a new life for the Saints of Jehovah. For My Son, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ of Nazareth will be at the appointed time with the Ark. For when the cloud approaches your Planet the miraculous will occur. The clean, the righteous, the pure in heart will be instantly taken onto the Ark. The REST will go through the TRIALS, the TRIBULATIONS which will be the FINAL CLEANING OF THE BODY OF THE PLANET.
For Jehovah wants only what's CLEAN, only what's PURE, only what's RIGHTEOUS. Satan will be bound and sent to Gehenna with his angels, with his saints. For the day of Satan will come to a close on the battlefields between right and wrong; good and evil. The slaughter, the blood of bodies will be scattered all over the Planet. For Jehovah will show the Planet earth the Wrath of God, of everything that is evil will be corrected once and for all, for the hour has come. The hour is here that Satan will be turned loose. The wild dog, the mad dog will run to all four corners of the world with his sharp pointed teeth, with his sloppy slobbering tongue waiting to devour anything that moves with the power and the force of Satan. He will kill. He will maim. He will destroy whatever suits him. The pride and ego of Satan has entered him, to the intensity that, he is one with the devil himself.
For this cleaning to be complete, the Pure and the Righteous that are left will be tested for their faith, their love of God. Their obedience will be tested to the maximum. So the Body of Christ has to come together, they have to make themselves strong. They have to make themselves brave. For the hour of the Beast, for the hour of Satan, for the hour of everything that is evil will befall this Planet. So the Body of Christ must UNITE AS A STRONG FORCE. You must swallow your Pride. You must swallow your Ego. You have to look for your brothers and sisters wherever they might be. For the mad dog is loose and he is hungry. He has the hunger for My Lambs, My Sheep. You have to make the Body of Christ strong. The Power of the Holy Spirit is there. The Holy Spirit will help you, but you have to swallow the pride, the ego. Everything that belongs to Satan has to be cast off. For the times ahead will be the testing ground and the final end of Satan, Lucifer in the pit, in Gehenna.
Come ye O faithful People. Come ye O faithful people. Listen to My Father Jehovah. Listen to My Father Jehovah. He is telling you what is right. He is showing you the narrow Path, the correct Path to Heaven. Listen to My Heavenly Father. I plead with you, My Lambs, My Sheep. The Holy Spirit is there, will guide you, will direct you. You have to swallow the Pride, the Ego, the Vanity. Look for your brothers and sisters. Trust in God. This is Jesus Christ of Nazareth, your King of Kings, your Lord of Lords. The day is upon you where the devil will try to eat you with the jaws, with the power of Satan. Do not be afraid for the Power and the Glory is on your side. You have to TRUST IN YOUR GOD. Listen to Jehovah. The Holy Spirit will guide you.
Jesus Christ will return at the appointed time, for We will not abandon My Sheep, My Lambs. For what belongs to the Father belongs to Me. What belongs to Me belongs to the Father. What the Father loves, I love. The Power of the Holy Spirit will bind it. Bring it together, through knowledge, through wisdom, through the Power of God. Open your eyes. Open your ears We are there. We Three are One. We three are One. This is Jesus Christ of Nazareth giving you a Loving message, be strong, be brave. I will be at the Place, at the Hour that My Father wants Me to be. Never forget that! We will never abandon a single Sheep, a single Lamb, at any Time, at any Place, for any Reason. Remember that My Sheep, My Lambs. No matter what happens. No matter what happens you ALWAYS have the love of God on your side with love and affection. I tell you these things.
1. 提摩太前书6:15-16
2. 启示录17:14
3. 启示录19:16